Yea, beautiful day. Got my drain removed and the staples out so all is good. The surgeon said my liver would be over half grown back by now and completely back in another month. One of the reasons I have been feeling so hungry so often is I am feeding it and that is good. The neuro endocrine cancer had not spread beyond the one golf ball size lymph node, liver and gall bladder so that is really great. One of the "good" cancers to get. Where mine started in the gall bladder was a rare place - only 1 percent get it there but the survival rate is really good. I need to make an appointment for three or four weeks out to see the oncologist to figure out what chemo, etc. they will do on me. All sounds good and positive so we are elated.Things are looking up - what a relief!!! And again, I can't begin to thank you for all of your support throughout this time. I've shared the bad news, so it's nice to be able to share the good news, too. :)
So this week has seen some of this:
Sliced and mixed with this:

And some of this:
I did not reward myself for walking 3.5 miles on Tuesday with frozen yogurt.
I did, however, reward myself with frozen yogurt for finally finishing the dumb FAFSA - for whatever reason, it was so difficult this year. And numbers...have I mentioned how I hate numbers? This thing was full of them. Not fun. At least I only had to do one, as my older son is graduating (in May!!!). But still, I swear they've made this thing even more complicated to fill out. So when I was done, I conveniently took my walk in the park that's adjacent to Red Mango. And the rest, as they say, is history!
While this isn't superglue lip gloss (credit goes to Marisa for coining that term - some days I think I would be better off if I could just glue my mouth shut, lol), this EOS lip balm is really nice. I found these at Ulta - and of course you know I had a coupon, so I ended up with all three for less than seven bucks. Why three? I had to try all the flavors! What I especially like is that their shape makes them easy to find when I'm digging in my purse for my lip balm. I won't be giving up my Burt's Bees, but these are a nice change and makes me think of summer with their light fruity flavors.
I'm making money while out on my walks:
And now, after a long hiatus, it's the return of Fashion Friday! Woohoo!!! Today I'm featuring a Lole top that I bought while I was shopping with my Mom last month. This top was an unusual purchase for me because - hold onto your hats - I paid full price for it. I almost NEVER do that. I am the queen of bargain shopping - I like a good discount, and of course, my favorite store is TJ Maxx. However, I saw this top and loved it. I was drawn to the color and the unusual style - it just called out to me. While the price tag originally stopped me from considering it - I rarely pay more than $10 for a top - I couldn't stop looking at it. So I finally tried it on, loved it even more, and bought it. And I'm glad I did.
Hope you all have a great weekend - I'll be spending part of mine hunting down Attune bars - they seem to have been dropped from all the grocery stores here in town - what's up with that?!?
Im so so so happy for the good news about your MOM!!!!
ReplyDeleteand yeah
call me MizAttune :) lemmie know if you need help finding the bars.
and, uh, since your mom is on the UPUPUP-swing maybe reconsider my email?
we not-20 year olds need to represent :)
Yay Judy!
ReplyDeleteYay top, love it.
Awesome news about your mom!
ReplyDeleteLove the's super cute :) I am a bargain shopper too, and so wish we had a TJ Maxx here but sadly the best we have is Ross which is less than stellar typically. HAve a great weekend :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful news about your Mom! Hooray!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that necklace is absolutely beautiful with that shirt!
Great news about your mom!!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check my walmart for the Fage now!
Yay for MOM!!!! Awesome news!
ReplyDeleteI love those EOS lip balms! My daughters are always trying to steal mine!
So, I'm thinking...we really should get to working on superglue lipgloss. We could be millionaires...and unsnackish :)
Love your top, too! You look GREAT!
Well you know what tickled me in this post! Yep, the froyo with the gummy bear stuck on top. SO funny!
ReplyDeleteAnd SOOOO happy about your Mom's news. That just sounds fantastic. Also, I did not know the liver grew back, and so fast. Wow. Also good that your mom has an appetite. SO GOOD!!!
