Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday Workout Update - What's the Plan, Stan?

Running club is done until late June - and while we have a couple more 5K's on tap for the next two weekends, I'm not training for anything in particular.  Which is a dangerous thing for Lazy Shelley.  Old habits are just too easy for me to fall back into, moreso with exercise than eating.  While I know that eating right is my first line of defense in maintaining my weight loss, exercise helps, too.  In the last couple of weeks, I've considered the following:
  • Going back to my old trainer, Brad.  I did enjoy the small group workouts, and my body definitely looked fitter when I was doing them.  However, I would have to commit to a 12 week plan, and more importantly, PAY for it.  He wasn't cheap, and his prices, like everything else in life, have increased.  I'm not working, and really can't justify that expense.  Plus, there are things I'm not willing to do anymore (basically any jumping move) because I don't want to make my not-quite-healed ankle any worse, and that would mean modified workouts...which he would do, but still.  Mostly it's the high cost that is stopping me.
  • The pool.  I either need to get back to the gym and start swimming again, or else let that membership need to be paying for something I'm not using.  While I don't think I get a great workout with swimming (mostly because of what I put into it), I did see changes when I was swimming five days a week.  Now that I'm running, I wouldn't swim that often, but a couple of days used as cross-training would do me some good.  
  • Yoga.  I really enjoyed my outdoor yoga classes last summer/fall.  They haven't started up again - I wish they would, as I'd be be back there in a heartbeat.  I know that they would not only be good for me with muscle strengthening, but also might help me with controlling my breathing, and I could apply that to my running.  I could look for another yoga class, but that is really stepping outside of my comfort zone - it was hard enough to go to this one.
  • Running.  Well obviously, I'm going to keep this up!  My plan is to run between 2.5 - 3 miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then do a 5 mile long run every Saturday.  I like that distance for a "standard" long run - it should take about an hour, and I won't be too sore afterward.  And then, when running club starts back up, I'll have a decent base to being training again.  Training for what, you ask?  Well, I'm going to try for another half marathon, but I'll continue to reevaluate and see how everything feels along the way...while I'd like to do few more, I don't want to do so at the cost of another dumb injury where I can't run at all.
Honorable mentions to the above list include biking (but with my cruiser bike, that's more of a leisure activity at this point) and at-home core work...while she was here, my mom and I were talking about making up a schedule of what to do, workout-wise, on what days, as I just forget to, say, do some planks in the evening.  (and hello, could that last sentence have any more commas?)  So I'll make up some sort of schedule...and stick to it.

Speaking of running, I felt so good after Saturday's 5K that I willingly woke up early on Monday morning to run with Jeff.  Crazy, right?!?  We did his standard neighborhood/store parking lots loop, which was 2.6 miles.  Here's proof:
Sweaty and red-faced...perfect way to start off the morning!
Close up of Ricky Bobby showing the distance...and a bonus picture of Paco showing what he really thinks about all this running business!

Jenny and I ran yesterday, so I've got 5 miles under my belt already - have I mentioned how happy I am to be running again?  It's nice to be back!


  1. HOORAY for your being back!!
    Today is backtoitWEDNESDAY here as well.
    yoga time.

  2. I'm getting a bit scared here: first we decided in the same week we would run 5K without stopping during training without knowing it from each other. Then we decided (not knowing again) that we would run our race this weekend without stopping (and we did woohoo) and now am I reading this post and think: damn she stole my input for tonight's post LOL.
    My title isn't the same as yours but the content will be about the same: what's next for Fran.

    I had doubts if I should mention the big plan behind all of this but even that you already mentioned :) Now it's up to you guessing what it is.

    After reading your blogs for a couple of years now and thinking I know you a little bit from it, I'd say: keep running because that's what you love doing the most and add the home exercises and if yoga might start again, do that. You were always positive about those classes.

    The way I see it is that Brad helped you on your way and the swimming was something you did because you couldn't run. Your heart was never in it (correct me if I'm wrong).

    1. ::cue Twilight Zone music::

      Too funny how we DO seem to be on the same wavelength lately! Of course now I am extremely curious to read your blog tonight...hmmm - I think I have an idea as to your big plan. We'll see if I'm right. :)

      Thanks for the insight on my workout history - I think you hit the nail on the head with it.

    2. You've read my blog by now and I would love to be your half marathon buddy from a distance during our training cycle.

  3. Oh stupid me:

    HI PACO!

    Big hug from your Dutch doggie friend Bella.

    1. Paco says ARF to Bella, which in human-speak means, I'm sure, "Hi! Wanna play! Let's run here! Bark at the mailman! Wrestle wrestle wrestle...ok, nap time."

