Monday, November 5, 2012

Cranky Shelley Strikes Again...

Dear Internet:

I'll be back on Wednesday.  Totally OVER all the political rantings...luckily Facebook has a "hide" button, otherwise I would have unfriended several people.  And my local community forum board has gone insane with the local races - never thought I'd be looking forward to reading posts on lost pets, new restaurants, and other mundane things like that.


Dear Texas weather:

Make up your mind.  No, wait...I'll make it up for you.  It's November, for crying out loud.  Cool down, and stay cooled down!!!


Dear Paco:

I love you.  You are a good dog and a loyal companion.  But your constant scratching and licking is driving me insane.  I know it's not your fault, and we're trying to get you help with your allergies.  But please, could you just go to a different room, so I don't have to hear you all the time?
Caught in a rare moment of not licking/scratching.  And see how he's wedged into the legs of my chair?  Apparently his bed is too far away...he wants to be very close to me.


Dear Retailers:

I do not want to hear holiday music yet.  See letter to Texas weather for the reason.


Dear House:

Why is everything starting to break at the same time?  Do you all get together and talk when we're not home, and decide that this week all the fans should start making racket, and next week the faucets will all start dripping?  I smell a conspiracy!


Dear Money Tree:

Why do you not exist?


  1. not to be mean or anything :-)
    YOURE NO NO MATCH MATCH for cranky carla.

  2. I can't believe all the Christmas commercials we have already, even one before Halloween. If you ever find that money tree can you please send me some seeds ?

    1. Believe me, if I find that money tree, all my bloggy peeps will be getting seeds!

  3. I wish I could shop at Nordstrom's to support their plan to celebrate Christmas starting in LATE November.

  4. LOL at the post.

    And if you find the money tree: please let me know.

    About Paco scratching I know how you feel. It was awful when Bella had fleas. She's flea free now which means no more scratching but it was driving me nuts too.

    Well it could be worse, you could live in Holland: first you would have the elections for the Dutch government everywhere in the news. After that a couple of weeks about the formation. After that the discussions about what the new government wants and after that Dutch television spends more than needed time on the US elections LOL
    Regarding to that: I will be glad it's Wednesday too :)

    1. I'm so sorry they're making you deal with the US elections! Yes, it sounds like no matter what country you live in, you can't escape it.

  5. I know it shouldn't, but your post made me LOL!

    Hang in there...the election is tomorrow, Christmas is next month, cooler weather should be on its way, and your appliances are not conspiring against you. I can't help you with the money tree problem, though. You're SOL on that one.

    As for Paco...this is probably nothing new...but maybe switch his food? When Kharma was a hot itchy mess we switched to a food with no wheat or corn or by-products, etc and she did great. Also, give him fish oil every day! That helps too :-)

    1. How do you give her fish oil? Open the capsule, or will she swallow it whole? I can't stand seafood, so one false move with it and I'd be so grossed out...

  6. Pretty much, except for the Paco section, I could have written this myself. I had the kiddies at the $5 store yesterday and realized I was hearing Christmas music. I like Christmas music but could we please, please, please wait until the day after Thanksgiving?!

    1. Connecticut has a $5 store? Fancy! We lowly Texans only have $1 stores...although King Dollar changed to $1.09 about a year ago (and yes, we now refer to it as "King Dollar Oh Nine", lol).

  7. give Paco one Benadryl daily it will help and the vet says its ok !

  8. I probably should have done a Paco allergy post, just to put it all out there and see if there were any suggestions on things we haven't tried, but in a nutshell, this is what we've done:

    We give him Benadryl, every morning and evening. Makes him sleepy, but we don't notice that he gets much relief.

    We changed out his food to grain-free in June - I didn't think it was the food, as his allergies did seem to come with the seasons, but figured we'd give it a try. No help.

    We give him an oatmeal shampoo bath once a week.

    We put cortisone cream on his red spots and paws (Vet approved) and cone him so he can't lick it off immediately.

    We tried an allergy pill that was really expensive - but I figured, if it worked, it would be worth it. Twice a day for a month, $90 later - still red and itchy.

    We get him a steroid shot as often as possible, which is about every 8 to 12 weeks. It does help and we notice a difference within the first couple of days, but it only seems to last about 2-3 weeks before he's back to full-on itching.

    I feel bad for Paco - I know he's miserable. Just not sure what else there is to do for him...

  9. I have a cat with allergies too. I just want to dunk her in a vat of aloe.

    1. You made me laugh with that comment...and I swear, if I thought it would work, I'd be buying aloe in bulk right now!

  10. There were actually Christmas decorations before Halloween! Ugh.

    Poor Paco has allergies? He's such a cutie.

    Thought about you at my little race on Saturday. There was a newtons booth that had all kinds of pretty colors. :)

    1. Newtons and I are not on speaking terms right now. :(

  11. LOL..

    Poor Paco. But I am glad I am not the only one slightly annoyed by that sound. My parents' dog does similar thanks to his allergy to the flea bites and the wrong medication they were giving him.

    Um yeah, TX weather needs to get its' mind right before 11/11. I want cool-ish and no rain, please.

    I now only check my various FB lists I created to avoid all the political crap, um I mean very important election news, being posted online.

