Monday, October 12, 2015

Random Thoughts For a Monday

If this is October, why are our temperatures still in the 90s?  Oh right...Texas.  A little bit of a cooling trend would be nice...throw us a bone here, weather gods!


I have been in hair hell for about three weeks now - a combination of waiting too long to get it cut again after going shorter last August, and something has gone really wonky with the top layer.  I'm not sure if I need to be conditioning it more, or using more styling product when I dry it, but the resulting look has been one of, and this is the best way I can think to describe it, puppy dog ears hanging around my face.  Oh yes, it's quite lovely.  Thankfully, my next appointment is day after tomorrow - and you can bet that I'll be scheduling a trim midway through my usual 12 weeks for highlights.


If this is October, why do I not have any knitting projects finished for Christmas?  It's looking like this is not going to be a knitty Christmas...and I'm OK with that.  I guess I have to be, right?  I do have one thing I'm planning on making for someone, but logistics make it so I can't get it started for another few weeks.  I always said I didn't want knitting to be anything but fun - no stress of deadlines, no "have to" make everyone something handknit for Christmas, but in the last couple of years I've managed to eek out some sweet gifts for several people.  Apparently in my "knit all the socks all the time" frenzy, practically everything else has fallen by the wayside.


Jeff got a speeding ticket recently, and had to take an online driver's training course in order to keep the ticket off of his driving record.  Want to know what's annoying?  Having a spouse impart all of his new-found driving wisdom upon you, while you're driving.  I swear, the other night when traffic was backed up, and although I had a green light, I was waiting to enter the intersection until I was sure I wouldn't end up blocking it if the light turned red, and another car made like he was going to turn right on a red and take up what little room I might have had, and I said out loud "don't you do it, it's not your turn" and Jeff said that I was driving with my "parent brain" instead of my "adult brain" - and well...let's just say he got a taste of my "wife brain" and it's wasn't pretty.


Because it's October, I finally succumbed to a couple of seasonal treats:
I don't normally eat flavored yogurt, but this one sounded good.  Candy corn is still irresistible to me after all these years...and in full disclosure, I ate the candy photography props right after this picture was taken.  My adult brain overtook my parent brain, ha!


  1. Lots of good stuff here! It has been unseasonably warm where I live too. I don't mind though! I am in hair he'll along with you. I need a style BAD! I just bought my first christmas gift yesterday! Yesterday I also tried the candy corn Hershey bars. WAY too sweet!

    1. I haven't seen candy corn Hershey bars - yeah, that sounds like too much, even to this sugar-loving person!

  2. I love the different brains! We've had gorgeous weather this week in FL and I'm hoping it holds out. I'm hoping we broke the heat for good. I LOVE candy corn but haven't bought any yet this year. I'm hoping I can keep resisting.

    1. The different brain thing was interesting, I will say that.

  3. I have never told anyone in blogland this, but I love candy corn so much I just don't buy it. I am incapable fo portioning that stuff out!

    I've been on the lookout for the Edy's Light pumpkin ice cream because it is one pumpkin thing I like. Haven't seen any though so I've been saved from that as well.

    Your weather is funny! You guys have warmer weather than the Caribbean right now.

    1. It was gross this morning - 94% humidity, 72 degrees. Getting real tired of running in these conditions...

      Candy corn is a one-time/once-per-year indulgence purchase for me, because I pretty much know Ima eat the entire bag in just a few days. Actually I think it's a miracle because I bought that bag on Saturday and I still have quite a bit left! ;)

      Jeff had a pumpkin pie mini Blizzard from DQ and I had a taste - it was pretty good. I'd recommend it.

  4. I cannot wait to get my hair cut. Don't ask me why I waited, but for some reason I wanted to be done with the marathon before I did it. I've been pulling it back into a ponytail all summer. But I did keep up with my color. That would have been just wrong, letting the gray show...

  5. Still smiling…fun read!

    Well, I'm like Helen, I've never bought candy corn. Yes, I'd eat it all, but I also have an irrational fear that I won't get the BEST candy corn. I have one more hair appointment before Halloween, maybe I'll score some there.

    Thanks for the reminder about south Texas weather. I was thinking I was going to need my cold weather clothes for my upcoming trip to Houston! Sorry about your humidity. That is awful! We are still having high's in the 90's here, but it cools way down at night, and of course its dry, so its very pleasant.

    I was really smiling when you wrote about knitting all the socks all the time. I can remember the olden days when you were afraid of socks :) And I totally agree, its just fine to not spend all your time knitting gifts for Christmas.

    1. Well, there's still time for the weather to get a little cooler before your trip, but's warm.

  6. My daughter in law is dying at the temps too - I don't think I could handle that kind of heat in October. This morning on my walk it was 59 degrees!

    And I am glad you aren't letting the pressure of "getting stuff done" mess up your love of knitting. :D

  7. Laughing at "wife brain" - I hope he doesn't try to mess with your brains again!! :)

    I bought some candy corn to keep in my candy jar on my desk at work for the guys - I'm not a huge candy corn fan, so I thought it would be safe. For some reason, this was the most delicious candy corn EVER, so I eventually ate more than my fair share. Now I keep the tried and true peppermints in my candy jar - they aren't a hazard for me except when I want minty fresh breath! :)

  8. I got that yogurt too. I was thinking the same about my hair - got an appt on Thurs, I went through a sock knitting phase too.

  9. I thought for a moment that your yogurt was candy corn flavored and I was all NO, NO, NO! LOL. Pumpkin spice is okay.

    I just nibbled on some candy corn before I started reading blogs. My favorite candy. I do have to limit how much we buy because I can mow through a bag pretty quickly if left to my own devices.

  10. I had someone like Jeff sitting next to me too this morning when we were driving to our destination. So annoying, as he's the best driver in the world :)

    I know everyone was happy with your knitting gifts last year but you're right: knitting sould be fun and not a pressure thing. So good for you to accept that it's not happening this year and keep on enjoying knitting.

  11. Oh man, now I have to go get some pumpkin spice yogurt and candy corn! :)

  12. That weather is horrible! I am going to send some cold weather vibes your way (our high tomorrow is 60!).

    Ha, not pic of the puppy dog hair?

    I think it's smart to keep the knitting for fun and not stressful (that way I wrote that makes no sense, lol - hope you get it). I started the blanket I made for my snis too late and it got a bit stressful (didn't help that a nutso project came up that week, unexpectedly, too).

    Candy corn! YUM! I wish it was vegan/vegetarian :)

    1. I looked at the ingredients - I'm guessing the gelatin keeps it from being vegan? Dang...never thought you couldn't eat certain types of candy!

  13. Love the randomness! The "parent" brain lecture (from a husband who got a speeding ticket--"adolescent brain" maybe?-- was hilarious and I loved your response. And sheesh, the temperatures you Texans are dealing with! Fall is my favorite season, sorry yours is taking a while to get here. :(

  14. I do NOT miss the southern weather....fall is fabulous (yes, I do believe I just rubbed that in). However, when I'm sitting in feet of snow you can get me back!


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