Monday, February 16, 2015

It's (Still) Not Easy

You'd think it would be easy for me by now.  You'd think that after so many years of exercising on a regular basis, I'd have no trouble getting back into a routine of going to the gym.  I mean, why not?  I like doing the 30-minute circuit, and I really like the results I see in the way of a more toned body, and feel in the form of being strong.  And yet, I've only been to Planet Fitness once in the last three weeks.  I do well when I'm on autopilot, but that switch has been turned off and I can't seem to get it flipped back on.  Yes, I'm still running (and enjoying it), but to get the look I want, I need to be doing more - hence the gym.

The same goes for my eating.  I've been doing this for coming up on seven years now, but I find myself taking a lackadaisical approach to meals (except for breakfast - I have that covered).  But if I don't eat a decent lunch, I start scavenging for food a couple of hours later, and the same goes for dinner.  I think the combination of my inherent laziness plus the fact that I just don't like to cook, is working against me.  The end result is that I feel more blobby than usual...which is not exactly the look I'm going for.

I'm not perfect in my weight management/maintenance, nor in my exercise.  I could be doing better, and I know it. Lately it feels like there have been too many days when I just can't seem to get it together, and I've been pretty frustrated with that.  While I'm fairly sure this is just a phase and I'll probably snap out of it soon, it's not a particularly fun place to be.

Am I doing anything about this?  Well, sort of.  Instead of doing the typical self-flagellation, I'm asking myself what can I do to make today better?  I know it sounds kind of hokey, but I would do this for a friend who is struggling, so why not for me?  I'm trying some baby step-type things, like carrying around a water bottle again and making sure I drink enough to have to refill it 3 or 4 times a day.  And I've been grocery shopping and purchased some easy/quick/healthy-ish food, so I'm eating a bit more well-rounded meals.  Still haven't made it back to PF, but hey - tomorrow's a new day, right?


  1. I think everyone will recognize this. I know I do. Sometimes you just get tired of watching everything you eat and exercise regularly. Sometimes you just want to be lazy without consequences. Unfortunately for us that has consequences.

    I'm slowly getting back into routine, my eating can be better but like you I take it one day at a time and I don't beat myself up over it anymore.

    I know you for years now and I'm sure you'll get back to routine sooner or later. Good luck.

  2. Hang in there! This time of year it is easy to get complacent and fall out of a routine.

  3. Your pattern sounds so familiar to me, which is why I do the weekend cooking that I do. I call it self-defense cooking because left to my own devices, I would grab anything and everything. By simply making one extra meal on the weekend, when I get ready to grab, the food is done. One tip that the lifestyle coach who was at my job last year gave us is to have 3-5 go-to meals. So just like you have your breakfast covered, come up with 3 things that you can either make ahead for your own version of grab and eat, or that will come together quickly. She even suggested that we write them down and put them on the fridge so it's right there in the face. Maybe that would work for you. As far as the exercise, I can see that. Some of that might be due to still recovering from weeks and weeks of training then doing 2 half marathons. You'll get there, I know you will!

    1. Might could be from all that half marathon training, yes. But I'm still running, LOL. It's the other stuff that I just can't quite get a grip on.

  4. Baby steps are where it is at Shelley, and pretty soon all those baby steps will turn into full blown adult strides! Here's my idea for you - buy a rotisserie chicken on Monday. Cut off as much meat as you can and stick it in a ziploc bag. Now you have chicken to make wraps for lunches, you can make chicken tacos, add chicken to a bag of salad, etc. I wish I had your time! Hugs, you can do this :D

  5. Well, misery loves company? I mean, its good to hear its not just me who has these times.

    We know we all have these up and down periods. But when we're in the down, we get afraid they will never end (well, I guess I'm talking about my own experience.) The longer it goes on, though, the more I learn to just review the last __ years, and realize that I've gotten through a lot of "down" periods, and I'm still standing. And you're still running :)

    1. Good idea to review the previous years. I should reread my archives...might (re)learn a thing or two. :)

  6. Ah .....haven't we all felt "blah" about eating & exercising? I know I have & in fact, my weight has stayed the same for the last 3 weeks. In the past, I'd say "to heck with this ....I may as well eat"; however, not this time! I'm going to keep on keeping on & I know Shelley you will as well. We're all here to support each other, my friend. Rather than doing all the negative self-talk, let's all give ourselves a great big pat on the back for being supportive, compassionate folks who are interested in helping our friends succeed.
    Cheers for a great week!

    1. It's good to feel the online support - thanks, Teresa!

  7. This is exactly where I've been at for a while. I know I can and should do better, I just can't make myself do it. For me, I think some of it is because I was so very disciplined for such a long time, it's been kind of nice to just take it easy and not worry so much about my eating or exercising. But like you, I don't like the results (or lack thereof) I'm seeing from that. And the longer that I feel like I'm "off track," the harder I think it will be to get back to the point I was at before. I've been starting to do 30 minute circuits every other day. It's not nearly as much as what I used to be doing, but it's better than nothing.

    I do like your approach of looking at this on a day to day basis, because thinking about the big picture can be overwhelming!

    1. "Better than nothing" - yes. Because honestly, back in the day? I did nothing.

  8. I can totally relate! I think this stuff goes in cycles, and it sounds like you're about ready for a new commitment... baby steps is good! I'm a little off track on the eating myself, with similar issues--if I'm not well prepared with healthy easy choices for meals, I end up snacking way too much on higher calorie fare. Costco's Fancy Mixed Nuts.... ACCCCK!!!! I can not stay away!

    1. I am ready for something new. Actually, what I'd really love to do is go to a health resort/spa and do a total immersion thing for a week. Unfortunately, that doesn't fit with my budget, and I'm too lazy to try and create it here for myself, LOL. But a new commitment sounds good.

    2. Please win the lottery and take me with you to the spa. :D

  9. Raising hand here. I am flailing around a little bit (Mardi Gras dinner didn't help with that). It's so cold that I just feel like burrowing and eating. Spring will help both of us, though. It is coming, right?

  10. I think winter is taking its toll on many of us. For what it's worth, I think you're on the right track, mainly because you KNOW you're not exactly where you want to be. You'll figure it out in a way that makes sense for you and works until the next time you need to "realign".


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