Wednesday, August 22, 2018

WWU - Running Lite

Two, two, three.  Two, two, three.  Yep, that's what I've been running lately.  Two miles on Tuesday, two on Thursday, and a whopping three miles on Saturday.  And you know what?  I'm good with this.  Some day, when the weather stops trying to kill me, I'll bump up the mileage a bit.  But for now, this is it.

Diane was out of town last weekend so Jeff ran with me on Saturday.  It's dark and deserted and scary, so I was glad for his company.  We finished the run and boy howdy, the cold washcloths that we keep in the clubhouse garage refrigerator helped to make me feel human again.  We were a smaller group, so we got to Blue Baker a little earlier than normal (because not as many people needed to change at the clubhouse beforehand), which was a good thing.  Our baker, Chris, handed us this beautiful loaf of ciabatta bread:
This was his last ciabatta baked there.

...and then he told us that it was his last week at Blue Baker.  To say we were bummed is an understatement - he's been so nice and we've enjoyed chatting with him over the years, along with being treated to some really delicious bread and desserts.  One year we gave him a Renegade shirt for Christmas because he was such a big part of our Saturday mornings.  He's worked there for over 16 years, and is leaving to be head baker at the new HEB grocery store in town.  It's a fantastic opportunity for him - HEB is a great employer and usually people who work there never leave, the company is that good.  Being head baker and getting to make their artisan bread even better is an awesome opportunity, but dang, we will miss him!

Logan managed to put a smile back on our faces:
That tongue!  He was so funny with it.
 Such a cute baby!  Even though he's much more active, he will still come to you for a cuddle.

While Cary managed to purchase two frozen cookie dough treats - still not sure if that's really allowed, but she made it happen:
This is sooooo good.  Every last crumb was consumed by our group.

And that's a wrap for this Wednesday Workout Update!


  1. OK, I got a visual of the Renegades clustered in the HEB bakery waiting for ciabatta next Saturday - hahahaha! I hope the new baker continues to treat your group well.

    While I'm sure there are those who would disagree, I think backing of long and hard mileage week after week is perfectly fine. My running has always been cyclical and as long as I keep running, that's good enough!

    1. Haha, believe me, we've thought about it! The new HEB won't be open for several more weeks, but we'll have to do a recon mission to check out the bakery area...

  2. My miles are definitely lower this summer too. I can only handle so much humidity!

    1. It really sucks the life out of your runs, doesn't it?

  3. LOLOLOL at Helen's comment about your group meeting at HEB bakery. Two and three miles sounds just very fine to me. And frozen cookie dough??? NOTHING better!

    1. I know, we may just have to do a field trip to the new HEB!

  4. Oh yes, I counted that Baker as an honorary member of your running group. I know how much you will miss him!

  5. Oh no about your baker! Are you still going to be getting extra treats when you go there? Maybe you can follow him to HEB and meet there now :)

    1. He told the bakery staff to take care of us... :)

  6. Not the baker!!!!!!!!!! That upsets me for you!!!!

    That is one cute baby!!

    Kudos on accepting the limitations of the weather and being happy with your weekly mileage!!!

    1. Yeah, we were so sad and happy (for him) at the same time.

  7. He's just absolutely adorable

    1. Isn't he?? I got a cheek smush from him yesterday, so sweet!

  8. This summer, I came to the conclusion that a Saturday run of 3 miles is better than a Saturday run of no miles, so yeah...there's that. The heat has just been insane! Logan is so stinking precious!

    1. I know you deal with the same horrible conditions - so yep...exactly what you said.

  9. Aww man! How sad, but congrats to Chris! Can you visit him at HEB?


    1. We will try to visit him; not sure of his schedule just yet. Usually he was leaving BB as we were arriving since he baked overnight.

      Frozen cookie dough is AMAZING.


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