Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WWU - Entertaining Myself

I've been walking so much that I earned a badge from Garmin - and you know how much I like my badges:
So yeah.  I am on FIRE!

Because I'm uploading my stats to Garmin Connect so often, I've begun naming my walks more than just the standard "walk with Jeff" which goes to show you just how long I've been in quarantine; naming walks has become my entertainment.  Hey, whatever gets you through, right?  Anyway, some of my favorites have been, and they all begin with Coronavirus walk, just so you know (and I don't have to repeat myself several times):

- post taquitos, pre ice cream (quarantine freezer eating)
- now with illegal garden/vegetable patches (on unused public property)
- firefighter edition (something was going on behind an old storefront)
- police edition (something was going on at a house on our route; people were being interviewed by two cops but no one was wearing a mask and no one was doing the six feet distancing...why?)
- Paco/no Paco (took him for a walk but that was more of a stop and sniff everything so we brought him home after a little while and went for a longer walk)

Because I've had over a month of a lot of walking, and our weather turned very cold - 40s in April is pretty cold for south Texas, I decided to try running a little.  I do a one mile warm up walk and then I've been running another mile at 30:30 intervals, which leaves me gasping.  I tend to run too fast for the first 4 or 5 intervals and then can't breathe for the rest.  My legs feel OK, but my cardio?  Not so much.  I just need to figure out how to slow my pace in the beginning so I can make it through to the end.  It's very eye-opening to start running from scratch and if I end up feeling good enough to run a 5K, which is my goal for this year (along with finding a race where I can earn a 5K medal with "2020" on it), I'll keep up that distance, if only to not start over again.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're feeling good enough to kick it up into a run! I love how you name your walks--a sense of humor sure is a good thing these days.

    1. I need to make it fun and while I'm probably my best audience with them, it does make me laugh when I come up with a good name.

  2. Yay, a new badge! I love your walk titles! I am way less creative with how I label stuff in Garmin. I should follow your lead.

    It's so hard not to start off too fast with intervals! I bet you will get the hang of it though. And as you keep going, you'll be able to start them a little faster anyway. Keep it up and keep us posted! I hope you can find a race with that medal!

    1. I was really happy with that badge! Intervals are going, well, intervally good and intervally bad. I hope to have more good than bad as time goes by!

  3. You made me realize that I have not earned on medal this year...womp womp. I bet I'm not in the minority though.
    Congrats on the badge! I have not uploaded stats in Garmin Connect in FOREVER. I use to love see that data. You are inspiring to get back to it. Glad you are making progress and hopefully both of us will get a 2020 medal this year!

  4. Oops, sorry about all the typos in the above comment. Hopefully you can decipher what I was trying to

    1. As someone who regularly texts autocorrected unreadable things, I was able to decipher your comment easily. ;)


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