Wednesday, April 8, 2020


It's been forever since I've had a Wednesday Workout Update because in all honesty, it's been forever since I've actually worked out.  And while my gym has been on the ball with about a million live workouts plus on demand workouts, I just haven't been interested.  I think part of it is due to me not having already been working out, part due to some oddly sore joints - elbow pain, anyone? - and of course, lack of motivation.

I started walking with Jeff a few weeks before the Coronavirus became so widespread in the United States, and I even tried throwing in a few bits of running during those walks.  That went OK but boy howdy did I ever become aware of my lack of cardio.  I'd already decided to just concentrate on walking to get my muscles used to doing something, when we started doing social distancing.  Then our city declared a shelter-in-place mandate and closed our favorite place for walking, the scary statue park.  I get the need for doing that, but sighhhhh.

So we did the next best thing, which was to start walking in our neighborhood.  At first we walked our old running route, but I got bored with that so we started mixing it up.  One morning we walked my original running route, which I did back before the new neighborhood was opened up next to ours.  Up and down every street equals two miles.  We encountered a homemade hand washing station on one street:
At first I thought there was a bottle of hand sanitizer on the sink, but then I looked closer and saw a garden hose attached, which made sense considering there was also a drain hose.  Kinda cool in these weird times.

We also walked around the newest part of the new neighborhood, where there is still a large field.  One morning a few college-aged boys were at their doorway, pointing at something in the field we were walking by.  Turns out it was a feral pig!  It was pretty far away from us but you better believe we kept an eye on it as we rounded the bend.  I guess I would have found out just how fast I could run had it turned toward us, haha. 

One morning we decided to own up to our Renegade-ness and went around the gates of the utility road that goes between the two neighborhoods.  The gates are there to prevent vehicle traffic so we really weren't breaking any rules...I think.  See for yourself:
Something so easy to go around can't be illegal to walk on, right?
Gross alert:  an armadillo that had been picked clean by vultures.  Jeff said it was mostly skeleton.  This picture is the closest I got to looking at it; I blocked that side of my eyes with my hand as I quickly walked by.  
At the other end, with another gate.  It was a windy day, hence the hair.

We also walked the utility road across from this one, which is obviously more used based on how much cleaner the road was.  The amount of locks on that gate was interesting:
Jeff said it was a lock chain, so there didn't have to be a master key for one lock - each company that needed access only had to unlock their lock and they could drive in.
A small patch of wildflowers - Indian paintbrush and bluebonnets.  That was a pretty sight and definitely nicer than the dead armadillo.
What a clever idea for a mailbox stand - and hey, small packages could go in the basket!

We continue to walk in our neighborhood most days, anywhere from two to two and a half miles.  We have no set distance in mind, we just walk wherever looks interesting.  And when we come upon another walker, we (or they) cross over the road to give each other the distance deemed appropriate to avoid spreading the virus.  It's not the most exciting area to be walking but at least we are able to get outside; I hope that continues to be the case.

Hope you are all well and able to get some fresh air!


  1. Sounds like such a nice walk! Getting out of the house and into nature is like therapy for me. I'm actually gettting ready to do that. I'm worried that my favorite trail is going to be closed soon.

    I have that elbow pain intermittently. Mostly on my left but it does occur on the right. I thought it was RA but my rheumatologist says it's osteoarthritis. Yay me. I rub CBD cream or doTerra Deep Blue on it and voila, I'm a new woman.

    1. I hope they don't close your trail but if too many people don't practice distancing, the authorities might have to close it. This whole social distancing really makes you aware of how many people can't seem to follow the rules, doesn't it?

      I have an appt with a rheumatologist, now pushed back to June, argh. I had some bloodwork done in January when this first started and I had some abnormalities, hence the appt. It's annoying and I can't imagine doing push ups with this kind of joint pain, so I am hoping to get it resolved.

  2. I am enjoying walking around my neighborhood with my dogs. But actually, I take the same route each day. The dogs still enjoy smelling all the good smells on the side of the road.

    1. We took Paco out a couple of days ago and he kept stopping to smell EVERY THING. That part of the walk ended up being short, as we ended up turning around and dropping him off at home. It was probably good as he's old and not used to walking that much, anyway.

  3. I am glad you are able to get out for these walks! I never would have guessed that about the lock chain - that Jeff, he's a smart one ;)

    I hate seeing dead animals when I am out and about. It just breaks my heart, even though it's part of the food chain... and part of life when animals live near traffic. Sigh.

    1. OK here's where I'm going to sound cruel, but when I see a dead armadillo in our neighborhood, even though it grosses me out to look at it, I don't mind because they get in our front beds and dig up the plants and kill them. I know, it's mean, but they can tear it up in one night.

  4. My daily runs and walks and workouts are the only thing keeping me sane right now. No joke. Have you seen anyone exercising with a mask? I saw several the other day and thought it was odd. I mean, isn't fresh air supposed to be safe?

    1. I haven't seen anyone wearing a mask; I've run with a buff over my nose and mouth in extreme cold but usually I can't last long doing that, plus I warm up enough after a half mile or so, and have to slide it down to my neck.

  5. We have roads like that with multiple locks. Usually one is for the Forest Service, and there are others for the state or the timber company. When we go through them we have to remember to lock them all back together right so somebody doesn't get mad!

    1. Funny how I'd never noticed the lock chain but it does make sense!

  6. It's great your husband walks with you. My walks with my husband usually involve my stepson's pitbull, but I guess at least we are walking! Have you ever tried indoor walking workouts, like Leslie Sansone? There are free ones on YouTube that might be good for rainy days and bad weather.

    1. I've heard of the Leslie Sansone workouts but really I can't imagine walking that point I think I'd prefer to wait for a not-rainy day.

  7. I definitely do not take for granted getting out of the house these days!

  8. You always see such neat things on your walks!!! Yay for walking again to get those muscles in shape!!


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