Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Mishmash - Lions and Tigers and Snakes, Oh My!

I swear, some days these posts practically write themselves. I was sitting at my desk, uploading pictures for this!very!post! when I heard my cat Kip Mae Mobley meowing like crazy at my front door. I got up to let him in, but he wasn't on the porch - he was laying in the grass...and then I saw his paw on something (click on the pictures if you want to see it better):

A snake! And no, I was not this close to it - I had my camera on the "macro" setting. I ain't no fool!
I was trying to distract Mae Mobley (notice how his ears are flat...he wanted me to leave him alone) so he'd move and I could grab him and get away from the snake - not because I'm a snake lover, it's just that if he ate it (and I had no doubt that he would), he would be barfing up snake bits in the middle of the night. Which I happen to know is not a pleasant thing to clean up (reference bird and lizard bits).Argh - playing cat and mouse! Or rather, lion and snake...

I was finally able to get close enough to the cat (but not the snake) and grabbed him - the snake slithered away. All I can say is that snake better not come around here again - Mae Mobley the hunter is on the lookout!


Here's where the "Tigers" portion of the title comes in:
Woohoo, a dollar! Oh, wait...

I found this in the street during my run on Wednesday. The local high school mascot is the tiger, hence, the Tiger Bucks. They didn't do this when my kids went there - I wonder what one Tiger Buck will get me? Btw, that eye of the tiger? Reminds me of the song, which the marching band had to play during the football games - I think every time the team ran out onto the field. All I know is that I heard it A LOT. And my son Sam? Played it A LOT. Bump-bump-bump-bumppppp...


Oh hey, since all of two people actually entered the giveaway for the baby gift basket from Oh! Nuts, they had really good odds of winning. Without further ado, the winner is:

Yay! She is expecting her first baby, a boy who they naming Vincent Christopher! Email me ( your mailing address and I'll forward it to Oh! Nuts - congratulations and enjoy!


I picked up my race packet yesterday - got the course map and figured out where to have Jeff parked to pick me up and drive me to the finish line (remember when some of the peeps from The Office did that during their 5K Fun Run? genius idea!). Anyway, the shirt is pretty cool:

I'll be rockin' this sweet buffalo shirt after the race on Saturday - I never wear them before I actually run the race...just a superstition of mine.

Now I have to update my iPod - I just realized that I need at least two hours of music on one playlist to get me through this race - how wild is that?!?


Just for filler fun, here's a picture of Paco and his best friend Ginger:
Ginger is the only dog Paco will play nicely with. Everyone else, he's all kill first, ask questions later. No dog park for you, Paco!

It was only possible to get this shot because they ran around like maniacs for about ten minutes prior. They are resting up to have a go again - it's so much fun to watch, because they chase each other, leaping across culverts and zipping around trees...and then they rest. And then they GO again! Oh, to have their energy...


And now, it's time for Fashion Friday - Redux. Because of the scale telling me mean things, I decided that I had better check how my clothes are fitting, so I tried to pick an outfit that I had already worn for a previous FF for comparison. I came close - in retrospect, I probably should have looked through my FF posts before "remembering" the outfit - but oh's pretty close.

End of September...Beginning of August...

The shorts fit the same - they were not tight at all, which was good. The sweater, though, shows that my stomach is getting bigger - there is a definite roll emerging. Sigh. I thought running was supposed to help decrease your stomach! I hope, for you, my sweet readers, and for my sake that this will be the last you hear about me and the scale for a while. As long as I'm being honest with myself about what I'm eating, then I really shouldn't pay any attention to that number - after all, I'm training for a half marathon, and if this is what happens in the process, then so be it.
This is a different camisole underneath the sweater than the picture in August. Heh - obviously I love this berry color!Yeah, you know why I had to include this picture...sneaky Paco!

Alright everyone, have a good weekend, and if you're awake at 7:30 am (CST) tomorrow morning, send speedy endurance thoughts my way! If I live through the 10 mile race, I'll have a recap for you on Monday!


  1. you KNOW I will be awake
    you KNOW I will be sending you thoughts
    you KNOW I will be proudly posting a youshoutout on sunday.

    all that :)

    have a great day.

    Im off to try!

  2. I am like that with race shirts too. I wear them after the race. For my half, my son bought the 13.1 magnet at the expo the day before (with my money) and I made him hide it until the end.
    YOU WILL DO GREAT!! My 8k starts at 9 tomorrow. ...I will think about you as I start (hopefully not barfing up snake bits)

  3. Best of luck on your race! I'm sure you'll do great. I won't be here to congratulate you on Monday so I will do it now:) I"m goin on a road trip to see my dad for my b-day next week. I'll check on you when I get back...

