Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday Workout Update

Yesterday saw the return of Team Jelly - my former running buddy, Jenny, and I were reunited and RAN!  OK, we walked, too...but we RAN!  Together!  Like the good old days!!!  A little history, if you are new here:  Jenny and I used to workout together back when I was going to a personal trainer - he had small group classes, and many times, we'd be partnered up together for challenges, which is where the "Team Jelly" name originated.  Then Jenny and I started running together, and we spent the spring of 2010 running 5K races (if you're interested, you can find the recaps on my running page).  Then we ran a half marathon!  Shortly after that, I injured my ankle and had to stop running for an entire @#$%^ year.  But I'm coming back, baby!

Jeff and I have been doing walk/run intervals for the past month, slowly increasing the amount of running time.  On Sunday, we did 8 minutes walking/1:30 minutes running for a total of 6 cycles.  I felt pretty good after that and decided to try a 5 minute walk/1:30 minute run cycle for the next time (which interestingly enough, Dolvelen emailed me with that same recommendation - GMTA!), and Jenny was game.  So we set up a running date on Tuesday morning.  Only Tuesday came...and it was raining!  The nerve!!!  No matter, it wasn't that cold (about 58 degrees) and there wasn't any thunder in the area, so we decided to go ahead and run.  And it was awesome - just like old times.  Jenny and I have the same pace and we have always run well together...while Jeff has been great to get out and walk/run with me, he does have to shorten his stride/pace a lot, and the running isn't as natural with him. 

So we walked, and ran, and walked, and ran...and the rain went from a light shower to a downpour.  And we kept running - it was actually quite liberating to be out running in the rain...I mean, really - how often do you deliberately stay out in a rainstorm?  For me?  Never.  Until yesterday.  We were absolutely soaked from head-to-toe...our shoes were squishing out water as we ran, and our clothes got heavier from all the water they absorbed.  But it was great fun and an experience I'm glad I had!

As we finished and were walking back to our cars, the rain lightened up (naturally).  We got a quick picture to document our bad selves, and then drove home to dry off.  I have to say, everything about this run felt right.  And this is what I love about running.
Team Jelly - together again!


  1. YES! WAHOO SHELLEY! What a fantastic way to bring in February - reading about your success. Go you!

  2. First off, "Team Jelly" rules...could there be a more awesome name? :) Second, a huge congrats that you are RUNNING again. I've read your blog for a couple years, and I've always been inspired by your running so it's wonderful to see you getting back to something that you love so much..

  3. Shelley I've read this on FB too and again I can't tell you how happy I am for you. This is so great my friend, you're on your way back!

    And of course I remember Jenny. When I think of you and Jenny and the classes I always think of burpees. First time you mentioned it I had to look it up. I was shocked one day when I put in a Jillian Michaels DVD (I never watch the DVD's before I do them) and had to do a burpee :)

    1. I tell you what, I do not miss burpees!

    2. Totally get that, man those are hard. I didn't manage to do them correctly but am working on it, just like I'm working on a full push up.

  4. So happy for you Shelley!! I'm actually doing a bit of running myself these days! One year after my surgery, didn't think it would ever happen but never say never, right?

  5. I saw that picture on facebook and was so excited to see you running! I think its great you are doing the walk/run routine, you'll be less likely to injure yourself, but you'll continue to get stronger.

    Go Team Jelly! :D

  6. Most excellent. (And I was right if I do say so myself *pat* *pat* *pat*).

  7. You have got such an adorable little figure. Congrats on the running again! :)

  8. Run, Shelley, Run! (Forrest Gump quote)

  9. It just be so great to have a running partner like that! Makes all the difference in the world! Looking good!

  10. Awesome so glad to see you able to run more.

  11. Hooray! And fitting that it was in the middle of a cleansing rain :-)

  12. OMG...yes...git down with yo' bad self.

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Back in the saddle again. :)

  14. I love running in the rain - so freeing! Glad your ankle is feeling better.

  15. Great story. I have run in the rain way too many times. In fact, my kid and I got caught in the rain on the beach the other day right after my run AND shower. I'm so glad you are back at it.

  16. That is fantastic news Shelley! Go Team Jelly!!

  17. Woohoo, go Team Jelly!! So glad you are running again.


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