    1. There's a cool front coming in...the day AFTER the race. But this is Texas, so it could come in sooner - please???

  12. It's matter what our political leaning, Facebook just has that magical way of annoying us b/c there will ALWAYS be those who see things differently from you...and of course...they have to be the LOUDEST ones out there. People whose opinions I actually value always keep quiet on these things. Very interesting.

    I feel the same way you do concerning Facebook/election crap and know what I'm doing? NOT checking Facebook for an entire WEEK! It. Is. Hard. Today is day #1, and so far the only thing I've checked are blogs. Let's see if I crack and let myself check on Wednesday...depending on how the election turns out, hahaha.

    1. If this were Facebook, I'd "like" your comment. ;)

  13. I totally get where you're coming from today, girl. Feeling your pain - especially with the dog. Our oldest gets allergies pretty often and we give Benadryl - like you - but our vet said 1 pill for every 25 lbs twice a day so we gave him 3 pills with each meal. This only worked well if we started it at the first signs of itching and chewing. Once it got so bad he needed steroid shots because he had chewed down to his skin in spots. And I completely agree with the FB idea - if I wanted to know your politics, I'd ask. I live in Chunkymonkeymama land where the 1st amendment is at my discretion - take it or leave it!

    1. Sounds like our dogs could be allergy twins. :(

      And for the record, I'd like to live in Chunkymonkeymama land.

  14. I'm kind of in love with this whole post. Texas weather is pretty similar to Oklahoma weather. Pick a season already!! :)

  15. I am with you on all the political shit - I am even get phone calls on my cell phone! Can't wait for it to be over - I may suggest to Tony that we go to the movies tomorrow night!

    Poor Paco, hope you find an answer for his allergies!

    1. I think I would lose it if I got a political call on my cell phone...

  16. LOLOLOL. Makes me feel a little less lonely as a cranky person. This makes me soooo glad I am not on Facebook, and I don't have a tv. So, the elections are tomorrow? I'll have to remember to stop by and vote.

    LOL at the weather forecast. I am doing the opposite. I look at the five day, see two days of 81, and think, oh good. I can swim those two days!

    Poor Paco. I've never heard the fish oil solution, but it does seem to be worth trying. I might get some for Sophie. When I was giving Monk glucosamine, I just cut off a piece of string cheese, pushed the pill in the middle and he ate it! Looked forward to that every morning too.

    No seafood? Poor Shelley...

    1. Yeah, I remember liking the warmer weather when I was swimming. Not so much now, for running - I've done my time in the heat. Ready for a break!

      Paco gets his Benadryl in peanut butter...wonder if I could slip a fish oil cap in there too?

      LOL on "elections are tomorrow?" - you really ARE out of the loop, and I admire that!

  17. Poor Paco. I would try either fish oil caps or flax oil. He might just eat them whole. Pixie goes insane for flaxseed caps (I cannot abide fish oil) - they are not for her, but if we set the vitamins on the counter and turn our backs, she runs off with the gel caps.

    Only 2 more days to stop hearing election coverage! I visited a swing state (WI) during the 2000 election season and it was hell on earth being there. I cannot imagine that level daily without going completely insane. Everyone needs to just shut up and keep your opinions to yourself for the next couple days (or forever, I'm okay with that, too).

    1. That's hilarious, about Pixie absconding with the flaxseed caps! Maybe she instinctively is trying to become healthier? ;)

      LOL on the keeping the political opinions to yourself forever. I wish...

  18. I LOVE Cranky Shelley!!! (I love happy Shelley too, but Cranky Shelley's rants are a fun read) Poor Paco. Hope he gets sorted out soon. AWWW. And if its any consolation, we Canadians are sick to death of your election too! We don't care who you vote in (well, we kinda do 'cause the outcome will absolutely affect all kinds of exports, cross border relations and our general day to day economy) but GEEEZ....get on with it. :)
    OOH..that made Cranky Roz make an appearance. She's not as fun as Cranky Shelley though! Cranky Roz agrees with you about the holiday music and commercials too. That makes me want to go and kick some Santa's ass. HA! Kidding. sort of! Have a good day despite it all Shelley! Hugs.

    1. I like Cranky Roz, and completely understand how Canadians could be as sick of this whole election as we are!

  19. What a fun post, when it generates such fun comments. And some helpful ones too! I am particularly intrigued by Lori's story about the flaxseed oil caps and Pixie. That might be the best solution of all--I'm sure you could just dump flaxseed oil on top of the dog food and they would love it..

  20. Shelley, they can do blood tests for dogs and make allergy shots. We had a Sheltie that was allergic to human dander, a variety of trees and molds and dust mites, and it never caused a problem until he was 8! Our vet used Liquid Gold tests by (this was back in 1999). It made a huge difference in how he felt. His hair grew back (yep, a bald Sheltie), he stopped being itchy and was so much better. It starts off with frequent shots but tapers down to once a month or so. It's miracle worker!

  21. Our weather has been wacky too. 95 today and by Friday it will be 64, I can't wait! I saw Christmas candy out at Target last week, before halloween, ugh.

  22. I know what you mean about the election! So glad it will be over and everyone can get on with their lives!

    Mid 80's in November - too hot for me!


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