Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday Workout Update

Because our normal running area was so affected by the tornado, rain, and subsequent flooding, we postponed our Saturday long run to Monday, which worked out since everyone had the day off from work.  We ran an out-and-back "lookie-loo" route, across the road from the neighborhood where the tornado struck; while I'd seen pictures of the devastation online, it was really shocking to see it in person.  This was a high-end EF1 tornado, with winds of 100 MPH.  As we ran down the divided four-lane road, we came across so much debris - roof shingles, 2x4 beams that were ripped in half, siding from houses - it really brought home how everything becomes a projectile during a tornado.  Jeff and Brian ran through the neighborhood and they said it was pretty awful.  One of Jeff's employees lives in that area and he had some damage to his house, including this hole in his roof caused by a projectile:
That's a quarter lying next to the hole, for scale.

So I guess what I've learned from this is that when you are told to take cover in your house - a bathtub in an interior room is usually recommended - and they say to pull a mattress over you?  Do that.  Projectiles are no joke!

Anyway, I know I got a little off track from my WWU, but this was pretty interesting to me.  Besides, do you want to hear how completely awful that run was?  I didn't think there was THAT much of a difference between running in 88% humidity and 100% humidity, but hooboy, there is...and it's brutal.  I know I'll get a little more acclimated to it, but dang, running is a whole different ballgame in this heat and humidity.

After the run, we went to Blue Baker, where - don't faint - I did not have a cinnamon twist.  I KNOW!!!  I'm actually trying to not always have (half of) one, especially when I don't run very far. 

Yesterday, Jenny and I walked our standard 5K, which was fun - we're getting faster with our walking, but the criteria has to be that we can still talk and walk, because let's face it, that's the best part of getting together...walking therapy, I call it.  We went to scary statue park for a change, and true to its nickname, Jenny got startled by one of the statues as we rounded a bend.  Here we are with a Civil War soldier:
He's standing near a neat old-style fence that they recently put up.  The park keeps evolving with all of the tributes to the soldiers of different wars; there's a lot of info to read near each site, which we actually haven't done because we are always moving.  Maybe next time after we finish our 5K, we'll take a leisurely lap around and read some of the information boards.


Today is Global Running Day!  I remember six years ago, Jenny and I worked out with Brad (back when I was killing it with the workouts) and then we ran a mile, just to mark the day.  Jeff and I plan on running this morning; again, with the heat and humidity it won't be pretty, but if we waited around for perfect running weather, we wouldn't run until November!


  1. I know it's Running Day :) but I ran yesterday and plan to go tomorrow again. It's also barefoot day so instead I will walk barefoot around my house :)

    You and Jenny look great and happy!

    1. Fran, Fran, Fran...I can't believe you didn't plan your week around Global Running Day! ;)

    2. LOL you would be disappointed if you knew how often I run these days. I don't think I ever run so little as last month so I was happy that I kicked myself out of bed yesterday morning and went. June is supposed to be a turnaround month for me and get back to regular running, exercise, hiking. It's time.

  2. That humidity level sounds awful to be outside in period let alone running in it. Hopefully you will acclimate to it soon.

    We haven't quite reached 100% humidity here in Orlando yet but it is coming soon we have however, arrived at our rainy season where we get rain everyday and lawns need mowing every week much to my husbands dismay. Every state has something.

    1. Oh the lawn mowing - it's crazy. We have a lawn guy come every two weeks, and it's getting to be needed every week, but I can't afford that. Luckily he has an industrial riding mower, so he can cut through the high grass in our yard.

  3. I pledged to run today and, of course, I did! Again, I'm so glad you guys didn't have damage and are safe. Your area keeps making the national news and I'm astonished at the flooding and devastation. I am wondering though, with all this rain, is it greener than normal? I mean I always think of TX as being sort of brown and dusty (sorry lol!).

    1. Yay you for running today!!

      So I always thought Texas was brown and dusty too, until I moved here. West Texas (like, Midland/Odessa) is that way, but we are very green and lush here, thanks to the freaking humidity. Except when we had the drought - then, less lush. But right now, it's ridiculously green thanks to all of this free water.

  4. The weather has been wild this spring! I hope things calm down. Glad you didn't get any damage.

  5. The tornados are so interesting. When I lived in Wichita Falls, I lived in a little frame house that wasn't touched by the big tornado. But in the same neighborhood, there was a big brick house that was brought down by the tornado! Anyway, glad it didn't go through your neighborhood.

    I admire you for getting out there in that humidity and doing anything--walking and running are above and beyond! I am still a little in shock from the cinnamon twist abstinence :)

  6. Oh man too bad about your friend's house.
    I'd love to talk a walk through scary statue Park!

  7. Yep, tornados are no joke - We have a cinder block basement, so that's actually the safest place for us to be vs. the bathroom - but I know it's rare for people in Texas to have basements, right? I don't think my brother has one even in the new house they built.

  8. Tornados are serious things and you see all those videos of people stupidly getting too close in order to video it. Dummies. It's all cool until debris hits you.

  9. Shelley, I give you extreme props for running in high humidity ... I'm a serious fair weather cyclist. (Too cold, too hot, too windy, too wet)

    YIKES, tornadoes are horrifying. So glad your immediate area was spared.

  10. Yep, Biz, we rarely have basements in Texas. Tornado season is always a bit scary. We've hidden in the interior laundry room many times over the years.


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