You know what I hate? Continue reading. As in, you start reading a blog post but it's truncated and you have to hit a link to keep reading it. I'm sure this has to do with stats and ad revenue, but more often than not, I'll just click the X and be done with that blog. There are a few who I click through, but you better believe I'm grumbling about it.
Along those lines, I saw a cute hat pattern on Ravelry - it was free, so I downloaded it. Then I decided to go to the designer's webpage to look at their other items. Guess what? You have to enter your email address to see anything. Nope. Sorry, but I've been unsubscribing to everything lately - why would I add another website before I know if I even like it?? Clicked the X.
I really hate hackers. I woke up to see this on my iPhone last week:
Hmmm. That can't be good.
I changed my Apple ID password and went about my morning, and a little later heard the ding for a new text message. I opened up my text message icon to see the one from a friend, followed by over one hundred of these messages:
OK, this REALLY can't be good...
I sent the screenshots to my tech advisors (aka my kadults) and got sufficiently freaked out by the response. Needless to say, all of my passwords have been changed, two-step authentication has been enabled, and it's now a freaking pain in the butt every time I go to any site where a password is required. So I have a list of my passwords printed out sitting next to my computer, because I made them challenging and different and I can't remember any of them. GAH!!!
Another thing that irritates me is when you donate to an organization once and they never stop sending you requests for more money. Our youngest donated to the ACLU when she turned 18 just once (ahhh, the ideals of youth), and we are still getting these "final chance" mailings at least monthly, maybe more - I toss them directly into recycling so I don't really know at this point. Just to give you some perspective on this, Allie donated $10 in 2007. I'm pretty sure that every last dime plus many more dollars has been spent asking for more money.
What's even funnier is that the name on this envelope is no longer attached to the person they're sending it to!
Speaking of recycling, our town started offering single-stream recycling at the beginning of this year - great! I can put everything into one container; much easier than how we used to have to sort and bag everything (which to be honest was a pain so I didn't bother with it). I'm a rule follower, so I rinse my food containers and only put in what is allowed. For plastics, that would be #1 and #2. I check dutifully check the bottom of my containers before putting them into the recycling bin. But I can't read some, even with reading glasses:
Bottom of a container of Fage Greek yogurt.
Finally, after taking a picture and zooming in on it, I can see that it says "PP" in the little recycling triangle. WHAT THE FRACK DOES THAT MEAN?? Here I've been trying to decipher a number and it's been letters all along? Sigh. At least I was correct in putting these in the trash, but why do they have to make it so tiny?
OK, now that I've gotten my crankiness out, tell me what's bothering you these days.
Oh I totally get all of this! I also hate when you have to sign in to a website to just look around to see if you want to shop before even buying anything.
ReplyDeleteWhat happen with your iphone is pretty scary. Is that a common thing with iphones?
I've had an iPhone for years so I'd say it's not common...or else the hackers are getting better, sigh.
DeleteI recently got an email that my apple ID had been hacked, which is especially weird since I don't have an iPhone and only ever used that ID to download music from iTunes (which I probably haven't done in 5+ years). I hope changing all of your passwords, although annoying, nipped it in the bud!
ReplyDeleteIt's been 13 years since I moved out of my parents' house, and they STILL get mail like that for me! Actually, I imagine all of the apartments I lived in during that time still get charity stuff too. And like Allie, I only ever donated $5-$10 to things.
Luckily I don't use Apple Wallet, so I didn't have a credit card tied to that ID - just PayPal for iTunes, and THAT had been hacked a couple of years ago, so my password for PP was already different and very challenging...and of course, I changed it as well.
DeleteHow crazy that 13 years later your parents are still getting that kind of mail. It never ends!
Social media pet peeve: vague statuses. I don't care if the status is vaguely good or vaguely bad. I refuse to respond to them in any way!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I could basically just "ditto" everything you've written here. Except the phone thing which hasn't happened to me yet and I hope never does. And I hope your Apple ID remains safe!
