Monday, November 12, 2018

Ten in Eleven

We have been on ten airplane flights in eleven days - once to far northern California for the Marching Lumberjacks 50th reunion, and once to southern California for a wedding.  We've had a great time on both trips, but I'm tired, my body has no idea what time zone to be on (there's a two hour difference between Texas and California), and I just wanted to spend some time laying around with Paco.  I'll have a more exciting post on Wednesday, but for now, I'll leave you with a picture of a dog who is very happy to be home:
Pleese don't go away again.  Boarding school was fun but I missed yu.


  1. Rest up and for goodness sake give that dog some love!!! :-)

  2. Mmmmmm that's not a fate I'd wish on anyone even if the events were fun. Enjoy your day laying around!

  3. Glad you're back.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm still recovering from France and it's been weeks.

  4. Wow Shelley! That is some crazy traveling in a short time period. Yes, please lay around with Paco and some easy knitting this week!

  5. Wow! That is a lot of air travel. Do you have to take a puddle jumper to get to a real airport like me? Oh, and at our house it's called the Doggie Spa. Rest up!

    1. Yes, we have to take a puddle jumper to either Houston or D/FW; and on our trip to Arcata, we had to take another puddle jumper from San Francisco!

  6. Blergh - 10 flights! Put your feet up and take a siesta! :D

  7. Holy cow that is A LOT of flights! I hope you are starting to feel back to normal now!


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