Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Recap!

It's like they know me or something...
My purple gifts - new flip flops, a cashmere scarf (so soft!) and sparkly earrings!  
 My pink gifts - pretty new mouse, biking Barbie(!!!), insulated water bottle!
Apparently Jeff noticed that I would stop and look at her every time we zipped past the toy section in Target, and bought her for me!  Look how the flowers in the wheels match the flowers on my blog AND bike!  And she's wearing a running skirt/capri combo, just like I have (although sadly mine is not pink).  I'll have to find a cat to go in the basket and then the picture will be complete...and I promise to NOT cut her hair or give her pierced ears (shades of some failed childhood styling attempts on my old Barbies).
Deep down I'm an 8 year old girl who still loves her Barbies.

We had a nice, relaxing day - played with our gifts, watched some movies on our new big TV (we've finally ditched the big box and have a flat screen in the family room thanks in part to the boys), and ate our traditional Christmas dinner - only tradition was broken as Jeff and the boys prepared all of the side dishes on Christmas Eve since I was working all dang day.  I have to say, they did a nice job - everything tasted great!
Traditional family picture - someone ALWAYS is being goofy!
  Wearing the crowns from our Christmas crackers and showing our prizes - they were pretty good this year, with a squirt gun, colored pencils, a bottle opener and a parcheesi-type game.


  1. I just looked through your photo history. And there's no doubt about it ...

    You look much better than Barbie.

    Congratulations on all your progress, and best wishes to you.

  2. Christmas crackers just have not caught on in the US :)

  3. Great Barbie/bike. I think they made it just for you! And, this working thing has got to stop. Now.

  4. I always love the goofy pictures Shelley!

    Glad you had a wonderful time with all your boys!

  5. Haha--my BFIRL loves Barbie dolls too! That was the perfect one for you.

  6. Sweet that Barbie is wearing a helmet, too!

    You need to attach her to your bike with you when you go riding :D

    Sounds like a great Christmas!

  7. Great gifts!! :) I really liked your pictures from the table, goofy pics are the best! :D

  8. That is just soooo cute that you got a Barbie! Love her!

    BTW I got myself a tee I saw on your blog a long time ago: the only way to finish is to start. Can't wait to wear it!

  9. Love that one of the boys is making a face (& that is putting it mildly! haha) and you are posing all nothing is going on behind you...hahaha. Your boys!

    Man! I totally forgot to put the Christmas crackers at out place! It can be a little hectic. Disappointed! Now I have to save them for a year! Made a note for next year...We'll see what happens. sigh.

    Our boys got us a nice big monitor for our compu this year. I guess our adult sons need to keep us up to date with technology, eh, Shelley? (U & me, Rokus last year..)
    Happy 2012 almost, sweets.

  10. I love love love he got you that barbie!


  11. I'm so jealous of you: you got a Barbie!!!!
    When I was a child I never had a Barbie but I had a Sindy and that wasn't the real thing. I can get very happy in the toy stores in the barbie department.

    Looks like you had a great Christmas my friend. I love your family, you all always look so happy, it brings the biggest smile on my face watching it.

    And purple? You will be happy to hear I bought new running shoes this morning. Guess what color they are: purple! Everytime I run in them I will think of you.

  12. Purple and pink awesomeness!

    Sounds like the whole day was wonderful - just the way it should be.

  13. oooooh!!! i have that water bottle!!! its sitting on my desk right now! i love it!

  14. All I can say is that reading your post.....just totally made me smile!

  15. Love the Barbie Bike!!!! It does look just like yours :0)

    Happy Holidays!!!

  16. BARBIE!! There is nothing better.

    Man, your family photos crack me up. I love how game you all are to just be silly and enjoy life. That's a rare quality, especially in a group. Have fun and keep laughing, my friend!

  17. I agree with the comment above, you are MUCH cuter and spicier than Barbie but what a FUN gift! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, Happy New Year as well!

  18. What fun! My youngest daughter could not resist cutting her Barbie's hair either. :)

  19. I just love how you love being a grown-up kid and that your hubby knows it! I'm loving your family just from photos!


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