Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Mishmash

Paco was sent a gift last week and immediately went into full Zoolander mode:
 Strike a pose...
 I iz dragon.
 Wate...dis dragon iz eating my hed.
As always, a model likes to eat after his session is finished - cookie reward for the win!

I guess I've made Paco pose so often while modeling my finished knitted creations that he didn't even protest when I put the costume on him.  My dog, he makes me laugh!


So while being made to wear a costume doesn't irritate Paco, this bugs him to no end:
He was all comfy, laying on my lap, when Kip decided he had to join in...much growling ensued, but Kippers held his ground.
Portrait of a beleaguered dog.  And a cat who is inwardly gloating.


Last Saturday our oldest turned 28.  I'm not even going to get into how that can be possible, because I don't feel old enough to have a 28-year-old!  Jeff and I took ourselves out to dinner to celebrate being parents - hey, just because the kid lives on the other side of the country doesn't mean we can't celebrate, right?  We splurged and each got dessert, and upon hearing about the occasion, our waitress suggested taking a picture and sending it to our son:
Cannoli for Jeff and a three-layer chocolate dessert for me.  So good!  I ended up taking home about half of my dinner and half of my dessert - loved not feeling like I was going to explode after dinner, and I also really enjoyed having that dessert a second time!


Speaking of birthdays, tomorrow is my Dad's birthday - so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dad!


Lori's 5th Annual Healthy Heart Weekend begins today - it's not too late to sign up and do an activity (I, of course, will be running), and you could win a prize!  She's giving away some pretty cool stuff, including a hat that she commissioned from me:
Pink and gray stripes - I am loving stripes lately!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ah poor Paco LOL the costume is great but he doesn't look too happy with it :) and the photo with Kip and him is adorable.

    Happy belated birthday to your oldest and happy birthday to your Dad.

    Love the hat and that you made it for Lori's healthy heart weekend.

    Have a great weekend sweety.

    1. Paco has never dressed up for Halloween, but I'm thinking this is his year. Now if I could only trust him to not bark at and scare the kids (honestly, their costumes scare him, but you know the drill...bark first and wag tail later).

  2. from Queen Sophie the Dachshund:
    "Oh, my dear dear Prince. What have they done to you? You were meant to SLAY dragons, not dress up as one!" your Queen forever, Sophie "P.S. Phffft on that rotten cat. I cannot understand why the two legged creatures are willing to degrade themselves by consorting with such riff raff. Your loyalty in not abandoning ship is to be commended."

  3. I can't tell if Paco's look says Blue Steel or "I'm going to poop in your shoe later for this"!! :) He does make a mighty fine model though!

    1. Paco is a good model. He knows the sound of the camera turning on and gets right in front, no matter what I'm trying to photograph!

  4. Kip is all, "I get to share mom too Paco, move over!" Your pets are quite entertaining. I know I have one of your hats but I'm secretly hoping I win that one too!

  5. I know what you mean - Hannah is going to be 23 next month and I don't feel old enough to have a kid that age - while some of my friends from high school have kids just starting 1st grade this year!

    Happy Bday to your Papa - I forgot to mention the Heart Healthy Weekend on my blog - dammit - need to fix that!

  6. Blue Steel!!!

    Thanks for the HHW shout-out!

  7. I made that same hat in blue and grey.

  8. OMG the war for your love between Kip and Paco is so very familiar...although in my case it is usually Abby who ruins George's lap time. Hee!

  9. OMG...I'm laughing so hard at your animals!!!!! and the "Zoolander mode" comment. Shelley, you crack me up!!!


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