Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Workout Update

Late last week we finally got the full, 26-week schedule for my running club. I looked at the half marathon schedule and immediately knew that it wouldn't work for me - you see, the club is training for the Austin Marathon/Half Marathon, which is in February 2011. But I have this little race coming up on November 20th, and if I were to follow the half training, I would only be up to six miles for my long run by then. That just won't cut I looked at the full marathon training schedule and realized that in order for me to have a chance at completing the November race, I need to follow that one. A couple of emails to the club coach later and it was done. I was committed. Or maybe I should be committed...we will see, lol.

My long run on Saturday, instead of being a leisurely 1.5 miles, was four miles. AND I DID IT! I was more than a little worried, as I haven't run that distance since July. In fact, I hardly slept on Friday night, thinking about it. To me, this was the telling sign - either I would be able to run the four miles and really do the full marathon training, or I would have to rethink the upcoming half race. I can't tell you how relieved I am to have made it through that run! I will say that it was really hot and humid and I was a lot slower than the others in that group, but coach Joni ran the entire distance with me and I finished feeling great! My splits were 12:01, 12:07, 12:09 and 11:54 - which I am totally fine with! Next Saturday will be five miles, and then six, and then hello, TEN miles - it normally would have been eight, but I signed up for a ten-mile race that day. I nothing if not optimistic. I really have no idea if I'll be able to run the entire way, but hey - it's worth a try, right?

One other funny thing about running club on Saturday: as it was the anniversary of 9/11, Coach Dale had brought American flag stickers for those of us who wanted to wear one on our shirts, and after we had our talk about hydration, he read a short poem about that day. We were all gathered around, listening - I wasn't really paying attention to anybody else around me. But after he was done, he had a bit of a surprised look on his face and said "the governor was standing there, listening to me read that!" - yes, our governor, Rick Perry, was in town, and happened to be running by the park where we met. Too funny! Also too bad he didn't stick around, but he was off and (literally) running again. By the way, Perry is an Aggie and often comes to home football games...that was probably why he was in town that day.

Ok, one more reason why my running club is awesome? They had fresh washcloths soaking in ice water for us when we came in from our long run! I can't tell you how good this felt - it was in the low 80's and the humidity was a killer that morning...these really helped with the cool-down!

With the increase in my running - this week, I'm scheduled to run 30 minutes, 35 minutes and 30 minutes, along with my long run of five miles on Saturday (this equals to me running about 13 miles total for the week), I'm trying to baby my legs as much as possible. This means an ice bath on Saturdays after the long run (not so bad now, while it's still warm outside...could be another story in a couple of months!) and frozen peas for my (still) slightly hurting left knee. Which led me, in what I can only describe as a state of runner's high and/or delirium, to compose the following ditty:

(to the "tune" of Pease Porridge Hot)
Frozen peas hot?
No! Frozen peas cold.
Frozen peas on my knees
I am sold!


  1. I don't want to be the grumpy old woman but isn't 6 to 10 miles a very big step? I've always learned to increase your distance with 10% a week. Of course you can always walk at the 10 miler.

    I admire you for training for a half in 2 months. I couldn't do that that's why I've chosen a 28 week program for a half which in the end will take me a year to finish it but I'm perfectly allright with that.

    Good luck on your 5 miles, you will do great I'm sure.

  2. Im coveting those peas...for my back these days.

  3. Here's my post-training version:

    Frozen peas hot?
    No! Frozen peas cold.
    Frozen peas on my knees
    Cuz I am old!

    BioFreeze works, as well!
    Get better soon!

  4. This is my favorite part of your post (regarding the 10-mile run):

    "I really have no idea if I'll be able to run the entire way, but hey - it's worth a try, right?"

    The "going for it" is the key. I think this is a great attitude for everything in life!

  5. You really can call yourself a true dedicated runner when you ice bath and use frozen peas. Next step: ice packs. We keep 3 ice packs in our freezer at all times because we are old athletes - lol!

  6. I use peas too! Seriously the best ice packs on the market!

  7. Yea for peas! Why doesn't that rhyme?

    Jumping up to marathon training? Just listen to your body with the big mileage jump. You've got a great fitness base, so that will get you there. But pay attention to how your joints, muscles, etc are feeling when dealing with the extra miles.

