Really, I could end this post with that picture...pretty much says it all, right?
Exercise means I start my day off with bribery - as soon as my alarm goes off at 5:00 am, I immediately promise myself that I can take a nap later on as reward for getting up so stinking early to run. I don't always take the nap, but it's nice to think I could.
Running has been extra crunchy lately, thanks to the massive cricket invasion here. Not sure what is worse, though - stepping on the crickets, or having one race me. And I feel ashamed when the cricket actually wins, but then I just step on one of his cousins and it all evens out.
I went back to my orthopedist last week for a check on my ankle - after six months of running on it, I figured I should be sure that the pains I sometimes feel aren't doing it any harm. He gave me the all clear to keep running, and was so funny - asked me how far I was running, and I said I was up to 5 miles and he said, surprised, "all at once??" LOL - love it when I can impress my doctor! The only thing he wants me to start doing on a regular basis is ice it after I run, and he said that taking ibuprofen before my long runs would help with getting the pain management started. I feel much more confident about going into the half marathon training now that I know I'm not doing anything do damage it.
I am loving my 2-ish mile runs during the week - the company is always good (Monday with Julia, yesterday with Jenny and tomorrow with Erica), and the distance is short enough that not only do I feel great after I'm done, I also am left wanting more, which is nice, since I'm not dreading any of my weekly runs. Eventually, I'm sure there will be a morning when I will not want to run, but it hasn't happened yet, and I credit these short distances.
Saturday's 5 mile run was harder than last week, even though it was the same route and ended up taking the same amount of time. Go figure. It was hotter, which never helps, but really, I should be used to running in heat by now. And during the last mile, I could feel my face get burning hot - we took a group picture about 10 minutes after Julia and I finished and it was still very red in the shot. I told Julia that running reminds me of labor and delivery - it can be so awful when you're going through it, and you wonder why in the world you would choose to do something like this, and then all of a sudden you're done and you
We are STRONG women - 5 miles? No problem!!!
I used the "gritty" filter on that picture to tone down the awful redness in my face (yes I am vain). Here's another shot, showing what I really looked like after that run:
Who knew that when I chose my shirt color, I'd be matching my face color?!? All in the name of exercise...but it sure makes the cartoon at the beginning of this post seem accurate!
Bribery is one of my favorite tools, too! I'll promise myself all sorts of stuff if I'm lagging in the motivation department. I had to laugh at a friend who came into a meeting the other day with a mini-Blizzard which she immediately explained that she had to bribe herself on that day. I think mini-Blizzards would probably defeat my purposes. As for the red-in-the-face, I'm with you. I have always been a "redder". Hate it on me, but it looks cute on you!
ReplyDeleteYou are sweet, but that red face does not look cute on me. LOLing at the mini-Blizzard with your co-worker - I guess it's a good think a nap is my bribe...sure I will not be burning any calories, but at least I won't be ingesting any, too!
DeleteMy face gets to red that even after all these years when I walk in the house Mr. Helen says, "Are you OK?" with alarm in his voice LOL! I wear it proudly because it proves I exerted myself.
ReplyDeleteI love to think that I'm such a great runner I get a runner's high and love it every time I run but most of the time, I feel just as you described to Julia. Then afterwards I think, "Man that was great I feel so good!" Hardly ever regret a run, even a bad one.
How funny that Mr. Helen still gets alarmed. Jeff only seems to during a race...that's when I end up with a cup water-station water down my back (he's tried the top of my head, but I ducked, lol).
DeleteCongrats that you got the permission from your doc to run again. Although personally I don't like his Ibuprofen description. A couple of years I had a lot of headaches and ate those as candy and they can be addictive. Be careful.
ReplyDeleteI start running again somewhere this week. I tried it once in Italy but actually didn't like running there: roads are too small and dangerous to run on.
Well, I just take a couple before a long run, and sometimes after if it's really bothering me, so hopefully I won't be needing rehab for ibuprofen - eek! ;)
DeleteToo bad running in Italy didn't work out, but at least you tried, right?
Yes I did. It isn't that bad, we walked a lot and almost everything is uphill so my calves got plenty of exercise :) I even lost weight despite all the food LOL
DeleteDon't you just love words? That cartoon is just too funny. Its the last two words--very dangerous. LOL.
ReplyDeleteWow, are you all right? (see Helen's comment) You really do get red in the face!
Now your early morning running talk is making me want to get out early for my walks. Stop it!
"Very dangerous" had me going for hours after I saw that cartoon. It's true!!! ;)
Deletelol. My bribery doesn't usually work so well. I think you tie me for Campbell Soup kid red face!
ReplyDeleteImagine if you and I ran a race together - we'd have the medics worried!!!
DeleteI get red-faced like that too - like for an hour afterwards. Plus I get super sweaty like just-out-of-the-shower wet. It's very attractive when I have to stop by the store immediately after Zumba!
ReplyDeleteOoh, same here with the shower-like drenchedness! I zipped into Target after yesterday's run and felt oh-so-attractive, especially with all the other women there who were only wearing workout clothes to shop in (cheaters!).
DeleteLove Wed Workout! You and your running girls make a Motely Crew :) Red face or not...Darling you look MARVELOUS (cue Billy Crystal)
ReplyDeleteThere's just something fun about being with a group of women who aren't afraid to work hard and sweat! :)
DeleteWell - you match your shirt. Good thing you weren't wearing a purple or blue shirt and matching that!!
ReplyDeleteLOL - now THAT would be a problem!
DeleteSweat is sexy! At least that's what I tell myself when people stare at me from the coffee shop next door when I'm leaving my Bikram yoga class. Did you ever see that Seinfeld where George has a shower and it "doesn't take"? That's me. You look fan-freaking-tastic. Red faced or not!
ReplyDeleteOMG, "doesn't take" is the perfect term - I've had that happen! You cannot shower too soon or you're still sweating afterward.
DeleteI LIKE how you match your shirt. I also like the term "extra crunchy run" Gross, but still, love the term! Have a great Wednesday Shelley
ReplyDeleteThanks, Roz! :)
DeleteYou are brave to do the "crunchy" run. I think it would freak me out. I see you really do understand about the "red" face. I have always had this problem. I am sure that someone will stop me outside one day and ask if I am ok. So glad to hear you got the doctor's OK to run with your ankle. Don't forget to ice!
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, it was weird to step on the crickets, but they were EVERYWHERE!
DeleteYour workout clothes are awesome. Where did you get them?
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm wearing the top and skirt from Skirt Sports...I have several skirts from them.
DeleteThe cricket story cracked me up. LOL
ReplyDeleteYour face really was red! Mine does the same. *shakes fist at Texas heat*
Great job! I'm so glad you're getting to train for a half marathon. What's your goal race?
Goal race is the BCS's so convenient! Then the End of the World half, maybe the Maui half in January (BIG maybe at this point), Armadillo Dash, who knows what else.
DeleteI don't have to bribe myself. I have a dog. Isn't in the law that you have to walk those things constantly? I think your red face is lovely.
ReplyDeleteThat must be a California law. We just let 'em roam free here in Texas. ;)
DeleteThanks, Jan!
ReplyDeleteLove your bribery strategy for getting up uber-early. I'll have to try that! Ditto to running early to avoid the heat. I do that too. The added bonus is that many sections of the are shaded that early, but are in glaring, unrelenting sunshine later in the morning. My face gets red too. Not pretty. I'm always surprised to catch a gllimpse of myself in the mirror right after a run. Somehow I imagine myself as one of the cover models from Runner's World! LOL
ReplyDeleteI love to bribe myself - it's usually with naps or just by thinking about delicious food.