Friday, July 28, 2017

Product Week - Paco's Turn

And so we come to the end of Product Week - today, it's Paco's turn for a review.

This is about Bravecto flea and tick chews.  Paco says:
I bery allergic to flee medicine.  One time Mom gabe me a pill and I felt bery bery terrible and Mom tink I had a stroke.  I did not hab stroke, but I was in lala land for a long time.  Den Mom put some flee medicine on my back and I got bery irritated and my skin was red.  Den Mom put a bery 'spensive flee collar on me but dat didn't do much to help with my flees.  Flees are mean and give me skin infections and den I hab to go to da doctor and get a shot and pills.  I don't like dat, but I do like it when da doctor gives me special cheese from a can afterward - he's my new best friend.

Da doctor told Mom to try a new flee medicine on me called Bravecto.  It was 'spensive but I don't care, I'm not paying for it and anyway Mom just hands ober a plastic card so dat's not real money.  I gobbled down da Bravecto chew and wanted more but cheapo Mom said dat's it.  Hmpf.  All of my flees went away.  Da end.
Finally, after years of struggling to control the fleas on Paco because he seemed to be deathly allergic to just about every form of flea medicine out there, a miracle came about in the form of Bravecto chews.  We were at our monthly visit to the vet (seriously, I spend more on this dog than on Jeff and I each year for medical), getting yet another steroid shot for his extreme itchiness, along with medicine to treat yet another skin infection caused by the fleas and his licking and chewing because of the irritated skin, when the doctor, who was a fairly recent addition to the vet staff, went over Paco's history and suggested trying Bravecto - he said that it seemed to be well-tolerated in dogs who normally have bad reactions to flea medicine.  I was hesitant, because I worried that I'd kill Paco with this (if you'd seen how badly he reacted to a flea chew a while back, you'd understand - I watched him and thought "I've just given my dog something that is killing him right before my eyes"), but after talking more with the vet and getting some pretty strong reassurances, I went ahead and gave him the Bravecto.

Over the next few days, it was like we had a new dog.  He got his bounce back, he slept better, and the fleas were GONE!  It was like he Benjamin Buttoned it - our 11-year-old dog acted like a teenager, wanting to chase the ball and the Frisbee, and he was much happier overall.  I am so pleased to have finally found something that works for Paco's fleas!  Life is better for all of us.

Bravecto is a 12-week chew, and it will be time for Paco to get another dose in a few weeks - this go-round?  I will gladly hand over my plastic to pay for it!  I realize that Paco's experiences with flea medicine have probably been on the more extreme level with side effects and reactions, but I wanted to share our story and outcome in case any of you have a sensitive dog as well.

 This is mostly how we play Frisbee - I throw it, Paco runs to get it after it lands, then brings it back to me so we can play tug-o-war before starting the process all over.


Have a great weekend!


  1. Glad to learn about this! I don't treat Cocoa for fleas, but with her herniated disc, we haven't been able to get her groomed. With all that fur, I wouldn't be surprised if she sprouts a few colonies.

    1. Hope Cocoa heals soon from that herniated disc!

  2. This made me LOL ---> "anyway Mom just hands ober a plastic card so dat's not real money."

    Glad Paco is getting some relief!!

  3. My dog has severe allergies. He is allergic to fleas, but his biggest problem is that he is allergic to grass. Try keeping a dog out of the grass!

    Every spring and summer he is miserable. Itchy red skin, hot spots, his hair falls out, his belly gets a rash....

    I wonder if that would help him any? I'll ask our vet.

    1. I feel for you - Paco is allergic to grass as well and gets the itchy red skin and belly rash, too. He chews his paws until they are bloody stumps...well, he tries to, but the cone of shame stops him. The steroid shot that the vet gives him helps, although it may cause him some health issues later on. But we're choosing quality of life for Paco, and if he isn't miserable, then it's worth it. Hope you get some help for your poor pup!

  4. we spend more $ on Baylee's medicines than my entire family combined!

    that must have been scary to think that Paco had a stroke. I'm glad you figured out what was going on and now he has other options for flea medicine!

  5. Dear Paco, I'm gonna tell my Mom about this pantastic pwoduct. I do not like pweas. They make me itch. Too bad we don't live cwose by, I bet it would be pun to pway with you. Love, Mojo.

  6. Yay for Paco! I'm so glad it works. Pet parents just don't want to see their babies suffer.

  7. Can totally relate to vet care vs. human care. My cats go faithfully every year for check-ups. The humans in the household, not so much. Glad Paco Boy is flee free!

  8. First I am happy that Paco reacts so good at Bravecto.

    But ... I would advice you to look into Bravecto more on the internet. I have read horrible stories of dogs that died after using Bravecto. It's a controversary medication.

    There is even a Facebook group: Does Bravecto kill dogs? And there a several petitions in various countries that want to stop the selling/use of Bravecto.

    In my personal case: I stay on the safe side and don't use it even though my vet sells it and says it's safe.

    1. I have heard about the negatives associated with Bravecto, but honestly, it is the only thing that Paco hasn't had an adverse reaction to.

    2. I understand, of course it doesn't work bad for all dogs. I'm happy that it helps Paco.


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