Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday Workout Update

Even though the heat and humidity came back with a vengeance on Saturday, I surprised myself by having a good run.  Don't get me wrong - it was so disgustingly muggy that I would have been less wet had I stepped into a shower, fully-clothed, but for whatever reason, Amy and I ran even faster than we did the previous week, when it was much cooler.  Go figure!  We had a great turnout for the run, and afterward Amy's husband came by with their two little girls, who handed out watermelon slices for us - yum!  When they arrived, the girls hopped out of the car holding small bags from the donut shop, and I tried to convince them to share their donuts with me.  The younger one, of the "is he dead?" infamous question promptly told me no, but the older one very nicely reached into her bag and handed me a donut hole.  By the way, I think donut holes should be part of the fueling stations during races - that little gem of carby sweetness hit the spot!
Watermelon girls - so cute!


I have to share our Runner of the Week picture with you, because it's just so perfect - Pam was chosen, along with her dog Sadie, who's been running with her (and us) for a couple of years now.  Look at the mutual admiration:
A girl and her dog...both Super Runners!


In other news, my knee started bothering me a couple of weeks ago - ack.  That's a new ache for this running body.  My ankle always gives me grief, but my knee?  I finally decided it was due to a combination of my not having taken any fish/krill oil for about a month (I ran out), plus the added intensity of the hill workouts.  It's not hurting enough to stop me from running, but it makes me a little worried about having to take time off from my training.  We only have one more week of hills left, so I'll do that and from then on, maybe just do a few hill repeats each week instead of the eight that we've been doing.  I like hillwork because I do think it makes me a stronger runner...I just have to find that sweet spot between strength and damage.  I've also bought some krill oil capsules and started taking them a few days ago, so hopefully they will start making my joints feel better soon.


Last night we went to the unveiling of the new route for the BCS Marathon/Half Marathon - it was held at the new hospital in town, who also happens to be the major sponsor for the race.  Not a lot has changed for the half course except for the finish - there's no hill at mile 12 anymore, and in fact, it's downhill toward the finish line!  Seeing the route made me a bit giddy with anticipation about the race and I can't wait to run it!
Super Runners from USAFit BCS, represent!


    but Id wear a meloncape...

  2. Hi Shelley,
    I'm a long time reader / lurker - in fact from pretty much the beginning of your journey. I've drooled over your salads and fiesta ware, been inspired by your workouts, been frustrated as my knitting did not improve, and enjoyed your enthusiasm for life. I usually don't comment on blogs as others say things much better. You might want to check out a book called "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. He has very simple stretch exercises to realign ones body and they have helped my aging body. Wishing you the best. Rhonda

    1. Hi Rhonda, thanks so much for commenting! I love finding readers, especially ones who've been with me from the start. :) Thanks for the reminder about Pain Free - I actually have that book! Bought it a few years ago but obviously I've forgotten about it (seriously, I really do have C.R.S.) - I'm going to dig it out now and read it! Thanks again!!!

  3. I'm always on the lookout for that sweet spot between pain and damage. Always. I love this.

    1. It's a very weird descriptor, but it makes sense, right?

  4. You be careful of those knees, young lady! You know how they always say going down hill is harder on your knees than uphill? I kinda think that is true--I would always run downhill fast because it was so "easy." I think that's maybe when I did the most damage.

    Those girls are really cute!

    Donut holes = deliciousness

    LOVE your hair in that pic!

    Off to check out Rhonda's book recommendation!

    1. But I looovvveeee running downhill!!! ;)

      I forgot that I own that book - it IS a good one, and I'm going to dig it out and read it again, for my knees this time.

  5. You know I have to ask... how long since you've had new shoes? (I can't remember and I'm too lazy to search lol.) Or rather maybe how many miles on the shoes you're wearing? Knee and/or leg aches are usually my first sign that I need to figure out my shoe mileage!

    I think donut holes for a fueling station - or even at the end of a race - are a fabulous idea! I think you need to share that with the BCS folks.

    1. The shoes are practically new, otherwise I might tend to agree with you - really the hills and the lack of krill oil are the only changes, so I have to go with that.

      I think I will suggest donut holes to the BCS folks...hey, you never know! Although the last half I did, where they had candy on the course at one of the aid station? I couldn't eat any - things that sound good after a few miles just don't after 10, you know?

  6. You are correct Shelley - donut holes are the best! But I actually think on a hot day like you had, the watermelon would have hit the spot! :D

    1. Maybe it was the combination that worked so well, lol!

  7. Krill oil, huh? Maybe it would help me a little. Couldn't hurt!

  8. You know - Pam and her dog look like they have been to many obedience classes. Have they?

    Please be careful with the knee. You might just want to get it checked out. John had his checked for pain and he has arthritis. the doctor said running with arthritis won't hurt anything if you can work through the hurt. Other things you don't want to work through.

    1. I will have to ask Pam - Sadie IS very well-behaved.

  9. I hope the knee pain isn't going to get worse and that it's just because of the hills. Fingers crossed here!

    Pam and her dog and Amy's girls are adorable. I'd wish Bella would like to run with me but we tried a couple of times and she doesn't like it, she's annoying. So it's walking for us and running alone :)

    1. Bella is a super walker, so I'd be happy with that. Paco is neither. He's more of a lone wolf, haha.


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