Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Fitness Goals For 2019

Sure, sure - we are two months into 2019 and I'm just now posting some fitness goals for the year.  Why rush things?  Why have my post get lost among all of the New Year goals and resolutions posts? might be that it took me a while to figure out if I had any actual fitness goals for this year.  Tomato, potato.

One thing that the coaches at BCS Fitness encourage is to beat whatever we did in a previous workout.  They've been saying this since I started going again last fall, but it took a while before I realized that I could apply that to my running as well as my workouts.  So my first goal is to beat my previous time in the races that I'm doing this year.  I'm not saying I have to beat that time by anything huge - if I come in one minute faster, then I've achieved that goal.

Another goal is to beat my previous time while doing a 500 meter rower test.  I did one rower test for time in November and then didn't get another one done until just now.  November's time was 2:17; February's time was 2:13.  Yes I beat the first test but not by much.  I can't remember if I did the first one before or after a workout, but I did the latest one before and it was hard...maybe I wasn't warmed up for it.  Or maybe that's all the improvement I've made - I'll do another one in March and see how that goes.

So basically it's all about beating myself this year - I'm not competing against any other runners, or anyone in my workout group.  I just want to see if I can make improvements.  Not a specific number or time, but just an improvement in general.  I don't want to set myself up for disappointment if I make "run this race 5 minutes faster than last year" because if I only run it 3 minutes faster, that would mean a failure even though it's actually an improvement - and yes, that is how my brain works, sad but true.

My last goal is to feel and look happy whenever I cross the finish line - this was a good start:
Missions 10,000 minus a couple thousand.

With those goals set, I can tell you that I did beat my time in the Texas 10 Series race - by about one minute, LOL.  Hey - that's all I wanted, and I did it.  Gold star for me.  As I didn't run the entire 10K for the Missions 10,000 race, I don't have an exact comparison, but when Diane and I do our official Missions 10,000 run in our town, I'll try to beat the time, just for fun.


  1. I think that's a great way to push yourself! Just don't get so caught up that if you don't beat your previous time that it derails you. Oh, maybe that's me, not you ;)

    1. I'm trying to be nice to myself. Not always easy...

  2. A minute improvement is great! Think about how long a minute really is (especially while watching football LOL )
    I push myself each workout by increasing the weights a bit on one or two exercises. It's fun to look at where I started and then the progress over time.

    1. Good point on the minute's length of time - I know it can feel like forever when getting to the finish line, LOL!

  3. I like that idea of just competing with yourself. And smiling when you cross the finish line :)

  4. That's a great goal. Just be a better you.

  5. I think it's great that you're setting goals! I guess that's what keeps us going. You're pretty fast on the rower!

    1. Thanks - I don't think so, but I'll take the compliment. :)

  6. I love it! A competition with yourself! I think that’s why I liked running when I was doing it consistently (I miss it and plan/want to restart). I wasn’t competing with anyone other than myself!!! That appealed to me!!!

    1. I hope you get your running mojo back - you were doing really well!

  7. This is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is so important to compete with yourself not anyone else.

    When Ii am mad at my finish time it is usually because I know I could do better. Then other times, I know that I did the best and there were other circumstances.

    That's what I love about running. It doesn't exist in other sports - you win or you lose.

    Keep it up. You're doing great.

    You have to fake those finishline smiles LOL

  8. I completely agree about competing with yourself, not anyone else. Comparing ourselves to others just doesn't seem healthy or productive.

  9. Awesome goal! Do you have similar goals in lifting, like heavier weights or more reps than last time, etc?

    1. Not for lifting - my coaches give me what they think I can handle and if I get too good at it, they give me heavier weights, LOL.


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