Wednesday, February 14, 2018

WWU - Happy Valentine's Day!

I'll get to a running update in a minute, but first, cuteness:
A baby covered in cookies - really, could it get any cuter?

This is close:
My baby - OK, my youngest...with a cookie and a dog who is licking his lips in anticipation of getting a taste of that cookie.

Gotta love it when Blue Baker does their holiday theme cookies - I think we all snagged one!


Getting back to running, we got smacked with a warm, humid morning for our Saturday run, and dang if that didn't make me feel like I was slogging through quicksand.  I've enjoyed our cold weather runs more than I realized and am not ready for the humidity just yet.  Plus, this made me remember how, each spring, I have to build back up to running in that kind of weather.  Luckily this was just a blip and we still have some more cold weather runs ahead before we deal with constant humidity and heat.

Anyway, Cary, Diane, and I set out to run 5 miles, and while the company was great and the conversation (and venting) was excellent, the run was challenging.  It's still quite shocking for me to see how much warmer temps (it was 62 degrees, with 100% humidity) affect my running.  We slogged through, and while I thought my route was 5 miles, when we were nearing the clubhouse I realized we were about a quarter mile off; we had the option of either running past the clubhouse to get the extra quarter mile, or calling it at 4.75 miles, and 4.75 miles sounded pretty good to us at that point, so we called it.  Honestly had the weather been better, I bet we would have been fine with running the extra bit, but we were ready to be done.  Still, it was fun and I'm glad I had such good friends to run with!


This has been the rainiest winter in recent memory, and I'll admit, it's hard to force myself to get out for a short run when it's raining and very cold, so I've let some runs fall by the wayside.  We ran yesterday morning, but it started raining halfway through our first loop, and with the cold temps (the feels like was 38 degrees), we cut it short.  Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to get an entire run in - I think we're safe, but rain is in the extended forecast for another 10 days, yikes!   

Here's just a few more pictures from our morning at Blue Baker:

What can I say, Logan is a happy baby and getting a chance to cuddle him is a great post-run reward!


  1. Maybe I’m weird but thise hot weather runs where I’m just a slick mess of sweat...I kinda like them. Ok the humidity that sucks the air out of your lungs..I don’t like that as much!!

    1. Nope, sorry - when 100% of our runs from May - October are hot, humid, and we're permanently sweaty, I do not enjoy them as much. Give me some sweet cool (and dry) runs, please!

  2. You have the best valentine pictures i've seen thus far!

    Aww, I was pulling for you guys to finish that .25 and call it an even 5! Maybe next time! We've all been there where we just need to call it what it is!

    Our weather here has not been terribly bad. Seems like every day it is pretty warm, it's also raining!

    Happy Valentines day!

    1. Rain and fog, that's what we've had lately. Blech.

  3. That really is the cutest baby!! And 4.75 miles in 100% humidity? That is a huge WIN!! I tell you what--if I lived there, I'd be watching you run by from inside my air conditioned house. And then I'd get in my air conditioned car and join you at Blue Baker :))

    1. You know that's what Barbara did when she was here visiting - let me go run in the heat/humidity, and then joined us afterward at Blue woman. ;)

  4. What a cute happy baby. That's a good Valentine.

    I always feel torn about winter running. Unless it's super cold, I really do run best in cooler weather - well, for the most part. But I hate what I have to wear to do so. Monday it was 54 degrees when I got up - freaky for February! I ended up running in short sleeves and capris and boy did that make me miss warm weather running. I just wanna be unencumbered and ruuunnnnnnn!

    1. It IS a pain to layer up (and the increased laundry is crazy), but I love how much better my running is in cold weather.

      And yep, Logan is such a cute Valentine - his parents are lucky!

  5. Aww, keep the young and old(er) baby pics coming! Adorable! Also, I want a cookie. Ha.

    Blah to the humidity making an early appearance! It's so nice to feel good running in the winter without all that! I suppose we all need to enjoy it before the weather goes to crap!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Pictures of Logan are the sweetest treat.

  7. I won't lie--coming back to winter after my slogfest in Bham this past weekend was actually welcome! I don't know how you southerners do it.


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