These belonged to my Grandmother - she had a very gung ho attitude about life, and I like wearing something of hers when I race.
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my ankle surgery. While my ankle doesn't feel 100% perfect, it is so much better than before the surgery, and I'm glad I had it done. Also? I'm very happy to be able to run again - but you probably knew that, right?
Speaking of ankle pain - yes, it does still hurt sometimes. Running doesn't usually bother it, unless I happen to step on an uneven part of a sidewalk with my right foot...then, I get quite the zinger of pain shooting straight to my ankle. And while running is OK, jumping on it (like doing jumping jacks, jump rope, or burpees) instantly hurts. So no jumping for me (Awww, no more burpees, ever? I can live with that!).
Unfortunately, along with the remainders of my right ankle pain, I also have left foot pain, in the form of my arch, which I'm guessing is tendonitis, and the bony part of the top of my left foot, which Dr. Google tells me is a bone spur. Treatment for that looks to be surgery where the spur is either chipped off or ground down, and honestly, it hurts me enough that I'm going to visit my orthopedist and discuss taking care of it - but not until next summer, probably, as I want to be able to finish racing season this spring. In the meantime, I've been throwing everything I can at it to help relieve the pain - ice, Motrin, and for the last week or so, some topical pain relief ointments. I was very skeptical about these, but honestly, I think they do help - my foot will be aching, and within a few minutes after putting the ointment on, I don't notice the pain. At this point, even if it's somewhat of a placebo, I'll gladly take it!
My running buddy Erica brought me the Doctor Hoy's and the Topricin, and I ordered the Penetrex after hearing Helen talk about it. I haven't used the Doctor Hoy's yet, but the others seem to be helping - hurray for that!
Paco diet update: I swear that dog is messing with me. Now that I've cut his food back quite a bit, he's not even finishing what I give him! Hunger strike? I wonder...
Why wud I mess wif you? Not liek you starving me or anyting...
Longtime commenter Chrissy asked me last week how my parents and kids are doing - thanks for the interest, Chrissy! My mom has started learning how to play the ukelele, under the guise of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" - my dad has been playing regularly ever since they went to Hawaii in 2010 - he bought a ukelele there, and then joined a uke group in their town. That group is going to Hawaii in January to participate in a week-long ukelele camp, so mom figured she might as well play, too. One of these days we'll have a Partridge family-style band jam session - Sam plays the trumpet, Max can do a little keyboard, and I've got something up my sleeve as well.
Sam is doing great - he's traveled quite a bit for his job and even went to Winnipeg, Canada recently. He's going to do a guest post for me around Thanksgiving with an update on some major changes that he's been working on. Max is in his last year of college (yes, we all are doing a happy dance about that!) and is on track to graduate in May with a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Computer Science. I asked him if they were going to give him two diplomas and he said yes...that's twice the framing fun for me, but I don't mind. We are looking forward to having both the kids come home for a few days around Thanksgiving next month!
Tomorrow we have another 9 mile run on tap, but it's supposed to be sunny and dry. Nice. Then, because we are nothing if not
Have a great weekend!
Shelley your hardcore. I'm a wimp and I don't think I could wait till next Summer with food pain :) But not you, you rock.
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear that both your parents and your beautiful boys are doing so well.
Is it Friday? I think it is so .... no knitting projects this week?
Have fun tomorrow.
Summer is the plan - I hope the foot goes along with it. ;)
DeleteI had one finished project, but decided to wait to show it because I might do some embellishing on it. Still knitting like a fool, I am!
I cannot tell you how happy your uke-playing family makes me. I think that is just the coolest, coolest thing. WTG Mom and Dad!
ReplyDeleteThis really is the sweet spot, isn't it? Parents doing well, kids doing well and you are getting ready to run a half marathon in a sparkly skirt. Brilliant.
BTW, I knitted a headband this week and just discovered that I dropped a stitch on the last row. GRRR! Rippppppp....
There's a way to pick up a dropped stitch, but I can't do it, and end up doing the sad rip, too. Headband, eh? Sounds cute - I should try that!
DeleteI have to find those creams!
ReplyDeleteAmazon might be the fastest, unless someone sells them in your town - I checked a couple places (CVS, Target) here but nothing. Hope they help you!
DeleteShelley, Village Food & Vitamin World sell the Topricin ....
