Wow, I didn't realize how common gallbladder problems were - thank you all for the helpful and kind comments! I have an appointment today at 4:00 pm so hopefully I can get a proper diagnosis and get this taken care of. Naturally, my doctor left earlier this month to take a position in Germany for a year, so I'll be starting over with a new doc - hopefully she and I will "gel" well.
Sunday was a better day for me - felt like I'd been kicked in both the stomach and the back, but by midday I was feeling decent enough to get some work done around the house...which is good, because my best friend and her 7 year old daughter are flying in from California on Friday for a visit. I am so excited to see them and I really hope I don't have an attack while they are here. Since I don't have much else to say at the moment, I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of my guest rooms - all ready for Barbara and Theresa!

I call this my "pretty" room - as the mother of two sons, I finally got to do my guest room all feminine and such. The bed, bedding and nightstands are our old set - we upgraded to a king-sized bed a few years ago. I sewed antique handkerchiefs (that belonged to my Great Aunt Shirley) onto a sheer curtain panel - love the look!

The antique baby gowns belonged to my Grandmother and great uncles, and the quilt that is hanging from the armoire (formerly my entertainment center) was from that side of the family as well. It has a lot of damage due to moths, but I love to see it displayed.

This is my newest guest room, now that Max is living year-round in Denton. It's still a work in progress - walls are freshly painted and the blind is new (Max destroyed the old one). I have been planning this room for over a decade...see the gorgeous quilt? I won it in 1992 at a local craft fair and knew that someday it would be perfect for my "Texas"room. I want to get an old, weathered headboard - I think that it will look so cute with the quilt. The flag chest is from my family room (I am big on rearranging furniture - new looks without spending money!), and the painting was done by a local artist - it has barbed wire and rusted metal stars wrapped around the canvas and little words that say "Waltz across Texas" - love her work!

Note the floor situation - I need to get a room-sized carpet remnant, but a huge car repair two weeks ago put a stop to any extra spending. The dresser is from when Max was a baby, and the wall items are from his "cowboy room" when he was five. I need to dig out both boys' first cowboy boots and will accessorize with them and more Texas stuff...once I find everything. I also have Max's size 4T denim jacket hanging on the closet door handle - awww!
Oh no, sorry about the gallbladder problems. My mom has them but I can't get her to go to the doctor. Hers really acts up when she has fatty foods. She has to be very careful with what she eats. Let me restate that: she SHOULD be more careful with what she eats. :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the guest rooms. The handkerchief curtains or beautiful. Looks like something you would find at a bed and breakfast.
Hope your doctor appointment goes well!
ReplyDeleteLove your pretty rooms - you are quite the decorator!
I like to call my decorating style "early miscellaneous!"
Happy Monday Shelley!
Good luck with the doctor today Shelley, and I sure am glad Sunday was better for you.
ReplyDeleteYour decorating style is like my sister's. Mine is more like biz, but I call it "Vintage Modern", a collection of old and new junk.
On the bright side, if they have to remove your gallbladder, that's got to be at least 1/2 pound, right? (I know, I'm sick, sick, sick!!)
The Shelly Inn looks like a nice place to visit.
ReplyDeleteGood luck at the doctors.
So cute :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better soon.
Love the rooms! What a great idea for curtains!
ReplyDeleteI love the pretty room.
ReplyDeleteI need a vacation.
Is it booked next week?
Oooo! How Better Homes and Gardens are YOU? GREAT rooms. Love the hankies and baby gowns. And can I book the weekend after Miz? I need a vaca, too.
ReplyDeleteDrink tons and tons of water, preferably alkaline water to dissolve the gall stones. Don't get your gall bladder removed, you'll have years of digestive and liver problems if you do...I know this firsthand. Did you know gall bladder stones are common in dieters b/c of the up and down of their weight. To permanently manage your weight, you must look at your thinking...about food, exercise, yourself and even other people who are slim. You must reprogram yourself into thin-thinking or the weight will always come back. check out WhyAreYouWeighting . com to see how I changed my thinking and changed my body permanently. (135 lbs shed 7 years ago)
ReplyDeleteHope your appt went well.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your bedrooms. So pretty.
Hope you're on the mend soon.
ReplyDeleteAnd what a pretty room, enjoy the company.
My co-worker just had hers taken out. She had several attacks and it was no fun for sure!
ReplyDeleteI love your guest bedrooms, so cute!
I like the personal touches you put into them, especially the antique baby gowns.
Love your guest rooms shelley! Hope the doc goes well. Keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteYour guest rooms look great! I would love to be a guest there!
ReplyDeleteI hope everything went well at the doctor and at least you have some answers.
The quilts are beautiful and I adore the baby clothes. What great guest rooms you have!