Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Diet

I realized not too long ago that I don't actually talk about my diet here like I used to...in the early months of this blog, food was the main focus. Why isn't it now? Sure, I like to post pictures of my favorite meals, but what has changed? I'm still trying to lose weight - I need to drop about 20 pounds and re-evaluate if that is a good weight for me - but have I become complacent after losing 100 pounds?

The answer to that is sort-of, mixed with a side of moderation and topped with a sprinkle of easy. Yes, I said easy! Don't hate me...it's just that I've been doing this for more than a year and a half and my "new" way of eating has become second nature for the most part and actually, I no longer consider it new. This is just what I do. It has become normal to hit the grocery store or Sam's Club a couple times a week to put fresh fruit and veggies in my fridge. I keep my basics on hand at all times so mealtimes are a breeze, even when I don't have anything planned. I rarely let myself get so hungry that I'm scavenging for food - and I never skip meals anymore. I used to not eat breakfast, be so hungry that I'd eat a huge lunch, and then be too full for dinner at dinnertime, but would end up eating later in the evening. Which would make me not hungry for breakfast, and the whole cycle would repeat itself! Now, I eat breakfast, even on the days that I meet my friend for lunch...the difference is that I have a small lunch - I found out you can do this, even at a restaurant. Did you know you don't have to eat everything they serve you?!? I'm joking a little, but really, I used to be a card-carrying member of the clean plate club at Johnny Carinos! Now, if I'm done, I'm done...no matter what my plate looks like.

As far as moderation goes, I still eat "non-diet" foods like chocolate, and when the occasion merits, I will have whatever special food is being served, as long as it's great. For example, we have an evening artist reception once a month at my work, and most of the time the food, while good, is bought from Sam's...things like pesto for crackers, bruschetta for little slices of sourdough bread, cheese platters, fresh fruit and little cheesecake bites. I make sure I bring something for a healthy and hearty late-in-the-afternoon snack on those days, and rather than mindlessly eat food that isn't all that special, I'll have some fruit and call it done. But if we go out to a nice restaurant, you can believe that I'll be eating things that I wouldn't normally have - but in the correct portion size, for the most part. This way I can partake without feeling stuffed and full of regret afterward.

Now, as for losing that last 20 pounds...I hear it's the hardest, and I wonder if that is really true. I have been doing an excellent job for the last month or so of maintaining my weight, although it's finally started dropping a bit. Is that because of the "last 20" curse? Doubtful. It's more likely due to the fact that I am a slow loser - and while that can be frustrating at times, especially when I compare myself to other bloggers who are dropping weight like nobody's business, I have to acknowledge that I also have not seen the scale see-saw up and down, so there's that. Plus, I will admit that I haven't logged every calorie into my food journal over the last few months. I used to, and it really kept me mindful of everything I put into my mouth. But the flipside is that without doing it, I haven't gained any weight, so my eating has pretty much been on track.

So, what's my plan (gotta have a plan!) for now? Well, with running, I'm working out more, so I'm hoping that will help with the calorie burn. The other thing I am focusing on is eating more...yes, you read that right! It seems that when I am working out a lot (like I did over the summer when we were bike riding 5 - 6 miles an evening), if I don't eat closer to 1500 calories, I don't lose. So I'm adding more protein and fruit to my diet. Honestly, it doesn't take much to go from 1200 calories (what I've been doing) to 1500 - and besides that, I'm hungrier now. I'll check back in on this in a couple of weeks to see if the scale has moved. I'm hoping it will, because I would like to be done with losing by the time my birthday rolls around in June - I've already told my husband that I want a shopping trip to the very nice mall in Austin for my present!


  1. I like the way you think! Yep, I think as 1200 calories, you aren't eating enough. 1500 with some good proteins, with as much crazy exercise as you do will serve you well, I think. Honest to god, I don't know how you've done it on 1200. I would surely die.

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. You have such a great attitude about your food intake(diet). I just bet you'll be at your goal weight by your birthday you are so on track.

  3. You have such a healthy attitude; I have been "working" on the last 20 pounds for about 7 months now, and the struggle is definitely more mental than physical. I think I just need to buckle down and be strict with myself again: journal my food, stay within my points, weigh and measure my foods more often, tighten up all the things I have let slide.

    Good luck to you; you are not alone!

  4. Your way of eating is so much like mine. It has now become automatic for me too.

    Good luck on that last 20, I know you can do it, and slowly is much better.

  5. Though I've lost only a little less than half of what you've lost, I find myself in a similar position. I COULD be happy where I am or lose 5 more pounds. Either way, I am on the fine line of learning maintenance. Again. I have been here before but have not handled it wisely. This time I want to get it right.

    Best of wishes for your continued success. I'll peek in from time to time to see how you're doing (and keep my motivation up, too)!

  6. It's hard to keep up with food journaling. Logging every bite I eat does help, but sometimes it's easy to forget. Thanks for the post. I like knowing what others are doing.

  7. I totally can relate. Scale isn't budging beyond a half pound one way and another in the past ten days. I think you've hit on the right fix. I'm sure it will work!

