Friday, May 5, 2017

FMM - Bleepity Bloop!!!

You know, there's nothing like publishing a post on profanity and mentioning finding a typo after it's gone live...and actually MISSING the typo.  My friend Cary texted me on Monday morning, asking "do you mean "mean" in the first sentence?" - ARGH, yes, I did:
As you can imagine, my response was on point considering the subject of the post.


Speaking of Cary, she was honored last weekend at a luncheon, so the Renegades came to support her - we tried to be on our best behavior but even though we were dressed up like real people for a change, we were still ourselves:
The centerpieces were a bit much if you wanted to see or talk with others sitting across from you - that's Andi and Karen hiding in the foliage.
Cary receiving her yellow rose (of Texas!) and governor's proclamation.
Our gang - Beth, Andi, Karen, Diane, me, Cary, Brian, Cindy, and Cristy.

Cary does a lot of good work for our community and we were very proud to see her get recognized in such a nice way.


I saw this email and did a double take - $20 of free yarn, WHAT???  That piqued my interest!  But when I opened it, I realized I'd misread - it wasn't yarn, it was yum:
Oh - it was for a restaurant gift card promotion.  

My mind automatically goes to yarn, HA!


Update on my contact lenses:  I didn't have much hope for the new contacts that my eye doctor wanted me to try - after all, I've been dealing with lenses that irritate my eyes for months now, along with them randomly falling out - how much better could these new lenses be?  Well, the answer is, they are incredible.  After day three of wearing my trial lenses, I called and ordered a 90-day supply - I love them!  I put them in and that's it - they don't even feel like they're in my eyes.  Normally I spend several minutes each day blinking, trying to adjust the lenses, removing and flipping them to the other side, removing and flipping them back, rewetting them - with my new lenses, there's been none of that.  Plus I have had no issues with them falling out, nor are my eyes irritated, even at the end of the day.  They do cost a little more than my older daily lenses, but in this instance, it's a quality of life matter and I'll happily pay more to have my eyes feel this good.  If you have similar issues, you might want to ask your optometrist about trying these lenses - they are Alcon Dailies Total 1.  And no, I'm not getting paid for saying this - I am just really pleased with these, so I wanted to share it with you.


Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm so HAPPY about your contact lenses! As a fellow lens wearer/sufferer I know there's nothing like finding perfect lenses.

    So look at how far you've come - yarn instead of yum. That's a big change for the Shelley of old.

    1. I am still shouting from the rooftops about these contacts - they are so much better than my previous two versions!

      Yarn instead of yum...funny, never considered the true implications of what I misread, but you're right! Although good yarn IS yummy. :)

  2. Laughing at Helen's "yarn over yum" comment. I didn't think of that, but how true!

    The luncheon looks so nice. But seeing your gang in their fancy dress-up clothes, I don't even recognize some of them!

  3. What work was your friend being honored for? I've totally misread words like that before. It's usually on blog post titles. One I remember a few years ago was a post titled "I'm Thirty". I totally read it as "I'm Thirsty" and thought to myself big deal...haha

    1. She was recognized as being someone who makes a difference in our community - she's worked for some non-profits and is involved in issues that are not happy circumstances, yet she's working to get people the help they need.

  4. I'm one of those people who pick up typos all the time--but I have to control myself and not say anything! LOL!

  5. My last job was all about grammar and I hate, hate, hate it when I am in a hurry and send something out with a typo. It seems I just notice it as my finger is pressing the send button, too LOL!

  6. How nice Cary got honored for her good work. We need people like her in every country. Nice to see the gang all dressed up.


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