Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Book Review - Slim for Life by Jillian Michaels

Recently I was sent the book Slim for Life, by Jillian Michaels, to review - this was one book I actually wanted to read, so it was nice to have the publisher send it to me.  Of course, it would have been nicer had Jillian herself actually been sent along with the book - although she scares me a bit, I think spending some time with her might scare me straight and get me back to a more stringent diet and exercise regimen.

First things first - I hear Jillian's voice when I read this book.  She writes like she speaks, too - calling things what they are (which is "crap" quite often), calling BS on whiny reasons why you can't lose weight, and basically being the Jillian you are used to seeing on The Biggest Loser.  But, she's also kind in the book, and it's very evident that she has your best interest at heart - she truly does want everyone to be healthy and fit, and stop struggling with weight issues - and she offers a lot of reasonable ideas to help get you there.

I agree with most of what Jillian advocates, except for her stance on artificial sweeteners.  I'm of the opinion that none of them, even the "natural" ones, should be in our diets, while she recommends eating them over sugar.  Personally, ingesting chemicals is not something I want to do anymore (so says the former queen of Diet Coke), but everyone has to make their own decision on that one.

If you've already read a bunch of diet books, and particularly any of Jillian's other books, it's probably not worth the purchase (unless you have money to blow, which in that case, I can give you my PayPal account - Maui fund, anyone?).  But if you're new to the diet game, or are looking for something to give you more motivation, then by all means, read this book!

FTC:  I received a copy of this book for review; opinions expressed are all mine. 


  1. I still can't decide how I feel about artificial sweetners... In the past, I swore them off in favor of natural sweetners. Now, though, I've gone chemical again since I'm trying to avoid carbs. Try as I might, I cannot enjoy my coffee with no sweetener!

    1. I drink my coffee and iced tea unsweetened, so I've been lucky to not have to deal with choosing a sweetener. But like I said, you have to do what works for you in this case. :)

  2. Jillian scares me a little too but it seems to be working out just fine for her. I've sworn off (many times) buying anymore weight loss books, but this "last" one by Martha Beck (Four Day Win) seems to resonate with me the most since it tackles the emotional issues before the physical ones. There's something for everyone it seems.
    (p.s.- if you're looking for a Maui traveling companion, just let me know!)

    1. Gigi, I have a feeling you would be a hoot to vacation with!

  3. I replace sugar with honey or applesauce wherever I can, since not only could artificial sweeteners be bad for our health (I don't know if they have conclusive evidence of this, but I've seen it linked with cancer), but I've read a few studies that say that drinking diet soda, for example, can actually slow down weight loss. It's interesting that Jillian would still favor artificial sweeteners.

    I'm ready to go back to Maui too, so let's start saving! I even looked at their race offerings the other day, to try to justify another trip :)

    1. I've heard that too, about the artificial sweeteners slowing down weight loss. Like we need THAT, right?!

      There are two half marathons in Maui - one in September and one in January. Yeah, I checked. And yeah, we have plans...just need to fund them now! :)

  4. Hi there, just found your blog today. I like the layout, especially the little bike after each post.

    Jillian Michaels seems to mean well, but I have never been able to get into any of her workouts. Her personality just doesn't motivate me.

    I had my decision about artificial sweeteners made for me years ago: ever since I was little, artificial sweeteners have made me literally sick.

    1. Glad you found my blog - I'm looking forward to checking out yours! :)

  5. I really like Jillian and want to read this book. Now, why didn't they have you do a giveaway on THIS book:)

    1. I know! I tried, but my contact dropped off the face of the earth. :(

  6. Jillian scares me too, but she does seem to have a compassionate side to her. I check all of my diet books out at the library first to see if I like them. I will look for hers next time I go. Thanks for the review.

  7. I love Jillian's workouts but don't really want to read her books.

    I don't use artifical sweeteners much except for a little bit in my yogurt. If a recipe needs sugar, I use sugar and no artifical sweeteners.

  8. I've read one of her earlier books...and it was really good read (ironically enough I quoted out of that book in todays blog post lol) I think she is spot on with her instruction!

  9. I really love Jillians books, but not sure about spending all that money to read it... but have to admit im tempted


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