  8. I'm completely with you on eating special foods as long as they're great. Even on my "splurge" days I will not eat things I don't really love. I always figure why waste the calories if I'm not getting the kick.

  9. I find it inspiring that you are at a place where it has become "easy." And I think those last pounds are hard for everyone, regardless of how many they are. Does our body just want to hang on? Or are we really setting too low a goal? Or is it just HARD to lose those darn last pounds?

  10. I have to say that I think it's not a bad thing to be maintaining at this point in your journey rather than steadily and quickly dropping the last 20. I think that this time is giving you great prep for maintenance when you get exactly where you are wanting to be.

    I did find my weight loss slowed for the last 10, but I did still lose, just not as fast as in the beginning when I was 305 pounds.

    You've done an amazing job!!

  11. I was just thinking yesterday about how even almost two years later I am still so food obsessed. We had cookies in the closet from a family get together and yesterday I could.not.stop. thinking about them until I just finally ate one(OK THREE). I wish I could just change my mind set about food as you have done!

    And yes, these last twenty pounds have been my nemesis...I have stayed around the same weight since August.

  12. It sure doesn't look like you need to lose 20 pounds form your pictures! :)

    Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right because it is working. Plus you're getting stronger.

    How is the running going? It's killing me. LOL I was hoping it would be getting easier but it's not. Yet. I still have hope. :)

    I also like to have good "non-diet" food from time to time at a good restaurant. If we are going to McD's I'll get a salad. But if we're going to Babin's, I just enjoy myself. It works and I don't feel guilty. much

    When I used to diet by the book, if I cut out one of my favorite non-diet foods I would start to obsess about what I couldn't have then eventually fall off the wagon. But now I tell myself I can have anything I want. It either has to be on a date night with Chuck or in moderation or I try to make a more calorie friendly version.

    I have confidence that you'll lose those last 20.

  13. That's a good point about needing to eat enough food. My doctor is always reminding me to eat more protein.

  14. It's no wonder I love ya Shelley! You are a June baby! LOL!

    I have an award for you on my blog my dear.

  15. We are so alike, you know that? I remember when I used to only eat 1200 calories and I just cannot do that anymore without going off the deep end the next day. When you work out like we do, you have to fuel up.

    I will say that these last 10 pounds for me are *the* hardest 10. I lose some and then they come back. Makes me wonder if I am not at maintenance. You are right about how it is easier to eat the 'right' way when you have been doing for a long time. Good habits are good things to have! You are amazing :D

  16. Pls reveal the bloggers who are dropping weight like nobody's business. I think it's nice to take the focus off the food because so much time was already spent focusing on food.

  17. It's very helpful for me to read this. I'm aiming for another 20 too and I'm letting life kind of knock me down. You have a good balance, good determination-- good role model!

  18. I think it's great that your new eating habits have become so ingrained and natural! Congrats on such a major life-change!

  19. I think you are making the right choice concerning your diet for the last 20 lbs.

    I'm like you, I do eat "non-diet" things once and a while and when I got food served somewhere I take the things I really like. I'm not eating a salad then because I'm trying to lose weight. After we still have to enjoy life and with that goes a bit of enjoying food every now and then.

    And about the weight: I'm a slow loser too but I'm not frustrated by that anymore, it's just who I am, can't change it.

  20. For me, I had gotten on track with exercise and like you food had become second nature and the last 20 wasn't as bad as I had though.
    You can do it!

  21. Fantastic!!! I have 15 to go, and I can hear all those voices in my head from all the posts, and people that have said... " Oh, last 20 are the hardest... or Oh, the last 10 are the hardest."

    Nah, don't believe it for a minute! I am a slllooooow loser too... 5 a month has been my magic number. Slow and steady wins the race girl! And it's probably been what has made your new lifestyle of eating second nature now :)

    Hugs and keep going!


  22. Wowee, it's like you are my diet twin! Except that last 20 has been hanging out there on me for the last, uh, year or so?
    I'm working on tracking again and on being ok when I'm not perfect when it comes to tracking. Good luck with your plan! Will you show us pics of your shopping spree?

  23. Though I haven’t been following your blog for long, I have read all of your posts. So to me it feels like you made all of these awesome changes in your life over a relatively short period of time. When I read how eating healthy has become second nature to you, I have to consciously remember that it has been a year and a half since you started this process. I’ve only just begun to change my eating habits and hope that over time it all because as easy for me as it is for you. Thank you for posting so regularly, and for being so successful. Though you have done this for yourself, you are also a great inspiration to me. So thank you!

  24. Heh heh heh...I win...NOT. I've been 'working on' losing the last 30 pounds for 3 years. But I'm getting a lot of practice at maintaining anyways.

    I did lost some of the weight I had regained by increasing my calories a couple days a week--doing that carb cycling thing, eating 12-1300 most days, and then 1800 a couple of days. That was fun. I have to get back in that groove again. The low days (one fruit, one grain) were a bit of a challenge though.

  25. My weight loss has been incredibly slow as well, but like you, it's unidirectional. I would like to lose 20 more pounds, too, though it may be ambitious. No harm in trying, as this is so easy! :-)


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