On Saturday, I had a six mile run scheduled with my running club. I went into that run with one goal - to run the entire time. No walking. Normally on our long runs, I walk every mile for about a minute as I drink some water, but for this one, I wanted to prove to myself that I could, in fact, run it all. And I did! And I felt great during the whole run, too! Now, the weather helped - it was 52 degrees and windy in places, but I dressed almost correctly for it
(a hat with ear flaps or something to cover my ears would have been nice), and I finished on my race pace time of 1:12, which is a 12-minute mile. Slow, but doable, I believe, for 13.1 miles. Which I will be running on Saturday...eek!
I'm finally getting my act together for these races - would you believe I left my Body Glide in the hotel when I ran that race in Maui? How I escaped that one unchafed is a minor miracle. Up to now, I'm always carrying an armful of stuff to the car - iTouch, water bottle, wallet, sunglasses, keys, Body Glide, lip balm, jacket - and if I'm not dropping something, I'm forgetting something. So I bought myself a "gym" bag and boy do I feel organized!
Everything in the picture fits in the bag with tons of room to spare. I plan on putting in a cheap pair of flip flops (once I find some - too bad I didn't think of this while I was in Maui where they are everywhere, unlike Texas in November), an extra shirt (the black thing under the gloves are running capris) and an extra pair of socks. Anything I'm forgetting?This bag already paid off with my Saturday run, when I got out of the car and realized how cold it was - I reached into it and pulled out a pair of gloves, which I ended up wearing the entire run. Nice!
As many of you know, I do love to dress all matchy-matchy when I run - I may not be fast, but I can look good! I'm constantly checking the ONE major store in town that carries athletic clothing
(I don't count the mall stores because they are tiny and I never go to the mall - oh, and I live half a mile away from it, if that tells you how bad of a mall it is)...anyway, yesterday, when I was on my weekly run-through of
Academy, I got the deal of a lifetime on VISORS!!! I know, how exciting, right?!? Look at what I picked up:

And guess how much these babies were going for? All except for the pink were $2.88 each! The pink, because
(I guess) it was the last one, was only 88 cents!!! You KNOW I was doing the happy dance when I discovered these, lol! Now if I could just find a purple and a lime green one, I think I will have every color I need. Yes, I NEED colorful visors...they complete me, dontcha know?

I also got two different Adidas technical shirts, both in size large
(because that was all they had left). One fit - it's a little loose, but fine. The other large is too tight! What rhyme or reason is there to that?!? Back to the store it will go. But still, getting one deep pink running shirt for $4.88 is thrilling to me.
I'm continuing my taper this week toward the half marathon on Saturday. Jenny and I ran for 30 minutes on Monday, and I'm supposed to run another 30 minutes today. Hasn't happened yet, but it's pretty cold this morning, so I'm not racing against the heat of the day to get out there. I've started eating more carbs this week, and beginning today will start hydrating - it may be too early to be pushing a lot of water, but I don't think it can hurt. Gatorade's G2 (the lower calorie version) will be added to the mix Thursday and Friday. I'm not that nervous about the race, but then again, it's only Wednesday! Talk to me again on Friday. :)
Those were some great deals!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you're appreciating not being over-heated by the sun when you're running. A cold day can start to feel pretty warm doing long runs like that.
I'm excited for you about your race. You are going to do AWESOME!
Wow...what a great deal. I enjoy looking "athletic" when I run. I cant say I always match though, especially when I run on our road alone. The other day i went out in....Red pants and an aqua teal shirt...hehe.
ReplyDeleteYour running inspires me. Keep it up :) And thanks for the comments over on my blog. They are much appreciated!
Awesome deals!! You are going to do great at your race!
ReplyDeleteGreat run Saturday!
ReplyDeleteNo worries Shelley, you are ready for Saturday! I only hope my little encouragement for you will arrive on time :)
Love the bag! I always run from home but if I wouldn't this would be a perfect idea!
Great deal on the visors, they are cool!
Do you have a headband? I have 2 Bondibands (won one from Syl!). My ears are supersensitive and when they get cold they hurt and I get a headache.
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny w/ those visors.
For the record, I was up at 4:30 AM thinking about weekend details.....I just got a 20 min. elliptical in w/ walk and run. I can't believe I did that....nervous energy. Off to work, I WOULD NOT want to be one of my clients today.....zzzzzz
That's it. I'm hitting Academy today! Do they sell Bodyglide too? Because Target does not.
ReplyDeleteLove all the great deals you found.
I'm reading very attentively to find out what runners wear during the cold weather. Cold air in my ears give me bad headaches.
