I'll start with the good: Monday morning Julia and I met at 5:45 am and ran 3 miles. This was a much-needed redemption run for me, as Saturday's 6 miler was not great, and I was left wondering if I've lost my running ability. Monday's run showed me that I still have it, but apparently it took Saturday off. Although the weather had promised a morning low of 72 degrees, it ended up being 76 - which was actually the coolest temperature I've run in lately. Anyway, this was a mile more than I normally run on Mondays, and it was a great way to start off the week!
So the bad: Saturday's 6 miler was just fubared from the beginning. I know I complain about the heat, but seriously, this was bad even for us - it was 83 degrees at 6:00 am - AM! - and 90% humidity. While we were gathering before the run, one of our coaches, who had been out leaving water jugs along the course, drove up with the news that a road was blocked off by police and they needed to reconfigure the route for the full marathon group, who were scheduled to run 9 miles that day. So that was a bit unsettling, especially after the shooting earlier in the week...this was very close to that area. (side note: what the hell, people?!? stop with the violence!) They eventually figured out what to do, and we all took off. Jenny and I ran together (Jeff was out of town), and within the first half mile two police cars and the mobile crime unit (which looks like a giant RV) drove past us, leaving the crime scene. Great...it's already a bit unsettling to run in the dark on these newer routes, but to have the extra angst of "what the heck is going on??" was not helping, either.
We started out slow, like you are supposed to do on your "long slow run" days. We did OK until we came too close to being hit by a car - and that was our fault, I'm embarrassed to admit. We were chatting, and crossed in front of the entrance to a large student housing complex - we ran against the light, we saw that one car was turning left, we assumed that the other car was as well - big mistake, as it went straight toward us. Massive panic, several "oh sh*ts" were uttered, and luckily we made it across safely. THAT got out hearts racing, and we actually had to take a minute to compose ourselves. Stupid on our part - Jenny and I have been running together for a couple of years now, and we've never done anything like that. Believe me, we were extra cautious the rest of the run! There is no room for assumption when it comes to motor vehicles and runners - we KNOW that, and yet, we still pulled a bone-head move. Luckily we were able to live and learn from our mistake.
Back to the run. We made it to our turnaround point, where water was waiting. I refilled my bottle and poured some over my head and down my neck, which revived me for about 30 seconds. Jenny's heel was hurting, and she was ready for a walking break...she didn't have to ask me twice at that point. We ended up doing our patented (lol) "lightpost intervals" for the next couple of miles (run from one lightpost to the next, then walk...although this time we did every other lightpost). We ran it in for our 6 mile finish, but honestly, it was an ugly run.
I was feeling pretty low about my extreme lack of running ability the rest of the day. I even looked up the last "first" time I ran 6 miles to see how I did, and that just depressed me even more, because I was so much better at running two years ago. Notice that I'm not saying FASTER - although I was - for me, that's not the point. It's that I used to be able to run pretty much continuously, and this summer, that has not been the case. After a day of whining and moaning to Paco (Jeff was lucky to be out of town), I came to the realization that most likely the issue is the weather. Because honestly, I have been spot on with my training this season - I've done every single run on the schedule, including all the hill workouts. You know that break up line "it's not you, it's me"? I'm thinking "it's not me, it's the weather" - and until further notice, I'm going with that.
I may not have a "good" long run for another month or two.
I may end up slogging through the next 6 and 7 milers on tap.
I may end up walking part of them.
But I believe that even though I'm having such crummy runs right now, the time I'm putting in on my legs is going to pay off on our first gloriously cool morning, and I will end up being the runner that I want to be.
I am one NOT NOT NOT to love comments which ring as platitudes :-) but my comment will read as such anyway (GASP!!).
ReplyDeleteYOU DID IT.
Thank you. :)
DeleteThe heat is killing my runs this summer too, but I am still glad I get out there when I can, even if it feels like a snails pace sometimes. I applaud your persistence.
ReplyDeletePersistence is about the only thing I'm bringing to running lately, lol!
DeleteI love that you ALWAYS stick with it and work to improve. Here's hoping for cooler weather to come to Texas.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kim. :)
DeleteI don't know if our weather is sneaking down your way, but right this second? It is 66 degrees in August in the fair state of Texas! I had a run scheduled last night but other issues kept me from going - but I was going to wear my running tights AND a shirt with sleeves! Fall is just around the corner and it is, in fact, the weather. You will be on rails the next time that temperature drops!
ReplyDeleteDamn. Nope, not that cool yet. Still in the mid-70s in the morning, but it's coming, right?
DeleteDon't get depressed about ugly long runs. As they say you're lapping those on the couch.
ReplyDeleteI need to remember that!
DeleteYou know Shelley, it's admiring that you push through in such hot weather conditions. And not just one run but almost every run. Not many (and especially not me) would do that. Be proud of yourself for sticking to your runs even if they feel as bad runs.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of you!
Thanks, Fran. It's just getting to me, this continual slog. It'll get better, and hopefully soon.
DeleteThat's the ticket! Long runs are to build endurance and generally have nothing to do with speed. You're getting those legs used to turning over and that's what you want. I know it's hard to run in that sort of humidity (I won't even say heat because an 80 degree dry run is very different). But you're sticking to your training and doing it. You have a right to be proud!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Trainer Helen! ;)
DeleteYou are so right about the heat - it kills a good run. Runner's world did a study a few months ago about how much each degree increase in heat/humidity slows you down. I don't remember the exact statistics, but it was a lot. Boyfriend and I did a bike ride the other day, when it was insanely hot and humid, and I could barely squeak out 12 miles in an hour - I usually ride between 15/16 per hour. It was bad. But I gave myself a Shelley like pep talk and waited patiently for a cool day to redeem myself. We rode yesterday and I was back to normal. You will be flying through 6/7 miles once the weather is less like hell. xoxox
ReplyDeleteLove your pep-talk! :) :)
DeleteYou live in Texas. You have the right to complain about heat anytime you want!
ReplyDeleteYou are sweet, and I try to not complain too much, because after all, we chose to live her. However, I wasn't a runner when that decision was made, LOL!
DeleteDitto what most of the others said. I don't think I would stick with it. You have a real passion for running!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it's passion or insanity... ;)
DeleteI couldn't agree more with this post - just keep at it, and your legs will thank you when the temps cooperate.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could send you our 50's morning weather!!
Wow, 50s? I'm so jealous!!!
DeleteSlogging through the long runs is still doing the long runs and all of that just builds on your endurance foundation. You are rocking it!
ReplyDelete"Endurance foundation" - I love that term! Stealing it. :)
DeleteThe fact that you could even get in six miles in that weather is something to celebrate. It's like doing a marathon thru the desert. Not fun. And aaren't you supposed to take it slow when it's that hot? See?! You were doing exactly what you were supposed to do.
ReplyDelete83 at 6:00am with 90% humidity. OMG Shelley...gross. Hats off to you for getting out at ALL in that weather. You are a rock star in runners!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm behind, but think how good your run will be when it actually cools off! It's going to feel easy peasy!!!
ReplyDeleteAt least you went for a run and did something good for yourself than not doing it at all and just sit in the couch all day. I think you should be proud of yourself, you were being persistent.