Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Mishmash

One of the things I love about blogging is that I can put a random question out there and get lots of varied replies - like my recent question on replacing your contact lens case.  Many people don't seem to replace theirs very often, which is reassuring.  I am set up for email reminders from Acuvue for my contacts, since I'm on the two-week plan with each pair, and I saw that my next reminder is also to replace my case, which would be 45 days.  I was thinking about stretching it to two months - honestly, it's not expensive, and considering that I'm using it to store something that I put in my eye, I'm all for keeping things as sterile as possible, but I was at my optician a couple days ago (for another issue) and asked their opinion - they said six months.  So that's what I'll do.  Now, aren't you glad you came here today?


So you all know I have this dog - a sweet dog, but one who barks like a madman whenever someone rings the doorbell or knocks on the front door.  While it gets annoying, I actually don't mind, because it does put a healthy fear into random strangers who come to my door.  Well, on Monday morning, we were in my office where I was getting ahead on a blog post, when I heard a KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK - but not at the front door (which I can see from my office) - it sounded like it was inside the house!  Paco stood up, looked toward the direction where the knocking came from, and then looked at me as if to say "DID YOU HEAR THAT???"  No barking.  It scared my protector - I could tell that he was waiting for ME to do something about it!  Sure Paco - when I really need you to step it up, you hide behind my legs.
Oh were SERIOUS about this whole guard dog thing???

After I worked up enough nerve, we cautiously went toward the family room, and then heard the knocking again - from the fireplace!  EEEEEEK!!!  I was freaking out, worried that a critter (squirrel, opossum, raccoon) had gotten in the chimney and was trying to get out through the house!  Finally Paco started barking, while I did my heebie-jeebie panic dance - I knew the damper was open because we'd had a fire not too long ago, and the thought of a critter coming through was freaking me out!  Hoping Jeff was still in town, I called him.  No answer.  Texted him.  No answer.  Argh!  Then I locked Paco and myself in my office while I tried to figure out what to do.  OK, it may not have been the best plan, but I was not thinking straight, obviously!  After about 45 minutes, Jeff called and came home to shine a flashlight up the chimney and also close the damper...he didn't see anything, and the knocking stopped - maybe when Paco barked, the critter got scared and went back up the chimney?  Any case, I can do without that kind of excitement, thank you very much.


On a more pleasant note, I got to babysit on Wednesday morning!  Last time I got to hold him, baby Davis was only three and a half weeks old - you can see those pictures here.  Now, he's nearly 7 months old, and just so much fun!  I had a blast playing with him:
He would wrinkle his nose and laugh when I pushed the swing!
 Blowing raspberries at me while I warmed up his bottle!
He LOVED this ball - it made all sorts of sounds when he batted it, plus he somehow even made it play a song.  I couldn't get it to do that, so yes, a 7-month-old is smarter than me. 
 He loved my iPhone and kept grabbing for it, so I reversed the camera so he could see himself, and he managed to take a few selfies.  Such a happy baby!

By the way, holding Davis?  Great arm workout...I was feeling it the next day!


Have a great weekend!  


  1. Shelley the story of you and Paco is hilarious. I had to laugh out loud and it made my Friday.

    I can see Paco hiding behind Mom and see you and him in your office. Too funny.

    (I would do the same as you by the way and hide and call R.).

    1. I knew you'd laugh at Paco - I did, too because it was so out of character for him!

  2. That is completely hilarious about Paco and NOT barking when something was too close for comfort. And hiding in the office? I guess you didn't think of duct taping the fireplace LOL?

    And the baby pics. I gotta admit, they are so cute I ALMOST want to hold a baby!

    1. There's no glass doors on the fireplace...and I wasn't going to get THAT close to the interloper with duct tape!

  3. We actually had a bird come down the chimney of our Franklin stove last fall! The doors on it were shut, but he was flapping around and freaking me out. The dog was utterly hysterical, shriek barking and gnarling at the noise. Of course I was the only one home. I just shut the den doors and stayed far away so I couldn't hear it. When hubby got home, he opened 2 windows, removed the screen, and then let the bird out. He circled the den a couple of frantic times and then was gone! Good riddance.

    Adorable baby! And while you couldn't get the ball to play a song, Mr. Baby couldn't knit a sweater. So you still have the edge!

    1. Your bird scene sounds very familiar! Glad it ended well for both you and the bird. :)

  4. My next door neighbor has a daughter who is 14 months old - I love to babysit her but man, that kid is fast!! I definitely get a good workout chasing her around!

    I'm cracking up at you and Paco hiding out against the invisible critter!! Glad you both are safe!

  5. OMG, I would have freaked out too - maybe it was Lyle coming to say hi!

    And I love babies - a couple weeks ago we went to a friends house and their daughter is 8 months old, I forgot how heavy they can be when you hold them!

    1. See, Lyle is adorable on your deck and even at your back door, but inside the house? He turns into Godzilla in my mind (Paco's too, apparently).

  6. I had a similar experience...but finally figured out it's a damn woodpecker. I hope he breaks his beak on our cement siding.

    Happy weekend!

  7. Oh Paco!!!! He cracks me up! Great story, and hilarious photo!
    That is one adorable little man!!! (the baby, not Paco. But Paco is an adorably little man too!)
    Have a great Friday and a great weekend Shelley!

  8. Oh I love that story. I am a huge chicken when it comes to noises in the house. Heck, you never can be too careful. When I travel to mom's (350 miles) by myself and stop at a rest stop, I call my husband or sister and let them know I am getting out of the car. If I am not back and call within 20 minutes, they need to text and ask for my password. No password, call for help immediately. It's not like anyone is going to try and grab the 380+ lb woman, but again I am a chicken.

    1. That texting deal is not a bad idea...I'm brave to a point, but traveling alone, yeah - it skeeves me out a bit.

  9. What a good babysitter you are - and such an adorable baby!

    I am glad you heard 6 months on the case as I have been already doing that for years LOL!

    You need the cats to take care of the chimney beasts :D We had a bat come into our house from the attic. That was a little scary. It was a baby, so we actually caught it an released it when it got tuckered out from flying around.

    1. You know what? The cats were inside the house during that time...USELESS. I should put them on that pet-shaming website!

  10. Paco is a mess. Hahaha acting skeered but he
    always wants us to know he's big, tough, cool
    guy. Well Mom blogged about it, so it's OUT Paco!
    Oh my word, Davis is soo adorable! Wow. Love
    the pics.

    Have I mentioned my squirrel in the coal stove
    story?? I think so. Eventually running through the
    house & out the door. Soo creepy. And--there is now
    a screen thingy on our chimney top. Be sure you
    have one too.
    Happy weekend!

  11. Giggling babies are the best! I bet my arms were in the best shape of my life when my kids were little!

  12. What a gorgeous baby! Looks like you both had a lot of fun :)
    I would have been screaming with that knocking!


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