  4. Since you've said it to me, I am giving it right back: I really don't see that much difference in the photos. You are being way too hard on yourself!!

    Love the shirt - I never wear mine until I've done the race either.

    Good luck tomorrow, although I really don't think you need it :-)

    P.S. My verification word is glycon, which is close enough to glycogen that I'm thinking it's a sign that you are going to rock this race!

  5. I will be awake - I plan to be riding my forty, so I will be sending you good, energetic thoughts on Saturday morning. I have every faith that you will do great! Look forward to your race report.

    I love Mae Mobley's flat-back ear picture. That cat means business!

    Oh, grossaroo to the lizard, bird and snake bits. There is a reason I don't have a cat anymore.

    I have the same superstition about race shirts.

  6. sending good thoughts your way!!! Good luck in that race!!!

  7. I LOVE that sweater! Where did you pick it up?

  8. I'll be at runner's club at 7 a.m., so will be running "WITH" you part of the way! Just think of THAT! GOOOOODDD LUCKKKK!

    Barfing up snake bits. MWhahaha! I don't let my cats outside. I'm so mean. But that flat ear picture? That's how Dax looks when he's stalking tuna on the kitchen floor.

  9. I have no doubt you will have an awesome race!! I will not be up at 7:30 cst, but when I awake at 9:30 you will most likely be done! :D

    I love that last picture of Paco the best!

  10. See, this is why my cats don't go outside! LOL

    I used to live in Bryan, love it there. Best of luck in your race!

  11. Ewwwww~ Snakes. Hate em. I love cats though. I like that 5K shirt. Can't wait till I get my own!

  12. Ewww snakes. I thought the reason Mae Mobley wasn't allowed to play with it was funny. Wasn't expecting that.

    Loved the story about the 2 dog buddies. hee hee. I can just see them chasing each other then resting. What a riot. Are they neighbors?
    good luck tomorrow.

  13. Mae Mobley was just catching you dinner! What a sweetie :D

    You are going to rock the race. Hope the possible cold did not become a reality!

    I'll be thinking of you and can't wait to see the recap.

  14. Of course I'm awake sweety, it's halfway the afternoon here by then and I will definitely send positive thoughts across the ocean. I wish you good luck, go get them tiger!

    Oh my that snake, I hate snakes, think they are scary and am glad they rarely live here in the wild.

    Love the outfit, to be honest I don't see much difference :blush: you look great as always.

  15. I will be awake and thinking of you :)
    Make it awesome :)

  16. Good luck during your race Shelley!

    DO it girl!

  17. Love the outfits and pics!

    Good luck on your race!!!

  18. Best of luck with your race. You WILL do great!!

  19. I can't tell you what a crappy week this has been, so when I read your blog, it put a huge smile on my face. I mean, I wish my cat could catch snakes. Our dog sure won't. She just stares at them with her head cocked.

  20. Oh yeah, and THANK YOU!!!! I love winning stuff, and this prize is especially nice.

    And break a leg, er, knock 'em dead. You will bring it.

  21. I saw your blog on the turtles! I had to come and visit and see the progress you have made! Congratulations!! You can do it! One word of advice, from someone who has been there, enjoy every moment of the race. You have put so much time into the training, now is the time to reap the rewards!

    The Becker's
    Shawn a Marathon Runner in Training

  22. thinking about you.

    blogging about you:

  23. Good luck today my dear friend! Remember: live, laugh, run. You will do great!

  24. I would never go outside again if there was a snake that close to me, let alone that close to my cat. (But what a cute kitty!)

    I don't see the change in fit in the outfits, but it's hard to tell small changes in photos so I definitely trust your judgement over my eye in this case. Just keep on your path, don't worry about the scale, and it will even out in the end. You are a runner, and your body is changing in unexpected ways to allow for that. Also, since you are not doing the intensive gym workouts anymore your muscles are being worked in different ways, and some might not being getting worked as hard as they were, and they are changing shape. And that's okay.

    I KNOW you rocked that race! Can't wait to hear the details!

  25. I can hardly wait to hear about the race, I hope it went well!
    I loved the snake story and your cute pinkness in your photo!

  26. Can't wait to hear about the race!

    Also, I love that you made a reference to "The Office." Love that episode you mentioned too.

  27. Tap tap tap .... waiting impatiently for your review :)

    I'm at work and very busy today but I will check my reader regurarly cause I can't wait to hear how you did.

  28. Hope your race went well. I never wear my shirt before the race either.


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