  4. Yoga is the only thing helping my darn aching back! (From standing at my new job.) But I have one instructor I like and haven't dared branch out and try others. She's someone I've taken other fitness classes from for years and the first person who taught yoga that I actually liked.

    1. I think that's why I'm also reluctant to search for another yoga class, because I really liked this instructor, and I have had a few classes with one who I didn't do so well with. Glad it's helping your back!

  5. Paco cracks me up!

    I say wait for the yoga class to start. You have to do what you love so that you will do it. But consider keeping the swimming because you did enjoy that - and really if you're only going to run on T-Th you should be doing 'something' on M-W-F. While good eating will keep you slim, a little movement every day will keep you trim.

    1. You are right about doing what I love - I am the poster child for not sticking with something if I don't enjoy it, that's for sure!

  6. I wish that I could try yoga, b/c I know it's really good for you, but b/c of a surgery several years ago on my tail bone, it's still kinda painful to do it. It looks like you have a good plan for you. Yay for you! :-)

    1. Thanks, and I hope your tailbone stops hurting - seems like that pain can last a ridiculously long time.

  7. Yay for running again! Running seems to be my fav workout, too (although I don't always do it when I should). Getting ready for my first half-marathon race; I was originally doing the full marathon, but just didn't feel ready so I'm now doing the half.
    I've been reading your blog for over a year now and I love it!

    1. Thanks for reading for so long, and go you on the half!!!

  8. lol Paco!!!

    I want a weiner dog named Ricky Bobby!

    Great job on the early morning run. You are a better (more motivated!) woman than I.

    And of course I always have to advocate swimming. Love it!

    1. LOL - true swimmers are so loyal to their sport! I had a wiener dog named Jackie, but LOVE the thought of calling one Ricky Bobby!

  9. I have to admit, I do miss my pool since I switched gyms, but since I am paying the equivalent to one months old membership fee to a WHOLE YEAR at the new gym, I can't justify the expense.

    This may be prying, but I know you work part time during the holidays - is there any reason you don't work part time year round now that the boys are grown? Just curious! (and jealous that you can sit and knit!!) Hugs!

    1. The main reason that I don't work is that I'd only want to do part-time, and with my limited skill set coupled with the very low unemployment rate in my town (lots of college kids ready to work), I end up having to work on the weekends. Jeff travels every week, so we decided after my last permanent part-time job that it wasn't worth the little bit of money (seriously, we are talking just over minimum wage) for us to get about a day and a half together each week.

      Believe me, I know that we are lucky to have this choice...

    2. you know after I sent the email I was like "who the hell am I to ask that question?!" You are lucky my dear and I am so glad you enjoy it! :D Hugs!

  10. Dang - you look great sweaty and red-faced! And in that mahvelous green tee!

    I just finally gave up membership at my frou frou gym - which was where the pool in my life was. But I wasn't going enough to warrant the exorbitant monthly fee ($89.50...who the hell do I think I am...Melinda Gates?), so I have to look into a local high school with a pool that you can join for the season. The only problem...other people who are very young and very fit. #$*#$!

    Love Paco's social commentary!

    1. I think that's one reason I was pretty comfortable at my pool is because I swim next to a bunch of gray panthers - teenagers? That would be intimidating.

  11. I vote for keeping swimming for now - just for something different and for inclement weather. Then do the yoga at the class you really like when that comes around again. You gotta love what you do or you won't do it, right?

  12. Hey girl, how early do you go on Tues/Thurs --- I need to get a few steps in before May 19, lol --- I'm only responsible for 4.3 miles of the relay, but I would guess going from 0 to 4.3 might be stretch ;)

  13. I'm trying to figure out my summer workout plan now that I'm working part time in an office. You know I'm a yoga freak and I know that the breathing helps me with my running so I'm hoping you get your class back soon. I will also always vote for swimming especially when it's as hot as it is where you live. It's a workout but in August it's almost like a treat!! I'm following in your footsteps back here and I hope I love the running club as much as you do!!

    1. I hope you love your running club, too - I bet you will. :)

  14. It seems we have a lot in common- love running clothes, 5k races, knitting, bking & I currently am out with an ankle injury. I started running at the ripe old age of 55.

    1. Wow, the fact that you are out with an ankle injury plus all the other things in common makes me feel like I have a twin out there! Welcome to the blog, Darlene!

  15. What if you did a mix? Running of course, but swimming and yoga on non-running days. And if you continued to doing both for a period of time, you rewarded yourself with signing back up for sessions with the trainer?

  16. I'm so glad you're back too! I agree, you must do some sort of cross training along with your 10-12 miles/week.

  17. You should def get biking back in there - it is so much fun, and so you! I bet your cruiser misses you.


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