DeleteGood to know - thanks, Erica! :)
DeleteLots of good and fun stuff in this week's mishmash. I am dying to see your whole running outfit with the sparkly skirt when it arrives. :)
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed I like it as much in person as I do online - I'll do a sneak peek, since I'll have to take it for a test run to make sure I don't get all itchy in it.
DeletePenetrex has basically been my foot "lotion" for the last few weeks. I can't believe how fast my tendinitis got under control even if my stupid heel is still wonky.
ReplyDeleteThe only jewelry I wear when I race/run is a Garmin 305. I even take off my wedding rings!
I noticed that my feet are softer with the Penetrex! Lotion with a bonus. :)
DeleteI can't wear my wedding ring when I run - my fingers swell too much. But I never notice the earrings. Oh, and in my world, the Garmin is not jewelry. That is reserved for shiny, sparkly things!
That's funny, my mom plays the ukelele too! I think she bought hers on a trip to Hawaii as well, I'll have to ask her.
ReplyDeleteI know how you must be looking so forward to have the boys home for a bit - I miss Hannah so much!
Kick 9 miles ass tomorrow, okay?!!
Love that your mom plays the uke as well!
DeleteI love that you wear your grandma's earrings to race.
ReplyDeletePaco definitely looks like he has SOMETHING to say to you! Is his itching a little more under control? Noah's been driving me nuts lately licking himself. Its like he's slurping a microphone!
That's FUNNY about your parents both playing ukelele, especially their being a GROUP for ukelele players in the Pacific Northwest! And nice to hear your boys are both doing so well.
Sunny and dry? That's good, right? Not too hot? Hoping for a great day for you! You don't have to run again at that kick-off, do you?
His itching is still pretty bad. Of course I haven't bought the cheap oatmeal shampoo for him because so far the cheapest I've seen is $10! I should just break down and get some, though. That licking sound is enough to make a person insane...
DeleteThe ukelele group is really huge, and they even do a day camp for schoolkids - I know, who knew?!?
No running at the kickoff, but I hope to win a doorprize! :)
Good luck with the 9 mile can do it.
ReplyDeletePicturing your cute little mom playing the uke made me smile. How fun for both of, a uke camp, who knew??
LOL, exactly - uke camps...but I bet it's a blast. AND, it's in Hawaii! Awesome.
DeleteYou are very dedicated..and inspiring! It's good your mom is joining your dad in playing the uke...awesome! Congrats on Max graduating soon...that is a great accomplishment! It is really a bummer you are having such problems with your left foot now...take it easy and enjoy the 9 mile run! Blessings
Thanks! :)
DeleteI can tell how devastated you are about not doing burpees any more. I assume that also means box jumps? Yep, bet you are shedding a lot of tears over that.
ReplyDeletePaco looks really snarky in that picture LOL! He's probably scarfing food at the neighbor's house!
Haha, no box jumps, either. Darn...
DeleteLOVE the earrings, and the sentiment that goes with them. Happy ankle surgery anniversary...happy running!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Roz!
DeleteWonder if those creams would help knees? We're getting a cold front here. How 'bout y'all? Supposed to get in the 40's this weekend!
ReplyDeleteThe creams seem to be helping, and I've used them on my wrists, too (sore from knitting) so go for it with the knees!
DeleteHi Shelly! I've been reading your blog for a few years now and only comment every once in a while because, well, because it's a PITA on the ipad and I'm kinda lazy like that. LOL! However, after your post today I HAD to drag out the laptop and leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteI've been dealing with the EXACT same arch and top of foot pain. Before you head off for another surgery, I wanted to tell you what worked for me. They were BOTH related to tight calves. Doing lots and lots of calf stretching and strengthening AND using a Lacross (or tennis) ball to roll out my calves. Specifically the area down near my ankle and achilles tendon. Then I take the ball and roll out my arch.
I do this a few times a day and I was completely pain free after just a day or two.
Congrats on your long runs, you are such an inspiration!!
~Jessica Mauk
Thanks for commenting, Jessica - I totally understand the iPad IS a major pain to comment with it.
DeleteI'll try anything to relieve this pain, so I've dug out a tennis ball and am rolling my arch right now (while Paco whines at me because he thinks I should be throwing that ball for him, lol!). And I'll work on my calves - I'd love it if this would do the trick. Thank you for the tips! :)