I.am.so.excited about this race. You know you're going to do great.
Always so interesting to me to read what other runners use and wear.
ReplyDeleteNo body glide for me unless I'm running 8 miles or more. No hats of any kind unless it's below 30 and sometimes even then I only wear an earband! I feel like hats "choke" my head. No gloves until it's under 40 degrees.
And, last but not least, I ALWAYS immediately take off my sneakers and put on flip flops at the end of a race. Usually I cannot wait to get those shoes off - lol!
I think your gym bag is well prepared, and so are YOU.
I love your prep pack - well armed is well prepared. I can't wait to hear about your half, Shelley. Congrats on running the entire 6 - your steady progress is inspiring to watch.
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up with your stylin' race outfits. Love that you get them at a bargain!
ReplyDeleteOoh. LOVE the race bag! I just love bags of any kind, to organize and contain all my stuff.
And can hardly wait for the race report. Good luck to you, although you don't need luck. You are well prepared.
I love your bag! It's perfect! I usually just throw stuff in the back of my car, but maybe getting my stuff together might make me feel more prepared. And my car look less like the gypsies moved in.
ReplyDeleteAlso, what are you WEARING for the race?!
Congratulations on running the entire 6 miles! I've *never* run that far. A 5K is the best I've done. Also, totally unstylish. If you'd like to know about workout DVDs, check out my blog at www.fabworkoutdvds.blogspot.com Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI was at the dollar tree store yesterday looking for cheapo flu medicine and saw lots of flipflops. try there ... you might get lucky!
ReplyDeleteYou're so organized. and I'm jealous!
Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com
What a cute bag! There's nothing better than cheapo bargains. Love it.
ReplyDeleteI am clashy-clashy when I work out most times LOL! My pink gloves don't go with much, and my blue technical turtleneck doesn't go with my red and white jacket. Ah well.
ReplyDeleteI think you are certainly prepared "stuff" wise for your race - as well as mental/physical. I am excited for you!
i must know what this body glide is. i have an idea but... i think i am being inappropriate :) do tell!
ReplyDeleteooooh and I DO LOVE ME SOME PURPLE :)
ReplyDeleteIm ready to git healed and git back to running.
I truly think thats the silver lining for me with my...derailment.
now I WANT to run.
Total score on that athletic loot! You are a shopper like me - I do the happy dance too when I get a good deal.
ReplyDeleteYou will be fine for Saturday, even though I know you are nervous. You are prepared and will do great!!
I love your cute bag Shelley! It is nice to have your "what-ifs" all in one place. I have to laugh that you thought it was chilly when you started! Coming to work today, it was a chilly 38 degrees and kids here were walking to school wearing just a hoodie! No hats/gloves! And I LOVE the visors! So cute and fun.
ReplyDeleteWay to go on the run Shelley! I love a good bargain too :) Thinking about you and your big race!!
ReplyDeleteScore on those visors!!! I love finding deals like that.
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the run too. My goal after this baby comes in Jan is to sometime before 2012 run 5 miles without stopping. I've never done it before.
Tina www.faithfitnessfun.com
I thought I posted a comment yesterday when I read this post but I guess I forgot. I came back today because with your photos, it looks like a give-away and I wanted to throw my name in the hat for the contents of the first photo.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to win a visor. BTW, this is all stuff you'll eventually have to throw out. Stop buying duplicates. Sorry, I'm just being honest here.
Matchymatchy. ;-)
You are too cute, I love the visors and your determination to stay cute and matching while running!! You totally pull it off, Shelley! I once left my GLIDE in my suitcase and forgot to apply it in the morning...Vaseline just isn't the same, yech!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend!
Love a good bargain! It's funny hearing you running in the cold and here it's going to be 39C / 102F! Want to send any of it over here (Perth, Australia)?
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 100 lb anniversary and good luck for the race!
You are so inspirational and so you've just been tagged - if you want to join in, check out to my latest blog post.
Oh my goodness, cute, cute bag! Good luck in your half on Saturday. I'm running one too and hoping it doesn't rain!
ReplyDelete@foodmasochist - bodyglide is a wonderful product that comes in a tube kind of like deodorant. It is applied to feet and anywhere else where running might cause chafing. It is greaseless, odorless, super stuff. Around here it is only avail at certain stores like EMS or a running store. But it is avail online, as most things are.
ReplyDeleteShelley, yahoo on those great deals!! One reader says eventually it all gets thrown out, don't duplicate, but at those priced, I don't get why not. I thought she meant it will be thrown out due to sweat stains etc, but having many will help postpone that. :) Plus they are cheap and make ya happy!
Hope race went well. Chrissy