Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Mishmash - Jeopardy! Edition

"If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Come Sit By Me" for $200, Alex: A new frozen yogurt shop opened up in town. Although I love Red Mango, this place had me intrigued because according to their website, they have several flavors that are only eight calories an ounce! Of course I had to try them out - in fact, I happened to be driving by on Wednesday, saw their "open" sign and stopped in...this was their first day of business! While the very-low-calorie yogurt was good, it was too sweet for me. And heavy - how can something so light on calories be so filling? I'll give them another try, but I have a feeling that Red Mango will not be losing my business. And if you're wondering why I'm not naming the new place, it's because I hate to give negative press - if I dis something by name here, you know I'm royally peeved. So I'm not mentioning the name. Or the book that I was recently sent for review by the author himself, which turned out to be basically a commercial for his product.

"When Words Hurt" for $400, Alex: I got an email saying that my blog had been listed along with several others in an article called "50 Blogs to Help You Lose Weight Now" - intrigued, I checked it out. I'm mostly joking about this, but I have to say that I did cringe for a moment when I read the description about my blog and saw the words "Shelley is in her late 40s" - ouch. For the record, you are 40, then early-40s (41 - 44), mid-40s (45 - 48) and THEN late-40s (49). And really? I consider myself ageless - meaning I don't feel like I'm any particular age...I'm just me. Who happens to be in her mid-40s. ;)

"My Sport is Your Sport's Punishment" for $600, Alex: How running can go from easy-breezy to holy crap why am I doing this in the span of three days amazes me. Well, I know what probably caused it - the speed drills I did on Tuesday night. While I felt ok doing them, I was lead-legged on Wednesday, and not looking forward to yesterday's run. I drove to the park and ran the same route I did on Monday but it was tough. The only thing that helped was knowing that Matt was out in his neighborhood running and hating it as much as I was. Misery loves company, you know. My darn left leg was hurting again - I felt like Igor, dragging it behind me with every step. After the run, I took pictures and exchanged them with Matt. Only I didn't send him the first shot...this is what I sent:
But I really felt like this:
Here's what Ricky Bobby had to say:
And here's what Danica said:
You will notice that overachiever Matt averaged a 9:48 pace...way to show me up, dude. ;)
All kidding aside, I'm glad that I have him for a running buddy on Thursdays, because believe me, I would have hit snooze on my alarm yesterday if I was doing that run solo.

"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees" for $800, Alex: So last week I told you how I quit my job. Well, this week, I'm happy to announce that I've gotten a new job - a part-time, seasonal job, in the most perfect place on earth for me. Any guesses? It's a jewelry store - James Avery, for those of you who might be familiar with it (and oh yes, I am quite familiar with it!). I saw their ad a couple of weeks ago and thought that it would be fun - I applied, was interviewed and bingo-bango, I got the job! It's just from November through the first week of January, but I think it will be great - I mean, hello, have you met me? Jewelry fiend? The cool thing about it is that apparently you can wear certain pieces of the jewelry while you are working - sort of a living display, or as I like to call it, a test-drive. Why does everyone who I've told about this ask me if I'll actually see any money from it?!? I have a feeling I should treat this like candy - don't even get started with buying one thing, because it will just lead to more. OK, I may allow myself one purchase...I mean, let's be real here. Anyway, I'm excited about this because I can sell the crap out it - it's not like trying to sell something people have to buy, like car insurance - this is jewelry! Pretty, pretty jewelry. Sooo shiny. And pretty...

"Make Up Your Mind, Already" for $1000, Alex: I've been waffling (ooh, waffles...) about whether I wanted to continue training with the full marathon group, or rejoin the half marathon group after the Galveston Seawall half marathon on November 20. I finally made up my mind - I'm going to stay with half marathons for this racing season. I'll do the Galveston half, then the Austin half on February 20, and then the Armadillo Dash half, which is practically in my own backyard, on March 6. By choosing to do the shorter distances (lol, when did 13.1 miles become short?), hopefully my crazy left leg will not stage a revolt and refuse to perform. And then, if I really want to, I can start training for a marathon next fall. We'll see how much that bug bites me.

And for Final Jeopardy - Fashion Friday: I'll give you the question here..."What is coming back with a vengeance once Shelley starts working again?"

$200: Who is Alice Roosevelt Longworth? Also accepted, who is Gertrude Stein?
$400: What is a take off on the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?
$600: What is anonymous quote? Also accepted, what is t-shirt I want?
$800: What is something every parent says to their child?
$1000: What is something every parent says to their child?

OK, so I'll never get a job writing on Jeopardy...but hey, it was fun to mix up the mishmash! Have a great weekend!


  1. I love how you've written this post :)

    Congrats on the job, seems to me that's a job that really suits you. Can you buy with discount? I know here in Holland that when you work at a clothing store you can usually buy the clothes with a discount. I work for a do it yourself company (boring compared to jewelry I know :) ) but we get a 20% discount of everything we buy at our stores.

