Both sides - this is styled and curled a bit by my hairdresser, but I'll probably be lazy and do the "scrunch it with my hands as I blow dry it" routine most of the time.
The most fun part of my hair appointment? My hairdresser has bought herself a learn-to-knit kit! Yay, another knitter! I offered to help her, so hopefully soon we can get together soon and watch the magic happen when string meets needles.
Speaking of knitting, I have a couple of finished projects to show you. First up is a sweet baby hat that I did on commission:
Pattern is Cable Baby, yarn is Madelinetosh DK in Carnation colorway, size is newborn. In lieu of an actual baby model, I put it on an upside down pottery vase. It's super cute and should grow with the baby all winter, hopefully.
I also finished another pair of socks - the colors are my kid's birthstone colors, so that's what I'm calling them:
I knit these using a custom pattern that I've cobbled together to fit my foot. Yarn is Shibui Knits Sock, in Periwinkle and Wasabi colorways. I only had one skein of each, so that's why I made these fraternal twins.
Couple of random updates - remember when our air conditioner broke and we had, GOT to get it fixed? My utility bill (which includes water and trash, but the bulk of it is electricity) went down $130. Nice to see the repair is already paying for itself! And that pumpkin spice yogurt that I showed you on Monday? I had it for breakfast yesterday and I wouldn't buy it again - it was really sweet (of course, I usually eat plain Greek yogurt, but still, I do love sugar), plus that container only held 5.3 ounces of yogurt. Same size container of plain Fage holds 6 I paid more for less. Next time, I'll just sprinkle some pumpkin pie spice on my plain Fage instead.
We have 6 miles scheduled for tomorrow, but we are overachievers and plan on doing 8. Six just doesn't seem like enough at this point. And after breakfast, we will spend the rest of the weekend sheltering in place, because our town is teeming with Alabama and Aggie football fans. Big game, both teams are doing well, should be a good game...but we'll just watch it on TV, thank you very much.
Have a great weekend!
So much goodness going on in this post where to start? I like your new haircut! I bet it will keep you much cooler on your 6 mile run tomorrow ahem maybe 8 miler.
ReplyDeleteI think its funny/love how your making knitters out of people one person at a time. First me and now your hair dresser thats just awesome! I told my husband this morning that some year or another I want to go to Rhineback, NY for their yarn festival that is going on this weekend.
Love your baby hat and socks. I got tired of looking at my Fishermans wool yarn laying around unused, unloved so I picked it up and I am playing at making/designing my own
hat or something we will see. Still working on the finishing part of my cardi I declare finishing making that long button band is the hardest part of my sweater so far. I had a fit and ripped out/ frogged my almost finished pink baby blanket the other day. My husband and son were shocked and appalled that I ripped out that much work. LOL Ahem it wasn't turning out well and I didn't like how it looked so I ripped it back down from 207 stiches on the needle to about 60 something now it lookes better but the ball of yarn is a hot mess to knit with. So there you have the good the bad the ugly of knitting life!
Have fun tomorrow with your run.
Thanks on the hair, and I hope it will help keep me cooler! At least I can still get it into a (very small) ponytail, so it will be off my neck.
DeleteOooh, Rhinebeck - I've read about that show and it sounds wonderful! I think that would be a great knitting treat for you!!
I've heard that the button band on cardigans can be really challenging - how crazy, as it looks so simple, especially compared to the entire sweater! It's like the last bit is so hard but I guess that makes you appreciate your finished product all that much more. :)
Oh, and I completely understand ripping out a project, even when you're way into it. Sometimes, you just know.
Your hair looks fabulous! Yours is now the same length as mine. I'm trying to keep mine this length but that means I have to have a trim every 6-8 weeks and 8 weeks is pushing it.
ReplyDeleteI'm digging your birthday socks - what a fun thing to wear in the dreariness of winter. Although is it dreary there or always sunny? I bet you think winter is never coming at this point!
