Monday, February 27, 2012

I am Adventurous?

I was at the knitting store on Friday (the bulldozer lady had posted on the store's Facebook page that she would be gone for a couple of days, so I felt more comfortable going in), and was quizzing the woman working there about a "fashion" scarf that caught my eye the first time I was in the store (and every time since).  It looked a bit complicated, and I asked her when she thought I'd be ready to try making it.  Her reply surprised me...she said "you're an adventurous person, so go ahead and try it now" - me?  Adventurous???

Honestly, that is not a word that I'd use to describe myself.  I'm not the adventurous one, my best friend Barbara is.  And Jeff.  And my kids.  My Uncle Phil.  My Grandmother.  But not me.  I'm the one who stays home, plays it safe, has no desire to get very far out of my comfort'll never find me parachuting out of an airplane, applying to be on Survivor (although I love to watch that show), or eating strange and exotic foods. 

And yet, someone who I've only had  limited interaction with came to the conclusion that I am adventurous.  Am I?  I didn't think so...but four years ago, I never would have thought that I'd have such experiences as jumping fire, climbing a cargo net, running and swimming for exercise (exercise, ha!), or meeting strangers from the internet (Hi Kelly! Hi Debby! Hi Janell!).  I guess I've come out of my shell a bit since I lost weight - and I apparently, along with that weight, I've shed a little of my inhibitions.  I'm poking fun at myself a bit with the adventures in knitting, because really...except for a tiny callous on my index finger, it's not like it's dangerous.  However, I think it's a symbol of some of the many new things I've been willing to try, and I have to credit that to the overall, ongoing transformation that started when I began to leave the old, heavier me behind.  Who knew weight loss would affect my life in so many ways?  It's not just health, it's everything.

And now, here are my "adventurous" scarves:
This is my practice piece to get accustomed to this pattern - you double wrap the stitches on one row to get the elongated look.
And this is the real deal, knitted with a ribbon yarn, which is a bit slippery and tricky to hold onto, but I love how it's turning out!


  1. It's not just health it's everything.



  2. That scarf will be a great symbol of all you have accomplished. You can wear it whenever you are in a situation outside of your comfort zone. It will be like having a little hug around your neck.

    1. What a great idea, Kim - thanks! :)

    2. I love the this idea Kim! A symbol of accomplishment. Now I need to find something like that for myself...

  3. I identify with that :) I'm shedding a number of my inhibitions too, and am more willing to have a life "outdoors"..i look forward to wearing cuter, nicer clothes and wow!!!! what a difference that makes!!!

  4. Love the scarf my friend. Stay tuned for my post tonight because you are going to love it, you know what I'm talking about :)

    I'm not that adventurous either. R. is but I play it safe, always. Guess his surprise when I rode a motor bike last year :) Nothing wrong with being on the safe side, someone has too. But I'm glad you stepped out more of your comfort zone because it has only bring you good things.

  5. This is great. You are seeing the inner warrior. I love it.

    1. Thanks - I've never thought of myself as having an "inner warrior"!

  6. We are peas in a pod on this one - I like my comfort zone too! But I blame it on too much adventure while I was growing up, moving at least once a year or so and constantly having to readjust and make new friends.

    When you finally title your memoir about this adventure you need to name it "It's Not Just Health, It's Everything." That's perfection and a best seller right there!

  7. I definitely think you are adventurous - just putting yourself "out there" every day is an adventure in and of itself. :D

    I LOVE the color of that last scarf - blue is my favorite color. Happy Monday Shelley!

  8. YES!!! I wanted to tell you about that double wrapping thing when we were talking about 'drape' but decided it was too hard to describe in words. So glad you found it. Its fun, isn't it?

    And yes, on adventurous. The first thing that came to my mind was that hanging on the rope thingy that you did in Hawaii!!

    That is hilarious about finding out on facebook that that lady was going to be gone, so you went into her store. Is that like reverse cyber stalking?

    1. Oh, I forgot about ziplining!!!

      Haha, I like the term "reverse cyber-stalking" - much better than "avoidance"! I also got the schedule of the other woman, so at least if I go there when both are in the store, it shouldn't be as bad. I hope...

  9. Hmmm... running, knitting, swimming, yoga. Seems to me you *are* adventurous!

  10. You are so talented in the knitting dept! Claire and I finally got knitting needles and yarn and watched a few videos online. I can't do anything but one stitch! I know the exact kind of scarf you are talking about and they are so cute.

    Great job Shelley!

  11. That scarf looks amazing. Can't wait to see it finished. I disagree with you about knitting not being adventurous. You tried something new and intimidating (for many people, including me). So it is an adventure. Enjoy it and the souvenirs that come from it.

  12. Ziplining! It was my first thought! I see it has been discussed, but come ON! You are adventurous....even with knitting, swimming, running..those crazy workouts with the trainer you did at one time..just the stepping out of your comfort zone thing. I'm proud of you, & want to remind you that you inspire me. I love how you try stuff. [& I was surprised that you said something about not trying strange & exotic foods. I guess I thought you do that too. I don't think coconut m&m's quite count, although almost in my book]


  13. You sure seem adventurous to me Shelley!!!! LOVE the scarf!! Happy Wednesday.


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