Oh, me too on the vague statuses. I hate fishing expeditions on FB.
DeleteThis morning my phone asked me for my Google password--I can only assume someone attempted to hack me. These hackers are getting more and more creative. It's pretty scary.
ReplyDeleteAck...change all your passwords!!! Someone is trying to get into your stuff. :(
DeleteYou know what else annoys me? Blogger eating my whole comments. Grrr...
ReplyDeleteAnyway - I am so with you on the click to continue. It's almost as bad as click bait, but not quite. I pretty much never click and often times unsub that blog from my reader.
Scary about the phone hacking. About a month ago, I had my credit card info stolen and caught it right away. Then right before we left, there was a suspicious charge on a card that I haven't used in 9 months. Now I am concerned about my whole idendity.
I hate it when Blogger does that.
DeleteIt feels like everything is exposed now, between all the info out there in cyberspace and hackers trying their best to steal it.
I just got concerned about my investment account, because I do keep many of my passwords similar. So I went about trying to change that password, and ended up with a message--sorry, try later. Irritating. But the hackers are getting better and better.
ReplyDeleteYes, I related to almost all of your crankiness! My dad has been gone for 5 years, and his wife for seven, and I STILL get mail requesting donations for them. I just can't be bothered notifying these stupid companies. Oh, and related to that, is an account of my dad's that has $32 in it. And they want multiple death certificates and other stuff that will cost me more than $32. So I wrote to them and said they could keep the money. But that's against the law. So they continue to send me letters...
OMG, the bank stuff would make me crazy.
DeleteOh gosh, the truncated posts. If it's a blogger I like I will actually tell them that I am likely to read less after they do that. In feedly, I can click "see more" to read it all there, but usually, I just unsubscribe. Serious eyeroll.
ReplyDeleteI hope your phone woes are over! That would stress and freak me out!!!
I was SHOCKED when we moved and all the charities I donated to once still found our new address. It saddens me how much paper they waste asking me for money over and over and over :(
My theory is, don't make it annoying or hard to read your blog...there are way too many of them around for people to wade through any hassle.
DeleteAll of the above would make me cranky.
ReplyDeleteI hate getting all that junk email. I get about 100 emails a day and only about 5 are worth reading.
I tried unsubscribing but then I think they just gave out my address and I got even more junk email. Now I just delete them. It is so time-consuming. And that's my rant.
I wondered if unsubscribing just meant more junk email in actuality...I send most stuff to spam, but it still irks me.
DeleteCranky Shelley = Cranky Jill. I totally feel ya on all of these things.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the pop ups when you visit a blog and within a second it says "never miss a post - please sign up for email notifications!" I have barely even looked at the first page of your blog, how do I know I want to follow it right away?!
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY! Give me a minute, at least.
DeleteLOL! I love the cranky posts.
ReplyDeleteI also don't like vague statuses on FB, my sister is very good at it and I never ever respond to it. Just say what you want to say or shut up. But it's all about getting attention.
We already had to seperate trash but now they have changed things. We have to separate garden/food, paper and plastic. Everything else we have to dump in a container in our street and pay extra for it. I have gotten 6 letters about when the containers are switched and how it works. Couldn't they have written just one letter with everything in it?
I hate it when I have to give my phone number on a website that I just visit once. I always switch a few numbers so they can't call me :)
And finally: yesterday I was walking Bella and someone parked their car in front of a path that had a sign that it was for the disabled. So if I were in a wheelchair I couldn't pass through. I think that's so rude, just a lazy person who didn't want to walk a little bit further.
What makes me cranky? ALL THE THINGS!! Mostly the fact that it's now a "thing" that hosts (us) have to ante up for liability insurance to cover the wedding cake that is being baked by a family friend and not procured through a professional bakery or caterer. No kidding...the venue requires it in case someone gets food poisoning from the wedding cake.