That color on the shirt looks fantastic on you. Paco looks pretty good on you too.
Are you dressed yet?
ReplyDeleteLoving me some Fashion Friday. I think you've reached the point in your life where it's OK to pay full price for something now and agai. Besides you're going to be saving all sorts of money between your walks and your cheap yogurt :-)
The strawberry looks not only huge but delish! I bet just one would top of your inexpensive yogurt perfectly!
What a fantastic news about your Mom. I'm so happy for the both of you!
ReplyDeleteI like the top, especially the color, it looks very good at you. While scrolling down I was waiting for Paco to show up and I wasn't disappointed :)
We can buy that same yogurt here, I love it.
I am so happy your Mom is doing well! Makes me smile when I read her posts. :D
ReplyDeleteI love that shirt!! You know I am a thrift store whore and don't pay retail for anything - glad you did though - it looks perfect on you!
I am happy to hear that your mother is feeling better and that her liver is growing back. How cool is that?
ReplyDeleteNice news for the start of the weekend!
YAY for your mom! :) Great news, indeed. thinks I should get some of that lip balm.
Sorry about Wally World. :( It sucks. I say go in the morning to avoid the POWM (People of Wal Mart).
That blue necklace looks so good with your top. I would have never thought to put the two together. Such the fashionista you are. I think you should do a Fashion Friday when we get our socks. You know what I'm talking about. ;-) Funny.
Have a great weekend. Now I'm craving froyo.
Ah Shelley - that is such great news about your mom! Let's hope the good news keeps rolling in :D
ReplyDeleteHurray for good news on your Mom! Praise God. Moms are sooo wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you splurged on that top. Sometimes I don't purchase something that really catches my eye, and then kick myself later. I suspect this would have been one of those times for you.
Happy weekend, and thanks so much for the Mom update!
Great that your mum is feeling so much better :)
ReplyDeleteand that top is so cute!
I'm glad your Mom is much better. I love your shirt and love Paco. We have a dog who looks just like Paco. We bought him at the shelter when my son was 6 and now my son is thirteen. He is a fox terrior mix beagle six years old. We love him. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteYay! Glad your mom is on the mend!
ReplyDeleteLove that color on you! You look fab in deep bright colors.
Have a great weekend Miss Shelley!
Hi Shelley and Shelley's Mom!!! This is the very best news, I'm so happy for you both. Shelley, LOVE the top, and LOVE paco!!! AWWW.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend. Good luck on your quest for Attune bars!!!
Wonderful news about your mom! I can sense the relief in you both!
ReplyDeleteAbout the Fage--here in MN, it's now $1.79 (was $2.29 until a few months ago). In Florida, it was $%1.25. I don't get the big discrepancy, but it is my favorite, so I'll buy it at almost any price.
Love the clothes and the colors! You look great!
Positive news for your Mom! YAY!!!
ReplyDeleteFage Greek yogurt for a buck? Now I have to go Walmart. Say it ain't so.
So happy about your news of your Momma! What a relief!! I know she's going to be still healing and getting stronger but it's great to hear better news.
ReplyDeleteLove the shirt you got, that color looks great on you.
And - I've never tried Fage because it's so expensive - I'll be heading to Walmart to check it out!
Yeah mom! And I saw that shirt today. It looks good on you. Not so good on me.
ReplyDeletegreat news about your Mom!! Glad she shared that on your blog.
ReplyDeleteLove your new top.
Oh, that's great news about your Mom - and even more nice that you're able to share such good news with us!
ReplyDeleteThe top is SUPER cute...wish I could find stuff like that for myself! LOL
And I really, really, REALLY want to try those Attune bars...but can't find them ANYWHERE around here. *sniff*
Woohoo, such great news about your mom!
ReplyDeleteThe color of that shirt is wonderful on you. And the jeans are looking good too, Shell. :)
Such great news about your mom! Wonderful!