Wednesday, July 6, 2016

WWU - I've Been Running For a Long Time!

Know how I know I've been running for a long time?  Check out my stack of training logs:
I put them in year order, but it bothers me to see that orange one glaring at me...I tried a different journal one year and now it mocks my OCD brain.

I wasn't running for too long before I started keeping training logs - our coach handed us the yellow booklet on the first day of our training back in August of 2010, and it got me in the habit of keeping track of my runs - days, distance, weather, pace, all kinds of things.  I graduated to using a variation of the Runner's World training journals, and while I can look online and see my stats via Garmin Connect, I still like writing down everything after a run and keeping a running monthly and yearly tally of my mileage.

My new year for a training journal generally starts in May or June, depending on if I've taken off some time from running (which I did this year, in March, after my eyelid surgery)...I just note that on the previous week's page and gain an extra week or so in the journal.  As a former sedentary person, it feels pretty good to see the stack of training journals grow; I'm really pleased with myself for keeping up with running!


As far as running goes, it's been tough...I know it gets hot here every summer, but man, it seems like it's really bad this year.  Of course, I could look through my older training journals and basically see the same notations of high temps and humidity and slow paces in years past, but when you're actually dealing with it, nothing makes sense and my brain keeps telling me that I'm struggling more than ever.  Not just feels like that!

On Saturday, I ran by myself for the first time since February.  The run itself was OK - I walked when I needed a break (like on the hills), and funny thing - I finished in almost exactly the same time as the previous week, when I'd run with Diane...but I felt like the run was much harder this time, which says a lot for how I'm approaching running solo.  Something to work on, for sure.  I didn't think to get my music and headphones ready until it was too late, so I'll have that for next time and maybe that will distract me from my thoughts.  I'm still a work in progress when it comes to running, that's for sure!


Third try using the self-timer on my phone (first was all sky; we were looking up during the second one)...not too bad of a shot, and I like the unintended perspective of the Confederate soldier statue in the background!

I didn't want to wake up early on Monday to exercise, since it was a holiday, so I convinced Jeff to go for a 5K walk with me once we got rolling.  We hit the park about 8:45 am - it was already 85 degrees out, and although there was some cloud cover and a nice breeze, the weather app said the "feels like" temperature was 95 - geez!  The walk wasn't bad; we had one lap in the sun and most of the rest on the shady side of the park.  I had to laugh because we'd been walking about half a mile when Jeff said "I didn't know you were serious about this walk - I thought you did more of a stroll" - and really, we were just doing the same pace that Jenny and I do with our walks, but he wasn't expecting any intensity.  Afterward, we stopped at the car and I got my phone to take a few pictures as we did a little cool-down lap (a misnomer if I ever heard one in this weather):
Newer plaque - of course I had to touch the soil...
Jeff with the Confederate soldier statue - across the grass is the Union soldier statue; Jeff and the Confederate soldier were both looking at him.
The details on both statues were really good; I didn't get a picture of the mended tear on the Union soldier's trousers, but the hole in the Confederate's shoe shows how they didn't exactly get to run to the store and buy new things when their clothing wore out.

Afterward, we went to Panera for breakfast (Blue Baker was closed) - I have to say, their bagels aren't as good as BB's, but we survived.   It was a nice way to start our Fourth of July celebration.

Yesterday, we ran 2.5 miles at 6:00 am, and honestly, it felt about the same as our walk from the day before in terms of heat, but there was a little bit of a breeze, so that was nice.  And I saw my first mile in the 12:xx pace - haven't seen that in forever, and honestly, I didn't expect to see that until cooler temps arrive.  But I'll take it! 


  1. I always use a training journal but there was a time (Jan-June) that I wasn't exactly training for anything so I had a lot of putzing around runs and nothing real soli or steady so I struggle with weather or not I want to commit to transferring those runs into my journal (cus you know they take up or should I save the pages for my planned training runs once I officially start training for my next half? I guess I'm a little OCD when it comes to that too. Regardless, I have all my runs on my garmin connect!

    1. See, if I run (or walk), it goes in the journal...but then, I want credit (if only for myself) for all of my exercise, LOL!

  2. I use just a hand written book to keep track of my workout stats.
    I so admire your dedication getting out there in the heat and humidity just be careful and don't over do!

    1. I like the RW journals because they have tips in them, and you'd think I would see the same ones year after year, but a lot of them seem new to me.

  3. I've been keeping running stats since around 2004. My journals have varied over the years but MY OCD would never let me start a fresh journal in the middle of the year - they all run Jan.-Dec. LOL!

    That left brain while running is a PITA for sure. As I read what you wrote about the heat/humidity I was laughing because as soon as I got home from my run this morning I thought how much better it would have been if I could have gotten my brain out of the way. I said all that to say, ALL runners and all runs are a work in progress. You're doing just fine!

    1. I had to let go of starting the journals in January because I started my first one in August. And then I got the RW journal for my June birthday...I just try not to think about it, LOL.

      Sometimes when I'm running and having a hard time, I'll focus on my legs, and when they feel fine, I realize that yep, it's the ol' brain causing problems yet again...

  4. Look at all those books stacked up! That is awesome!!! I find it really helpful to keep stats like that, so you can look back and see your progress or if you were struggling with something similar - although the adjustment to the heat/humidity always seems awful. I feel like I am going through a second acclimation over here. Blah! And we have it no where as bad as you!

    That is cool that the soldiers are so detailed!

    Awesome on the 12:xx mile!

    1. I think I'm about equally proud of the stack of journals as I am of my race medals!

  5. Yes, totally awesome on the 12:xx mile! And I am impressed not only that you have been running for so long, but that you also kept up the written journals for that long! I know I wouldn't have kept it up so consistently. I am good at journaling for a while, and then I "forget." for long periods of time.

    Fun to see the statues at the park, and remember seeing them myself. And the picture of Jeff with the statue is hilarious.

    1. I know, I was remembering about when we took our walk through that very park!

  6. I should start keeping better track of my runs...I love the star and all put in one written place!!

  7. That stack is quite impressive! It has been a long time. Have you ever tallied up your total miles?

    I don't do too much tracking in general. I have my bike computer that tells me how far I went, but I don't record that anywhere but in My Fitness Pal as exercise.

    That pic of you and Jeff, it looks like the soldier is poking you in the thigh. Tiny soldier says "Get back to running!"

  8. Kind of cool that you've journaled your running all these years! I have never been good about logging my miles except during marathon training! And for all these 25 years of running, can you imagine all that data?

  9. I remember that you started running back in 2010. I have been running since 2009 and have always kept my stats in Excel sheets together with my other workouts. Unfortunately this year the list isn't very long :) but I keep trying and won't give up. There will come a day that I will be back a regular running/exercise.

    Nice walk you did on Monday, love it that you take photos too and give me a glimpse of your hike.

  10. I love that you kept track of your running!!! What an inspirational thing to look back on and be proud!!!


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