Monday, February 8, 2016

My Simple Diet Advice

Is it just me, or do you guys read some bloggers who strongly tout their way of losing weight as THE way, the ONLY way, and think that they're a little full of it?  I mean, I get it if, after many years of trying to lose weight, you finally stumble upon a plan that works for you, and of course you want to shout it from the rooftops because SUCCESS, but come on now.  Everyone is different.  Some body types respond one way to a specific diet, while others go in the opposite direction.  It's ridiculous to think that the entire population can follow one particular diet and everyone will lose weight.  And I especially don't like it when bloggers spout off scientific evidence as to why their diet is what we all should be following.  Science, schmience.  According to the diet rules, 3,500 calories equals one pound, and if you reduce your caloric intake by 3,500 calories per week, that means you should lose one pound per week...but anyone who's ever followed a diet plan to a T knows that isn't always the case.

So again, I say, if it works for you, great.  I'm happy for you, truly I am.  But your diet isn't the only winner out there.

My irritation at these diet pushers is the reason why I don't like to give a lot of diet advice on this blog.  Over the years, I've been asked many times exactly how I managed to lose weight, what diet I followed, and how can it be replicated.  The answer is, it can't be replicated - well, not exactly.  I mean, you can lose weight just like I did.  But it's up to how your body responds to what you do that is going to show you results.

I'm not perfect in how I lost the weight, nor in how I've managed my maintenance...I'm a flawed human being, after all, not a robot.  I'm still trying to figure out how to balance living a fun life with keeping my portions and treats under control.  They say practice makes perfect but I guess I'm not practicing hard enough, haha.

So after saying all of this, the most simple diet advice I can give you is to recommend that you find a way to eat that you can sustain even after you've hit your weight loss goals.  Because as we all know, if you do XX to lose weight but then go back to eating like you did before the diet, well...before too long, you're gonna need to go on another diet again.


  1. Great post! I don't like it when people push their way as if it is the best way. Like you say: everyone is different and we all have to find our own way in what works best for us.

  2. This is the best advice! And it's really the only "constant" of weight loss - find something sustainable.

  3. My motto is that I have no business worrying about what someone else is eating. Great advice Shelley!

  4. I don't give any weight loss or diet advice on my blog. I think you have to find what works for you. But I will say that what I see in my job is too many people overdo simple carbs and don't eat enough fruits and veggies. And people tend to go to extremes with everything.

  5. You're exactly right - people who succeed at this weight loss thing find a way of eating and exercising that works for them and that they individually can sustain. I know what works and what doesn't work for me, but that's after many years of tweaking and playing with it.

  6. Totally, couldn't agree more! Diet rule #1: there are no rules. #2: Everyone is different, find what works for you. It is so interesting to me, because I'm doing a combination of dieting methods and intuitive eating, as to how many opinions I've gotten on how the two are not mixable and I should do one or the other but not both. Well, guess what? It works for *me* :) I also love your last point, that is so true, whatever you do it has to be realistic and sustainable in the long term. Great post!

  7. I think when someone sees someone else having success, they want to know what the secret is ( what they are doing). You are absolutely correct in that what works for one person may not work for another!

  8. That dogma really irritates me. It seems especially strong in the low carb and 'clean' eating areas. I can't really be concerned what other people eat (although sometimes I am jealous about how much it seems they can eat!) since I know my body and what works and what doesn't.
    Great post.

  9. Preach on! Those people drive me insane. And what's bugging me now is that even when you find something that works for you, sometimes things change (ahem…aging) and you have to tweak and find something else that will work for you. Thanks for this post!!

  10. And it's not just that they PUSH, it's that look down their noses at anyone who eats differently! It's self righteous judgment that makes my blood boil! Good post Shelley!

  11. Great advice :) thanks for this Shelley.

  12. This is so spot on! Christina is right! You are a wise woman :)

  13. I love this post. This is SPOT ON to echo some of the other commenters. Congrats on whatever you do for yourself that works and is sustainable!

  14. WAIT! You aren't a robot?!?! LOL :)

    I don't read any diet blogs because they're kind of triggering for me so I haven't seen this BUT I have seen people spout out their exercise expertise which I imagine is similar (I run so you should run! I CrossFit so you should).

    This idea of what works for you being perfect for everyone else actually REALLY bothers me. I know people irl who want to push what they do on everyone and don't think about the fact that we all need something different. For everything, not just what we eat!

    But! That is great advice to figure out what you can sustain cause that's what you gotta do! :)

    and this all looks so very different for each of us.

  16. I have actually stopped following some blogs because of that hopes that they will stop preaching to me that what I'm doing is WRONG WRONG WRONG. :-) For me it might be right right right and they just don't get it.

  17. I agree. Everyone is different and what works for some doesn't necessarily work for others. I was a vegetarian for a decade--and that was when I was the most unhealthiest and overweight. My body just didn't like that diet. I found something that worked for me and my body and while I'll answer questions from people who want to know how I lost 110 pounds, I don't tell them THIS IS THE ONLY WAY. Because truly--it's not!


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