Wednesday, December 26, 2018

WWU - Year in Review

I don't think I've done one of these posts regarding my exercise in quite a while, but since 2018 was a bit of a different year for me, I thought I'd do a little recap, see what worked, what didn't, and what improvements I want to make for 2019.

Running:  I began 2018 with my 11th half marathon that ended in one big barf fest.  Even if I hadn't gotten food poisoning, I was pretty sure that this would be my last half marathon for a while.  I was tired of my race anxiety getting the best of me and ruining our race weekends, I was tired of training, and quite frankly, I was tired of running long distances.

I scaled down my longer distance runs on Saturdays, and I ran the fewest number of races since I began running - only six - and I'm OK with that.  For me, 2018 was the year for simply running and trying to return to the basic enjoyment of it.  I am getting there, and I hope to continue to build on that in 2019.

Workouts:  I rejoined Planet Fitness last February and was pretty regular about going until our home renovation started.  That threw everything into a bit of chaos, but once it was finished, my attendance was still sporadic.  I just wasn't all that enthused about doing the 30-minute circuit and it showed.  However, I was frustrated with how poorly I was running and knew deep down that I needed to do strengthening exercises in order to become a stronger runner, and when Karen offered me a chance to go workout with her during "bring a friend" week at BCS Fitness, I said yes, and I'm so glad I did.  Even though I tore my calf muscle on my second visit there, I was still able to do my workouts, with modifications for my legs, of course, while the tear healed.

I've been going to BCS Fitness now for over four months and I enjoy it so much that in December I added a third day.  The workouts are different every single time and I like that my coaches push me more than I would push myself, if it were up to me.  I was down a pant size after six weeks, and when I was lifting some tubs of Christmas decorations recently, I realized that my biceps were showing a little muscle, woohoo!

Improvements for 2019:  Now that I've got a good workout routine established, and my calf muscle is healed, I'm ready to start pushing my running a bit.  I have had some faster runs recently, although they weren't all that fast - let's just say they were an improvement.  I'm planning on lengthening my running vs walking intervals with the goal of running a mile without stopping.  Then two miles, then three, then 3.1 miles, aka a 5K.  I don't have the expectation of running the pace that I did back in 2010, but I would love to get somewhat close to it.

I realize that adding in some speedwork will help with this goal, so I'm going back to what worked in the beginning - I ran on the treadmill at BCS Fitness, my coaches would choose a speed that was much faster than I thought I could run and I'd run for X number of seconds before hopping on the rails for a little breather, and then I'd hop back on the treadmill, lather, rinse, and repeat.

If you're noticing a theme with me tending to do better when I follow what my coaches think I am capable of doing instead of what I think I'm capable of doing, you would be on track with that.  I'm coming full circle on my journey to fit(ness)...what can I say, it seems to work for me.


  1. You have found what is working for you!!! Woohoo! 2019 will be a fabulous exercise year for you I think!!!

  2. What a great review! So when did you add that flyer "home of Paco the Wonder Dog?" Today is the first time I've seen it!

    1. How funny, that flyer has been there since the blog redesign! Funny how some things just get past you until one day it's there.

  3. You have not quit through all kinds of challenges and to me that cements you as an active, exercising person living their best life. No one could ask for more than that. Here’s to a fun healthy 2019!

    1. Thanks friend, and yes - here's to a fun healthy 2019 for both of us!

  4. So glad to see you ending the year on a high note! Here's to 2019 and a great year of running. I've so enjoyed your journey this year and your home renovations!

    1. Thanks! It has been a different year for me, but a good one overall.

  5. Kudos to you for finding a routine that's working. Your working out and your races continue to be impressive even though you didn't run as many this year as you did in previous years. (I too have ran the least amount of races this year).

    1. Thanks - it's funny, I don't even have FOMO on running less races, which kind of tells me something...

  6. I admire the way that you back up and tweak and change your workouts, constantly adjusting but always doing the best you can. So many people get to that first setback, be it injury or bad race experience or whatever, and just stop. You are the Energizer Bunny of exercisers, Shelley! Here's to a successful, healthy 2019!

  7. Glad to see the gym is working out for you. Can you motivate me to go??

    Long distance races are not for everyone. You seem to be enjoying life and that is important.

    I get it about running faster. I do the same. Run slower than I am capable because it's uncomfortable to run fast.

    Hope you stay injury-free for 2019.

    And now I need the knitting 2018 update.

    1. Honestly, I don't think the gym is for everyone...maybe it's my 50-something attitude, but why do it if you don't really want to? And hearing that "it's good for you" - well, so are other forms of exercise. For me, if I'm not enthused about it, I just won't do it, so hey - double-team your grocery bags when you carry them in and call that a workout. No gym needed, and you have more time to spend on running and tennis, which is what you obviously love!

  8. I'm glad you are getting back to enjoying running! Why do it if we don't?! Running long (or running, period) isn't for everyone!

    I'm excited BCS has been so great for you (down a pant size?! YAY!) and am looking forward to hearing about your speedwork!

    1. Exactly! My first mini speedwork (a tabata on the treadmill) reminded me that I need to work on foot placement when hopping off onto the rails, LOL - but hey, I didn't fall, so I've got that going for me. :)


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