    Shelley: a full marathon? When did it happen that you passed me by as a runner? Girl I'm impressed!
    You've got already three halfs on your schedule where I still haven't decided if I sign up for a half in April next year (wait a few more months to see how winter goes here and if I can keep to my schedule or that Winter ruins it for me).

    I never will run a full marathon. The training for it asks for more dedication than for a half and we all know I'm having trouble sticking to my workout schedule now already. I'll stop at a half but if I liked it I'm going to try to run a half at least once a year in a different country so who knows: maybe next year November together in Texas?

    Well hope I've given you something to read by the time you wake up :) Have a great Friday, mine is already halfway the working day. Only 4 more hours and my weekend will start. Don't feel like working today so am a naugthy girl and read some blogs during work :)

  2. DANG. GREAT post.
    and frans comment kicked ass too (can I say ass here? arse? booty?)

    that first quote from Steel Magnolias has become my verging on curmudgeonly life mantra these days with the dull ache in my ass,errrr, GLUTES :)

    it makes me giggle every time I think it.

  3. I'm confused on Ricky Bobby and Danica. It looks like you showed him up? It's early, so maybe I am missing something.
    Can't wait to see the jewelry?!
    I bet you are one awesome sales chic.
    As for the races, runner girl: AWESOME!!!!

  4. Selling jewelry was my most favorite part time job. Ever. People are just so dang happy when they're buying it.

    Hmmmm, Armadillo Dash Half on March 6? Very near my birthday. Wonder if I could talk Mr. Helen into a road trip as my gift?

  5. Great post Shelley, it was so fun to read!
    Congrats on the new job!
    When I finished my half marathon I said I would NEVER run a full...and now it seems like it's on the top of my to do list SoME DAY ;-)..
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Aw, come on! Here I thought I had a handle on my cravings, and now I'm thinking (dreaming) of waffles, with thick rich butter and a little jam on top, dusted with powdered sugar. (sigh). good post. Vee at

  7. What a creative post! You know I want to know about the 8 calorie froyo.

    And I'm glad you are going for the half for a bit. I thought you might try to stay with the marathoners.

    That's pretty funny about you selling jewelry. Sales should go through the roof!

  8. This is the best post! Congrats on the job. I am really going to have to get me one of those running gadgets...


  9. You are a freaking riot!

    I will take the bonus question. Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me?


  10. P.S. I would love to see the jewelery too! Looking forward to seeing it!

  11. I kept wondering who Alex was.
    I agree with the 40s. That was fun-knee!
    Also, remember (If you are old enough) the Seinfeld non-fat yogurt episode?

  12. Such a creative post Shelley!! I laughed when you wrote "when did 13 miles become a short race?!"

    Congrats on the part time gig - yep, its right up your alley!

    And since I am 42, I think I will keep saying "early 40's" until I hit 45 - and say mid-40's until I am 49! :D

    Have a great weekend!!

  13. What a fun post :D

    I wonder if that same guy contacted me with a certain ebook? I didn't get it, maybe I am glad I did not!

    If you sell really well, who knows - that may be a permanent gig for you. Which would be more dangerous, working for the jewelry store or Red Mango?

  14. Speaking as your semi-twin, I fully support your view about our age. Early 40s, maybe. Late? Pfui!

  15. Congrats on the new job! I loved working retail when I was at Forth&Towne; enjoy the discount while you can. LOL!

    I think it's a great idea that you are sticking with half-marathons for the racing season. Sometimes it's better for us to stay at the level where we are and really feel like we are mastering it instead of always jumping up a step to the next challenge and possibly burning out. You aced the 5ks first, now you're moving on to half-marathons. That's pretty amazing, you know? Give yourself credit!

  16. Congrats on the new job. Sounds like it will be a fun place to work. I too love jewelry. I think you are doing so awesome with your running, but if that leg keeps bothering you, you might want to get it checked. I can only imagine being able to run ad half, let alone a full marathon!

  17. Woo-hoo! A job at James Avery should be very fun for you and for any customers who cross your path.

  18. just stumbled onto your blog. Great stuff

  19. Jeopardy makes me think of the SNL skit with Will Ferrell. Sorry, but you know I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy.

    Love how you mish mashed this post. Love that you got your dream job.

    Thanks for the sweet comment this morning. I love being your blog friend. I loved your running is dumb FB update. Made me smile.

  20. Oh I just love this post. So much going on in your life!

    Congrats on making the weight loss blog list. That's terrific.

    A half marathon is not a short ditance. 13.1 miles? I don't drive that far to go to the grocery store.

    YEAH for the new job. I can't wait to see what new sparklies come home with you. :)

  21. Hey Shelley its funny how many days I hit the snooze button. Actually it every day except Thursday when you MAKE me run. Oh are we running tomorrow? Matt


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