Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday Workout Update

It feels like forever, but really, it ended up only being about 2 1/2 weeks where I didn't formally exercise.  I've had a hard time getting back into the swing of things, which is one reason why I don't like getting out of my routine...I know I should be exercising, I like how I feel when I'm done, but actually doing it?  Struggle city on some days.

Last Wednesday, I got in a good "life catch up" walking session with my first running buddy, Jenny.  We did 2.3 miles and the next day we met again to walk and try a bit of running - although she has some foot/shin issues that made her have to quit running a while back, Jenny wanted to see if we could bring back the magic of our runs.  We walked a 3/4 mile warm up, then ran a mile doing 1:1 intervals, then walked a cool down and ended up covering a total of 2.3 miles, which made me laugh because we took a different route, but apparently that was our number for the week.

On Saturday, nine of us from our running club met for an easy run.  This was the first time Jeff ran since he hurt his foot in wasn't pain-free, which was disappointing for him, but in all honesty he probably overdid it.  Most of us set out together, doing an easy pace at 1:1 intervals.  My shins started hurting right away, which was weird.  I don't normally have shin splints, and they weren't bothering me on Wed/Thurs, so I have no idea what was going on.  It wasn't the most fun run for me until about 1.5 miles in; then the pain calmed down and I felt better.  We ended up doing 3.7 miles.  I like the off season - it's nice to pick a random route and not worry about hitting a certain mile before stopping.  After our run, we had breakfast at Blue Baker where the food and the company were equally good:

Yesterday I covered 2.6 miles, ALL BY MYSELF.  I am a social exerciser and I do everything in my power to find someone to run or walk with.  But all of my workout buddies were busy, so I decided to go to scary statue park and mostly walk, but also run a bit, on my own.  I was aiming to leave my house around 7:30 am; I actually left two hours later...hey, at least I finally made it, right?  It wasn't that bad, although I was the only person there except for two groundskeepers and a man sitting in his car...I love that park, but it's a little too desolate when I'm there by myself.  

Now, if I could just get back into doing a workout DVD once or twice a week, that would be peachy...


  1. I totally get you on the first paragraph. For me skipping 2 or 3 days of exercise already feels like forever.

    I love it that your running club still meets on Saturdays, you have such a nice group to run with.

    Unlike you I love to run alone, I even love walking alone (well with Bella but she doesn't talk) I have to talk so much at work that this quiet time for me is lovely.

    Hope Jeff will be running without pain soon, same goes for you.

    1. Maybe that's the difference - I am alone most days, so running is my social thing.

    2. I can totally understand that.

  2. same.
    I need a DVD nudge once a week...

  3. I think I would be a wonderful social exerciser/runner. (Let's face the truth...Zumba is fun because of the Zumba peep social hour!). But I've had difficulty finding a consistent running partner! Booo

    1. It's hard to find a running partner who matches you, pace-wise. I feel your "booo"!

  4. When I run by myself, I never get out the door on time….
    I think it stinks to get out of routine, but was pleasantly surprised at the results I got after just one week back on the weights/running/eating routine I've been on.
    So, get back on that horse!

  5. Wow, I'm impressed that you did a solo walk! And in the scary statue park, no less! And with one man sitting in a car. Gotta admit, that kind of thing makes me nervous.

    I love how much your running club enjoys getting together to exercise (and eat.)

    1. It's funny how one of the first questions asked (after what direction/route we're taking) is "Blue Baker afterward?" - like there would be any question, lol!

  6. I am sure you are enjoying the off season - no expectations! And kudos for going out by yourself, I know you don't like to.

    I envy all of your free time Shelley - consider yourself lucky!

  7. It's funny, exercise is what pretty much always happens for me. It's the food that I get off track with.

    I love to exercise solo. I lift solo, I ride solo. Together stuff is fun, but I find I do my best work alone.

    It seems like you were gone a lot longer than 2-1/2 weeks. Are you sure that was it?

  8. I'm funny. I like the group, but don't talk much on a run. Maybe when the running gets easier, the chatting will too. I am kind of afraid to go out and run alone outside, but have no problem running on the treadmill downstairs with no one else in the house. I tell myself, what if my sugar drops and I collapse? That's crazy, really. I check my sugar and blood pressure before I head out. I wear a heart rate monitor. I would start to feel woozy at first, and I always carry my glucose meter and some candy with me, so maybe I am just self conscious. I am a large woman and always worry about what other people are thinking. When I really thought about it one time, it would actually be better for me outside, because even if something did happen, at least someone would probably see me on the ground and call for help. Maybe I just need to step out of my comfort zone. :)

  9. Like Lori, I'm a food problem not an exercise problem. I do understand though as I start to get fatigued from trying to figure out exercise through our winters here. I find what helps me to stay focused and on track is to get involved in a group class. I think you might benefit from that too, especially as you ARE a social exerciser. How about finding something inexpensive that you could do one time per week that would also enhance your running? I don't know how things are set up there but here there are lots of places that offer a drop-in rate (usually $7-10) which makes it nice to not have to commit to anything long term!

  10. Congrats on going it alone! I haven't even found someone to walk with as the people who already walk are much faster and the friends who could (should, but *I* didn't say that) walk at my pace, won't. I'm okay alone sometimes but I think it would be nice to have company at least once in a while.

  11. I definitely know that feeling! I always hate taking time off because I miss how good I feel after I exercise, but sometimes it's just hard to get into it. Glad you're getting back into your routine though!

    I'm a social runner too, but sometimes it's nice to go out by myself and see what I can do without any distractions or trying to keep up a conversation.

  12. Hey Shelley! Thank you so much for sharing your experience of the Big Sur race with me on our blog today! I would seriously love to consider this. Do you remember what the pacing requirement was or what time you finished? If it is part of the marathon course I might be able to meet up with my sister somewhere along the course. Do you remember your time? Thanks!

  13. Yay for getting back on the exercise horse Shelley!!! Have a great weekend!!!!


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