Monday, December 27, 2010

Time To Stop Eating!

Christmas and all the food stuff leading up to it was fun, but I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I needed to stop eating all of the extras that have been finding their way into my mouth...I have had enough cookies, candy and rich food to last me a good long time. And I'm pleased to report that while I was at work on Sunday, I didn't eat any sweets - believe me, there were still plenty available. I have to say that I was a little worried that the addictive powers of sugar would take a stronger hold over me, but so far I don't seem to be having horrible cravings - which, considering I was having candy or chocolate every. single. day. for a good couple of weeks is pretty amazing. Crossing my fingers that I have gotten this out of my system (and out of my house, lol) and will be back to eating clean and healthy, which my body much prefers. And I kinda miss my thinner self - I haven't gotten on the scale, but I can see some extra weight in my face and around my stomach. Time to reverse that trend!

And now, a Christmas day recap, if you will.
Everyone had fun with their headlamp stocking stuffers!
Paco finally got his new bone.
The family that Snuggies one nerdy family? These were a bargain. Can I just say that while yes, they ARE warm, they are also a bit strange? What is up with the one giant pocket in the center? And why are the sleeves so freaking long?
Paco LOVED the snuggies - even gave up on his new bone to cuddle with Sam!
Kip regifted himself a few times - wrapping is always so entertaining for him.
My gifts - hmmm, wonder what I'm interested in? And pink? Love it! BTW, I'll have a mini-review of the nifty headphones on Wednesday. :)
Kip and Max, down for the count in the afternoon!
Christmas dinner at my house - where grown men wear pretty paper crowns!
My plate - yum! And look - a fresh vegetable! :)
They drove me to drink...sparkling cider, that is!
Paco was "just checking" - why, I don't know, as we don't feed him table scraps!
And Sam pondering if there really IS a Santa Claus...or else he was wondering when pie would be served.


  1. You had way more fun than anyone else I know.
    Lay off the hard stuff, will ya?!
    Loved the whole thing!

  2. Great pictures - and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
    Snuggie pics are especially cute. I love how all the men went along the the fun. :)

    I agree with you - time to stop eating!

  3. Love the nerdy family - next year we're sooo doing Snuggies - you guys are a fun mob!

    Glad to hear the sugar monster didn't have claws in too deep. Can't say the same at this end - but working to get back on track today. That statement, btw, was said in my post YESTERDAY. Today for sure!

  4. Being from Wisconsin I'd never seen the paper hat tradition until I moved to Australia! Was surprised to see you guys doing it. Thought it was only an Aussie or British thing! LOL They look cute, though. :)

  5. That looks like such a fun day! I hear you on getting back to the healthy eating again. It is a relief!

    My snuggie does not have a front pocket. It has the Broncos logo all over it, but it did not come with a paper bag to wear on my head, which it should have after this season...

  6. The Snuggie family, hahahahahaha! You all have a great sense of humor.

    Time to clear out all the extra snakcs/treats lingering around. Don't be afraid to just throw some of it away; it's empowering!

    Merry Christmas, Shelley! Looks like you had a great one.

  7. What a fun Christmas! So did you dance in your Snuggies like they do on the commercial? :)

    Love your stocking stuffers.

    You guys are so cute. And our kitty did the same thing with our wrapping paper. Very entertaining.

  8. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas Shelley! I have to say I did pretty good over the holiday weekend - I didn't go to WW because they were closed on Saturday (and very well could have gone on Friday!) and was happy to see that my 2.6 loss is still in tact!

    Here's to both of us eating clean this week! :D

  9. Great pics! LOVE the Snuggies! And, I feel the same way about the food. I've had enough - thank goodness!

    Winks & Smiles,

  10. Oh Oh OH
    I love your family.
    I love your family.
    I love your family.
    I love your family.
    I love your family.
    I love your family.
    I love your family.
    I love your family.

  11. Oh how cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Made me smile BIG!

    P.S. I have a snuggie (in pink of course) but I totally agree about the sleeves!

  12. You guys are a hoot! Your men are such good sports for putting up with being blog-sposed.

    And may I just say... THREE CHEERS FOR RUNNING GIFTS!!! WOOT!

  13. Looks like a super fabulous and fun Christmas- I love the Snuggies! I too am carrying a bit of holiday weight in my face and... Other areas. I'm determined to drop it soon with
    my new cross country skis and by cutting back on the sugar. I had more in the past few weeks than any person ever should!

  14. I love all the pics...looks like you have such a FUN family!! :)

  15. Oh Shelley what a wonderful Christmas you've had, there's so much fun in every picture! I love it!

    We didn't get Bella a present, we normally don't exchange gifts at Christmas so that R. bought me one was a big surprise and I felt terrible I didn't get him anything.

    You've had really cool presents, I can see that your family knows what you like these days too :)

    I've got your card today in the mail. Thank you, it was a very sweet card.

  16. Oh ... and yes, I'm left handed. Funny that you are too. It seems that left handed people are more creative but after 42 years I'm still waiting till my creative side shows up :lol:

  17. Oh gosh, I think if the idea of family Snuggies came up in my family, my brother and I would die, hahah. Merry Christmas, Shelley!

  18. Hey, my Snuggie doesn't have a pocket!

    You guys will LOVE them. I got mine last Christmas and as soon as it got cold, it's now on my couch waiting for me to get home!

    Merry Christmas!

  19. I missed both my kids on Christmas day though this post provided memories of good times with them. I own two pair of headlamps (for the front and back of my head because I can see what you are doing no matter where I look). And I think you should send those snuggie photos to Crabby McSlacker.

  20. I don't know what happened in our household but it was as if everyone decided my kids needed tons of chocolate. Thankfully I no longer eat all that stuff as I know that once I start I can't stop! Great pictures.


  21. Loved the pictures and glad you had a great time! I hear you about the sugar and whole heartedly agree it has to stop TODAY for me. Time to have one of Loris no sugar added days:)

  22. I too also decided to stop eating as of yesterday afternoon. Felt good making that decision and going to stick with it. Started exercising as well this morning :)
    Your Christmas day sure looks like you all had a ball.

  23. Looks like a fantastic holiday!!

    Love the matching snuggies. :)

  24. I'm cleaning house too... no more sweets allowed! Sooo miserable from too many sweets, and rolls, and carbs in general. I'm really ready to get back to eating healthy. Thanks for the reminder.

    Looking good, btw! Vee at

  25. I got a snuggie, too, from Santa. Problem is the grandbabies love it, too!

  26. Oh my goodness, what is it with those Snuggies! There were two given in my family! I was like, "We have blankets!" Love the pictures though, I always love getting a peak into peoples lives. Thank you!

  27. Sunday was my day to start fresh too:) Good bye holiday temptations!


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