I made myself a pumpkin pie smoothie with plain fage. I should send you what I did (I think I wrote it down) and maybe you could adapt that to use with your granola!
Winter can be dreary here...many days the sun only seems to come out right around sunset. I know I get a little cranky with all the gray days, so hopefully all of my crazy handknit socks will perk me up!
DeleteYour pumpkin pie smoothie sounds good - yes, send me the recipe! :)
Oh, and I've gone from having a hair appt. every 12 weeks to every 8 weeks now...which, boo on money and time, but if I don't end up spending several weeks in hair hell, it will be worth it.
You hair is super cute! I have been growin my hair out for the past year and it is getting almost as long as yours. Except I keep thinking of cutting it off. :D
ReplyDeleteI sometimes buy the individual Fage containers and what I find interesting is that the 2% comes in an 8 ounce container and the 0% comes in a 6 oz container. I think it is because they want the magic number of 100 calories for that one.
I'm actually still irked because that container of 0% Fage used to be only 90 calories... ;)
DeleteI like this length - it still looks long, but the layers are making it really easy to wash/dry/style.
Oh I love your new hair cut! It looks so cute on you! I've been thinking of that length for a while now! Thanks for the heads on on the yogurt. I don't like to sweet yogurt so I know I wouldn't like it either! Love that cute little baby girl hat :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the hair! That's a really good length for you! That's actually my favorite length for I guess I'm partial. :-)
DeleteI can't imagine what it's like to live in a Texas football town like that - you guys take your football seriously! My brother drove me around one time and I asked what college stadium that was as we were driving by, and he said "that's a high school!" Good luck on your run and I LOVE the hair! :D
ReplyDeleteFOR REAL on the high school football stadiums.
DeleteGorgeous hair!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the birthstone socks are fantastic. Now you will think of your kids every time you wear them.
Okay, have to say I don't quite understand being given permission to run 6 miles, and opting to add on 2 more! But good for you. I do agree with keeping up that momentum. How's the weather looking this weekend?
Funny about living in the same town and watching the game on TV. But I get it. Will you get pizza delivered so you don't even have to venture out for food?
I think we don't want to lose our mileage build up at this point, LOL. Hopefully the weather will be in the high 50s, with low humidity. That would be very tolerable. :)
DeleteWe ARE getting pizza, but I have some coupons for Papa Murphy's, so we'll go there after breakfast and pick up our pizza to bake later on.
Your cut looks great! Can't wait to hear what your stylist is working on with her knitting, next time you go!
ReplyDeleteYour hat and socks are super cute! I just bought my first cabling pattern! Eek! Any tips for me?
What is the name of the pattern? I like cabling, but sometimes it hurts my hand, so I tend to not do it for hours on end...I need a secondary project to work on while I give my hand a break.
DeleteIt's the Handsome Fella Scarf by Knit Picks. I had to buy it to even see it, and I think I may be in over my head!
I like that one! The cables don't look too hard, but there are a lot of them. I started out with a plastic cable needle but as I'm a tight knitter, I ended up bending it so I bought a wooden cable needle set (three sizes) from Brittany.
DeleteYeah - the pattern is just very meticulous and involved - which I think I will like! Dumb question - so I just move the stitch over to the cable, either in front or back like it says, work however many stitches, then bring the cable stitch back and work it? That's cabling? lol
DeleteYep, that's exactly how you cable! Just make sure the stitches that are on the cable needle don't slide off while you are working the other stitches (found that out the hard way...there are different sizes of cable needles).
DeleteI will! I got the cable needles with the indentation in them to help with that... and I think I got the right side. Thanks for your help!!! :)
DeleteLove the haircut! I need to get mine done but can't find the time. I know, excuses,
ReplyDeleteI wish I was a knitter! I truly believe I have ADHD--I can't sit still for that long...
ReplyDeleteLove your hair beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLate to the party but just wanted to say that your haircut is adorable!! :)