Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday Workout Update

I promise you, I've been running consistently.  Year-round.  But my last few runs have made me wonder if I've been imagining that I was running, when in reality I was just sitting on the couch.  The switch from our decent weather to the pure hell that is Texas heat and humidity has wiped me out.  And it's not just me - six of us set out for a run on Saturday morning, and six returned, but holy moly, we ALL were wiped out.  Only one of us ran our intended distance, and that fool was feeling even crummier than the rest of us (can you tell the fool was Jeff?) - it's incredible what 76 degrees, 90-something percent humidity, and dead air can do to ruin a run.  Obviously we need to become re-acclimated to the warm, humid weather, and also, I think it might just be worse than usual, based on how often it's been raining (seriously, if I wanted to live someplace where it rains every day, I'd pick Maui), but geez, what a let-down to realize that running just a few miles can still be so challenging!

We recovered nicely with a really good breakfast, so that saved the morning.  And time spent with my running buddies is always fun, even when we feel like we're dying.


Speaking of the weather, it's been another rainy, stormy week.  Yesterday Jeff and I woke up and dressed to go running, but when we stepped outside, it was raining a little too much for us, so we hopped in the car and drove to Planet Fitness.  I have to say, it felt good to do the 30-minute circuit again.  And while I usually am really careful about only wearing my running shoes to run, since I had them on, I didn't bother changing them before we went to the gym.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover how nice the cushioning on my shoes (Hoka Clifton) felt when I did the steps in-between the weight machines, but that put me in a bit of a dilemma, because now I want to wear those shoes for the gym, too!  Hmmm...comfort over cost?  Not sure what I'll choose.

I have to say, using some of the machines makes it obvious that my left hamstring/glute is still weaker than my right.  There's a machine where you do one leg at a time, and I struggled to move it with my left leg, but when I switched to my right leg, I was slamming that thing upward - kind of funny, but also pretty telling that I need to work more on strengthening my weaker side.  A good reminder - now, I just need to take action!


  1. Although our weather is nothing compared to what you have, I understand what you mean. Last Monday it was suddenly very warm here (Sunday and Tuesday back to normal temperatures). And I had such a hard time adjusting to it, by the end of the day I had a splitting headache of the heat. Hope you get used to it soon.

  2. Take it easy in the heat and humidity until you get acclimated to it. All of us who live in Texas, and Florida regions go through this every year. Its good your getting back to
    getting some strength training in its very important as we get older and it is just as important as cardio to our aging self's. I'm right there with you at this time of year working out inside is definitely better.

  3. That transition is always tough - the trick is to get through it without letting it mess with your head. You went back to Planet Fitness and I re-started my Neila Rey bodyweight workouts. As did you I thought how good it felt and wondered why I let it slack off. Oh, and I always use my previous pair of running shoes as my "other" workout shoes. Excuse to buy new Hokas?

  4. We have been transitioning into the heat and humidity here in Alabama, too! IT STINKS! Eventually we will get used to it again and it will make those late fall days feel like heaven :)

  5. Oh I couldn't imagine that type of heat. Be careful!

  6. We just spent 5 days in California and the air was much crisper and cooler than we expected. We couldn't wait to get back to our humidity on the east coast! I know we will regret saying that

  7. Yes, the air is crisp and cool here in California--at least this week! I loved it when I took my long walk yesterday in the middle of the day. Otherwise, I'm usually wishing it was a little warmer, especially on the days I get in the pool.

    Ack on the Texas humidity. Not a fan of any humidity, much less 90%! Glad you got a good breakfast :)

    1. California coolness - you and the commenter above are making me wistful for that!!

  8. It was 41 degrees when I woke up this morning Shelley! I'll take a bit of your heat please, but not too much :D

  9. Ugh- I hate humidity and I'm sure the humidity here in Iowa is absolutely nothing like Texas! I can't imagine running in that. You are dedicated!

    1. Well, it's not so much dedication as it is acceptance of what our weather just IS. Plus, a mile on the treadmill is torture for me, so I run outdoors, even with the humidity.

  10. Maybe you should come here and run for a few days. It's been danged cold again!

    1. Oh man, I would appreciate a cold run so much right about now!

  11. I believe you did a post recently about being worth it.... you are worth it wear the good shoes if they feel good while working out. There is a reason they feel good - they are well made shoes that are worth the investment and so are you!

    1. Well shoot. You...I mean, WE, have a good point there. Thank you for reminding me - I'll wear the good shoes to the gym. :)

  12. I had my first truly humid run of the season this week (I'm in New Orleans), and ohmygod it was rough! There was so.much.sweat. Like, I could feel the sweat pouring down my chest, down my arms and dripping onto my hands and fingers while I ran. Ugh. It's going to be a great summer! Haha.

  13. I can relate. I've finally settled into a consistent exercise routine, and now Texas (like it does every year) decides to dump ridiculous humidity on us. Or it rains buckets and buckets.


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