    You are a runner, my dear! And how cool about running with (sort of) the gov!

  8. Wahoooo, lady! You're training for a marathon! I mean, the half marathon, but you're doing the training for A MARATHON! Wheeeee! I had to ice my knees last night, too. Stupid knees.

  9. wow, you're an inspiration to me! I'm 38 and just did my 1st 5K this past weekend. My time wasn't great and I had to walk a little, but I finished (and wasn't last!). It has taken until today for my body to recuperate! I need that pack of peas for my hip! Good luck with your half, I'm going to do another 5K soon I hope.

  10. So have you signed up for the Boston yet? (tee hee.) You KNOW its coming!

    And on your 'at least its worth a try' yes yes. You know you can do 10 miles, even if you take a walk break or something. You know you can do it.

  11. Love your ditty!
    I am SO impressed with your training. And, that it is still hot and humid there, I am sorry. It has turned nice up here and the runs are so much better. Then again, I'll be whining to you in January!

  12. I have only a few words for you--you inspire me...I have been reading your blog for over a year...and am so impressed with everything that you have done...and everywhere that you are going!!!

    Once I recover from my foot injury, I hope to be right there with you (but running with a walking cast...not so easy--haven't found any running shoes to accomodate it...and the ligaments that are torn (and pulled from the bone) will likely thank me...:)

    Until I am ready to run/walk again...I will visit your blog often...

    Kudos to you, Shelley!!! :)

  13. You rock! So does this mean that you are now training to run a marathon as well as a half marathon? You're my hero. :)

    How cool that Gov. Perry was out there too. Youc an say that you went running with Gov. Perry. close enough.

    I sure hope that knee gets to feeling better soon. Ouch.

    And I see that you have sleek runner's legs in that picture with the frozen peas. Very nice. :) You're doing terrific. Keep going! We're all cheering for you.

  14. Loving your running gusto!! I think those time splits are great too.

    When I ran on track after each hard workout, they would put me in a pool of ice I could sit in - it wasn't fun getting in, but my legs felt like a million bucks when I got out.

    Oh wait, I was a teenager then - maybe that's why I felt like a million bucks!

    Hope the frozen peas work!

  15. Anything frozen works in a pinch. And it's certainly better than eating them! You're doing great. Keep it up. Vee at

  16. Fresh washcloths soaking in ice water???
    I could imagine those coming in handy in the TX heat.

  17. I cannot imagine icing, ice baths or anything that cold touching my body after a run! I have never iced.

    For your 10 mile run, you don't have to run the whole thing. There are many runners that do run/walk combos as a rule for longer races. Just food for thought.

    You are inspiring me to think maybe I could train for a half.

  18. You're my hero! Love the washcloth treat after a long humid run. Makes me think about (re)joining my ladies running group. . . .

  19. Your running club sounds awesome! You are doing so well being so committed to the training schedule. I am sure you will do just fine with your 10-miler, even if you do have to walk a bit. It will be a great accomplishment!
    Love the peas.

  20. Shelley, all I can tell you from the 2 marathons I did is that the LONG runs are the most important. I worked full time, had 3 smaller kids, and during the week, I didn't totally follow the training (some weeks I only ran twice during the week for example) BUT, I never missed a long run. And I had a running group too which made it so much easier. When I first signed up, I hadn't run longer than a 10k. I didn't even think I could do it! Then when I first ran 10 miles, I couldn't believe it. And the first time I ran 14 miles, I remember calling Biz on the way home, saying "I can't believe I just ran 14 miles!" And I doubted myself all along the way, the more the miles kept climbing I was like "why am I doing this?" BUT, I will tell you when you are getting towards the finish line and when you think about all you just did, it's the best feeling in the world.

    I know you can do this, you've been working out for so long, you are at a great weight. When I did my 2 marathons I was at almost my heaviest of 199 pounds! My goal is to try another one when I'm at 140 and see how much faster I could go!

    I'm so excited for you!

  21. Shelley can I ask you a favour?

    I'm thinking about taking a subscription to Fitness Magazine. I can do that here in Holland but I never have read it before. I like their website.

    Would it be possible if you picked up the latest issue and mail it to me? Of course I pay for the expenses you've made.


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