Sunday, November 8, 2009

Now That's Quite a Shout Out!!!

Holy cow, I am so excited!!! My blog was mentioned in the December 1st issue of Woman's Day magazine!!! It's on page 104 - under the heading "Blog Your Way Skinny" - and if you can't already tell by the number of exclamation points, I'm thrilled!!!

Check it out:
The cover...The article...
Me walking on air Friday night when I came home to find the magazine in my mailbox!!!

Both Cammy and Roni were also featured - I am honored and humbled to be in such great company!


  1. How fun! Congratulations! That has to be so super exciting!

  2. That is so cool!!!! I will be picking up that magazine tonight when I am doing my grocery shopping.

    You rock!

  3. Congratulations! That's amazingly wonderful!

  4. The fun thing is that when readers log into to read about you (I'm sure they will), they get all of us!

  5. Hey, hey! You're famous, and well-deserved!

  6. That's really cool and something to be proud of! You certainly deserved it to be mentioned as you are such an inspiration to many of us!

  7. I subscribe to Women's Day! Can't wait to see it! Congrats... your blog is AWESOME and you so deserve to be recognized because you are AWESOME TOO!

  8. Wow Wow Wow!!! Did you know ahead of time that you were going to be mentioned? That is just really cool. That's how I got into blogging--Lynn's blog was mentioned in the people magazine article.

  9. That's amazing! Now I'll have to buy a copy!

  10. AND they called you humorous!

  11. Yay! Congrats! That's SO exciting...very happy for you! :)

  12. Woot Woot! CONGRATULATIONS LADY! That is so flippin exciting! Your weight loss continues to be inspirational for so many!

  13. Awesome!!! Did you know this was coming or were you, like, browsing through the magazine in line at the grocery store?

  14. That is so incredibly awesome!!! YAY!!!

  15. How awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!

  16. This is big - in a really GOOD way!! Congrats on the well deserved recognition! It couldn't happen to a nicer person.

  17. That is so exciting!!! Congratulations!!!

  18. What?! I must go buy that issue immediately! Now others will know what we do - you totally deserve that shout out because you rock Shelley!

  19. HOLY SHIT! That's awesome Shelley!! Congrats - you deserve it! :D

  20. That's FANTASTIC! And well deserved, I'm glad they found you.

    May it bring lots of new readers to your blog!

  21. That is crazy special news! Did they tell you ahead of time or spring it on you as a gift?
    I'm super impressed.
    And thanks for the laugh about the drunktank. I think that sort of bordered on two words.

  22. How COOL is that! Congrats, Shelley!

  23. Congratulations! I don't know about you, but I had NO idea! :) (I would've cleaned up, had I known.)

  24. I saw the article in Woman's day and here I am, visiting your site. You go girl!
    Love it!
    North Carolina

  25. Yes, me too--here I am visiting your site because I saw it in Woman's Day. I am going to bookmark your blog so I can come back and be inspired. My weight is creeping BACK up and although no one (I hope!) would call me "fat" I know how easy it would be to go back to the extra 70 pounds I once carried. Ugh! So I am excited to see your blog! Congratulations on the 100-pound loss and the Woman's Day article. (That's all I've gotten a chance to read.) :)

  26. Congratulations on the wonderful article! I love your blog page and look forward to following you...I myself am stuck in a rut right now and your blog is giving me the incouragment that i need...

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  27. I finally found it on the Newsstand this morning! I may mail a copy to you for an autograph! :D

  28. That's where I read about it. Wonderful blog.

  29. W-O-W!!!!!!!! That is THE coolest!!! What an honor! What we strive for in this community...

    Way to go, Shelley! An excellent way to Pay it Forward!

  30. I live in Geneva, Switzerland and picked up the Women's Day which is how I found you site. Congratulations to you!


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