Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Mishmash - 700

I'm not normally one who looks at my blog stats (yikes, all those numbers), but a couple of them caught my eye - this is my 700th post since I started my blog!  Wow.  I honestly can't believe that I've written so many blog posts.  I want to thank YOU for reading them - and in a related stat, for commenting on them as well.  Speaking of comments, I recently hit comment number 14,000 - another wow!  I love reading your take on what I've written - I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming here, week after week.


I showed you the cool running shirt that Jeff brought me back from Alaska in my last post, but I also wanted to tell you about the yarn he almost brought back for me.  He walked into a quilt shop and asked the saleswoman there if they carried any local yarn.  She showed him a gorgeous skein - he said it was incredibly soft, purple, and had my name written all over it, so he decided to surprise me with it.  Turns out it was Artic Qiviut, and was a cool $250.  Thankfully, he decided to not buy it - I love some good yarn, but that is too fancy for me!  He did, however, bring home a sample of unspun qiviut, which Paco went insane over:
Qiviut is wool from the muskox, and apparently quite intriguing to Paco - he sniffed and even licked it!

Oh, and the name of that store is The Quilted Raven.  The name of the running store where he bought my shirt is Skinny Raven Sports.  I don't get what the deal is, but apparently ravens are big in Anchorage!


I went to my first knitting guild meeting last week, where I found my people!!!  It was wonderful to be with so many knitters - and not only did I get to see what everyone was knitting, but they also had a hands-on demo to learn how to knit in the round.  I tried several different ways, but latched onto the magic loop method.  I just have to say that it's amazing how I can learn a new technique, given the right teacher.  I was beginning to think that I would only be able to do the basics when it came to knitting, but in the last month, since I've gone to a different yarn store, and the knitting guild, I've caught onto several techniques that have eluded me previously.  I guess the lesson here is, if at first you don't succeed, try a new teacher!

So...even though my wrists were aching, I couldn't resist knitting a little something:
 A baby hat!
Posed on an unused candle for lack of a baby's head...

I've been wanting to make a hat for my cousin's baby, who was born in June.  The knitting in the round methods confounded me (especially those that have you use 4 or 5 double pointed needles), but once I translated my pattern to the magic loop method, the hat emerged!  I even made a crazy gigantic pompom for the top with my new pompom maker:
Who knew pompoms were so fun to make?

Baby Helen was the recipient of my first knitted baby blanket, and now my first baby hat.  Thanks, Jill, for having a baby so I have a reason to make these cute things!


Our cat Kip is very attached to Jeff.  Jeff has been traveling a lot.  Kip figured out a way to get close to Jeff, even when he's gone:
I spy a cat who slid open the door to Jeff's (very messy) closet and made a comfy napping spot for himself!


Not a whole lot going on this weekend, besides running another 8 miles, a field trip to the yarn store in Navasota (I need a different size of needles so I can start knitting a sock, eek!), and basically trying to avoid the crowds who will be in town for the home game.  Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Awwwww... Kip is a cutie. Glad Jeff is back. Here's to 700 more posts!

  2. I love the Pom Pom on the baby hat. Congrats on 700 posts. I have trouble writing one sometimes :-). Have a great weekend!

  3. Congratulations on your post and comment numbers. Very cool. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a great 8 mile run - and I adore the pompoms - too cute - as is Paco.

  4. Happy 700th! Keep on posting!

    Awww, poor Kip. My Sophie used to pace in the front of the door all night when Hubby traveled, finally collapsing to sleep on the mat. No amount of petting or reassurances would appease her until he came home. I felt so awful! Too bad she didn't understand what I was saying. :)

  5. I am a visal learner too - I need to see something before I can even attempt to try to recreate it.

    You are getting really good - and glad you found your "peeps!" I agree, if at first you don't succeed, find another teacher!

    I know you'll kick 8 miles ass tomorrow!!

    1. Thanks - I'm feeling like it's going to be another good run. :)

  6. You found your people? I thought 'I' was your people. I feel like I've lost you to the dark side. Actually, I have when it comes to knitting. No knitting for me.

    As far as people, looks like Kip is really missing his person!

    1. Come to the dark side...we have sharp sticks! LOL - I'll get you knitting one of these days. :)

  7. Apparently this is comment #14,007. ish.

    Cute hat, Hee Hee!

    Very interesting abt the muskox yarn. I was going to have to ask abt qiviut; never heard the word before. My mom was a knitter who branched out into spinning*. Cool that you found a whole group of knitters, sorta like your running club. Camaraderie, support...(I plan to keep reading your blog, well past the big 1,000 post you make, but I kind of doubt I will read abt combining your 2 loves/clubs. I mean sit & knit is one thing, but I don't expect to read abt the run & knit guild club. Haha)

    Enjoy your weekend.

    *spinning as in colonial times-with wool-not on a bike!

  8. Love that hat! Have a great 8 miler this weekend. That's my log run plan too:)

  9. Ha! I guessed qivuit before the end of the story! I've actually spun qivuit.

    Wow that is really something about the cat missing Jeff. I didn't know cats were capable of that. (Don't hit me, cat people!)

    We must have started blogging about the same time --I think I'm at 665. Congrats to you, and thank you for writing a blog worth reading! Plus there's the bonus of keeping track of the day of the week by your blog!

    1. Kip's like factor: 95% Jeff, 5% me (and that's only because I'm the one who feeds him most often). But his true affection is for the cat next door, who looks exactly like him. They rule this end of the street.

      Also? Ima use "qivuit" the first chance I get in WWF, so watch out! ;)

  10. Poor Kip. Kitties love their nap places in hiding. Sometimes Pixie finds a spot like that all day and we can't find her and worry that she got out somehow.

    $250 for yarn? That must be something super special. I don't know if I could wear anything that expensive without fear of spilling on it or getting it caught and unraveling.

    1. Kip has opened the door to, and slept under the bathroom sink...I had no idea where he was for hours! Cats are so odd.

  11. I'm a regular reader, but I don't regularly comment. I really enjoy your blog and all of your running adventures. I'm not a runner myself, but you've inspired me to take up knitting. I started with a book, Stitch n' Bitch, and did my first few rows last night! Thanks!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kaki - and how funny...the owner of the knitting store that I went to today recommended the Stitch n' Bitch book! I hope you like knitting - I'm impressed that you were able to start with just help from a book. I needed a hand's on demo. :)

  12. Great job with the knitting club - that's fun to see what other knitters do. $250 for yarn! That's crazy!

    Good luck with the 8 miles!

  13. Congrats on 700th posts! Still love reading your blog.

    The price of the yarn reminds me that one time R. was abroad for his work and decided to buy me perfume. He never watched the price but took a bottle of Chanel no. 5 perfume. He was not amused when he had to pay for it but still bought it for me. That was sweet.

    I'm happy you find a knitting club where you are having so much fun. You make beautiful things.
    My yarn still hasn't arrived, am afraid something went wrong with the postal service.

  14. OH MY GOSH ID so be a rockstar here if I could make POM POMS....


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