Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Because of Social Isolation...

I haven't worn a bra in days.  Except when we go for a walk; I'm suited up to face anyone for that (from six feet away, of course).

We were hungry and decided to cook dinner.  Looked at the clock and saw that it was only 4:30 pm.  Cooked it anyway.

I don't know what day it is because it doesn't matter except for trash day, which is on my calendar.

My phone alarms are set for weirdly random things:
Medication alerts, of course, but curbside grocery pickup, setting out cooler on porch for meal delivery, and setting out DVR for UPS pickup (and yes, I paid for UPS pickup because I didn't want to walk into the UPS store.  Paranoid?  Maybe, but why take a chance?)  Waking up to go to work?  Nah.  Alarm set for going back to my group workout, which I was going to start beginning March 16?  Nope.

My house is c-l-e-a-n.  Really clean.  Ready for visitors clean. visitors.

I kinda blame Jeff for this one, but we ran out of dry cat food Sunday morning.  The feeder is in his office on a table since Paco would gladly help himself to it if he could reach it.  Henry can have it anytime he wants, plus we feed him some canned wet food morning and evening.  I was close to asking my neighbor if I could borrow a cup of cat food but luckily my online order was delivered on Monday so all is right in Henry's world once more.

I'm knitting a lot.  That goes along with all of the movie watching, natch.  I'm trying to complete some projects that were in hibernation thanks to my medication-addled brain; this also involves fixing several heels on socks, which isn't fun.  But I've thrown in a fresh pair of socks and a hat to break up that yuckiness, and depending on how long this lasts, I may be ready to open up a limited-edition shop one of these days.  Quaran-hats has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?  Or is there a better name?  Emmaclaire, you always come up with clever names, what do you say?

This is the new sock - I did a toe!  And a foot!  And a heel!  You have no idea how happy I am right now - I haven't been able to knit anything complicated (like the toe and heel) for about nine months.  This is big!
Heels!  These socks, which I'm knitting at the same time, doing a few stripes on one before doing a few on the other, have been languishing since July, but I finally got heels on them.  I think they might actually get finished before this coming July!
Another heel!  The mate to this sock has been finished for well over a year now; the combination of the wide stripes, which aren't my favorite, plus that whole nerve pain/seizure/concussion issue made it easy to ignore them.  Just a few more inches and then I'll have a new pair of socks, woohoo!

From one of my TJ Maxx kits - not entirely sure about the pom pom, but I love the swirly design from the pattern.  To clarify, I like the colored pom pom, but it seems a little dense.  Luckily I have plenty of yarn on hand if I decide to switch it out.

While I'm ready for this to be over, I'm grateful that I have a hobby to keep me busy for the duration.  And luckily I also have a lot of yarn so I can knit to my heart's content.  What's keeping you busy during this abnormal time?


  1. I was able to move up a scheduled surgery just before everything shut down. Brilliant if I do say so myself.

    So I am recooping and people are home to help.

    If there had been complications, it would have been a disaster. But it was a surgery (sinus) I have had before and I was pretty sure I would be okay.

    1. Glad everything went well with your surgery and that you have plenty of time to recover!

  2. I laughed at your comment about not wearing a bra unless your outside taking a walk. I haven't worked outside of my house in years, and in the last three years or so I have gotten to were I don't wear a bra daily anymore unless I am going out to a store. I also abandoned wearing clothes that have zippers and buttons most days unless I am going out then I put on regular shorts with said buttons and zippers this keeps me mindful not to out grow my clothes.
    Since I am home, I am used to social isolation but I don't like being told I have to do it plus all the closures suck. I have been reading a lot, I had the good sense to see the libraries closing coming so I stocked up on books. At first I found it hard to settle down and concentrate but it has gotten better the last few days. So I read, and I do my exercise routine, some light gardening, I keep in touch with family through messenger on my tablet so I can stay off of gloomy Facebook. Mostly, just waiting for this awful time to pass.

    1. Sounds like you've got this figured out! Interesting that you've been sans bra for years - you're an old pro at this, LOL.

  3. You should totally open up a shop! I'd love to buy a pair of socks!

    I was really worried we were going to miss garbage day. LOL! (It was today, we remembered)

    Whoa. That was close for Henry ;)

    Work is normal for me so that is keeping me busy. I thought I'd be reading and working out more, but I want to nap when I get off work :-/ And I want to be lazy on the weekends. My house is NOT super clean ;)

    1. Well I was mostly thinking hats because socks take a looonnnng time to knit but you never know!

      Oh and naps, my god am I napping a lot. I can't tell you how many episodes of Schitt's Creek I've had to rewatch because I passed out during them. And that's not to disparage the show, I love it. But apparently I am a toddler and need two naps a day.

  4. I am wearing a bra but I've not been shaving my legs much. And I'm wearing my glasses more instead of my contacts. It's been an interesting time, hasn't it?

    1. It's been more than a week and I finally put in contacts. Figured I should attempt to see once in a while!

  5. Working from home which is new for me. I'm not a fan. I seriously don't have enough to keep me busy and am unmotivated to do much about it. My house is not clean and I'm wearing the same sweatpants three days going now. I'm not proud. LOL Weather where I am hasn't been great but we are going to have a couple days of warmer temps so I plan to get outside soon. Stay safe everyone!

  6. And some of us who still have to go to work every day are jealous of your clean houses and braless days! I was all set to quarantine - had a schedule set up for deep cleaning and everything and then? My job was exempt so here I sit at work, dirty house and a bra on.

    1. I know things have changed for you and I'm hoping you're at least enjoying the freedom of the bra now.

  7. I am working on wool appliqué blocks. It will eventually be a beautiful quilt!

    1. Love this! Can't wait to see it all together - will it be a wall hanging?

  8. I self quarantine nights and weekends. The rest of the time, I'm one of those bra wearing exempt employees. High five with Helen.

    1. Sorry you are exempt, that stinks. My neighbor is also exempt and said they lock their door upon arrival so no one but coworkers can come in.

  9. Bra-full and dirty-homed exempt worker here as well. So glad to hear your brain is letting you knit again! And thanks for giving me a nice challenge to think about, Shelley. Quaren-hats is a good one. I came up with "Flattening the Curve" caps or "Stuck Watching Cable" knits. The important thing is that you and the family are safe and you're able to engage in some fiber-therapy!

    1. You are so clever! I love both of your suggestions! I also thought about "Quarenbeanies" so we'll see if it happens; heck, maybe I could name each hat something fun.

  10. It's nice to see you knitting again! Our life is not as different as some people because we already work from home. Our going out is obviously curtailed. We have done takeout a couple of times, but our favorite places have now shuttered completely as the takeout model just wasn't feasible for them. The bathroom is coming along well. It's all usable now and we are just doing wall repair work and stuff. No hurry on that. I wish I could get my parents on the same grocery schedule as we are because this involves an extra trip each week as they need stuff before we are ready to go. Of course, who knew this would happen? Our grocery stores have suspended the online order and pick up for now because the stores were too depleted to fill orders. Sigh. Good thing is that the last batch of snow is melting and it's getting a bit warmer out :)

    1. It's nice that you have a big project to concentrate on during this time, and yeah, already working from home is a plus. I know that parents are the hardest to pin down during this time (our kadults say the same thing but they are wrong, haha). It's good that you are able to shop for them.

  11. Yay to knitting again!!!! I love the colors!!


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