One of my favorite weight-loss books, Thin is the New Happy by Valerie Frankel, is coming out in paperback on October 13th, and to celebrate, I have a brand-new hardcover edition to give to one lucky reader!
Valerie's weight loss odyssey began when she was 11 years old and her fatphobic mother put her on a diet to lose 10 pounds before a family vacation; as an adult, Valerie continued this journey up and down the scale for the next 30 years, when she finally decided to stop dieting. And subsequently lost the remaining weight that had plagued her for years...thanks to eating right and exercising regularly.
There is so much good stuff in this book - Valerie has led a very interesting and, at times, tragic life (her first husband died when she was 35) - she is an accomplished author of many novels as well as several non-fiction books (including co-writing a sex book!), she's the mother of two daughters who, thanks to her awareness, have not grown up with the fat issues that she did, she posed nude for Self magazine to help get over her fat obsession, and she's friends with Stacey London - yes, THE Stacey London of TLC's What Not To Wear, who helped Valerie revamp her wardrobe after she lost the weight (which is totally my dream!).
The paperback edition comes with an extended reading group guide, along with a conversation between Valerie and Stacey London (I read this and it's so fun!) and a post-script by Valerie in which she addresses the response to the hardcover edition.
If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, just leave a comment telling me if you would pose nude (tastefully, of course) when you are at your ideal weight. For the record, I could never! Comments accepted until 11:00 pm Sunday night - I'll do a random draw and post the winner on Monday, October 5th. Good luck!
I'd like to think that I could pose nude at my ideal weight, or even what I think is my ideal weight, but I'm sure I'd chicken out in the end. The book sounds great!
ReplyDeleteWould I pose nude?? I know I probably shouldnt, but who knows? I might would do it now!!
ReplyDeleteHmmm... posing nude at my ideal weight? Only if it was in a black & white, still kind of covering me up, artsy-fartsy kind of way!
ReplyDeleteI would pose nude...but only after a thorough airbrushing. And full body wax.
ReplyDeleteI have pre-ordered from Amazon :)
ReplyDeleteI admire anyone that can, but I seriously doubt that I could....after having 2 kids and gallbladder surgery it is not a sight to be seen by all :)
ReplyDeleteI would totally pose nude when I get to my ideal weight... especially for something like Self or Vanity Fair. I would have second thoughts for something like Play Boy.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be at my ideal weight but I don't think I could ever pose nude unless I was getting a picture made for my hubby and only he would see it. And it would have to be very tasteful. And even then I'd be totally embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteI'd LOVE to win the book. Please put me in the drawing.
I kind of doubt I would be able to, but I know the closer I get to "ideal weight" the lovelier I feel. And I am able to feel better exposing more skin. The funny part about that is, when I look back on my pictures from now, going down in weight, I will probably be horrified that I thought I was 'thin' at the time. It is relative, all bearing on from where I have come.
I would not. I could not. No way!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love the book though.
No nudity for me, especially not in a magazine.
ReplyDeleteI did it. In art school. For a photography major who was doing a thesis on different body types. I wasn't at my ideal weight at all but the pictures were gorgeous and I liked the concept.
ReplyDeleteIt was terrifying at first but I had a few drinks and then I was okay. Because the pictures were so good, most of the school saw them in an exhibition but I really didn't care. It was quite liberating!
Looks like a book I might buy even if I don't win!!
I think I would do it but there are some things I would require would need to be tasteful and I also would only want it to be part of a story in a magazine that was talking about the importance of body acceptance or something along those lines.
ReplyDeleteBy the way the book sounds really good and I'm sure I would enjoy reading it. I love reading real life stories like that. I find them so inspirational. Probably the reason I like reading blogs like yours.
Define "tastefully." LOL!!!!!! If you mean cover up the girls headlights', and anything furry, then yes, I might. Not for national publication, though. LOL!
ReplyDeleteENTER ME, WOMAN! (purty please with sugar-free sprinkles on top)
You are the best! Thanks!
(p.s. I'm not blogging this morning until my contest weigh-in. LOL)
When I get to my goal weight I will be so happy I will dance naked in the frozen food section at the grocery
ReplyDeleteRandomly pick
That is TOO funny Miss Shelley! I dream of being on WNTW when I am at goal. I have even told my BF he has to write them when I am close to goal to nominate me! Hahahaha!!
ReplyDeleteYes, I would tastefully pose like that show they do the billboard of someone who is draped but nakie... I could do that
Thanks for the review and if I don't win I will add it to my "list" of books to read.
Nope, not gonna happen...even at my ideal weight. I really like your blog...thanks for keeping us all updated!
ReplyDeleteI would do it (tastefully). Heck, I would do it right now!
ReplyDeleteI figure if I tend to walk around the house nekkid, I shouldn't worry about about someone taking a photo LOL!
I'm too uptight to let loose and let it all hang out. Maybe if the photographer could hide my face I'd think about it. But really, there's not much of a market for stretched out mommy guts.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'd be able to do it no matter what I weighed.
ReplyDeleteI would totally pose nude at goal weight - in fact I've thought about having a professional photo done for my husband when all is said and done. But honestly, I would do it right now because you know what? I need to love my body no matter what my weight is.
ReplyDeleteI bought this book in hardback when it first came out, threw it on the counter and forgot I bought it.
Oh heck yeah I would! I always had a fantasy in the back of my mind: Wow I sure would give anything to be hot enough to pose for Playboy. Now it's not so much the weight, but the fact that I'm in my 40's these days!! I would settle for a bikini photo in Shape or Weight Watchers, in their success stories section!!
ReplyDeleteNo I wouldn't pose nude. There was a time when I did have a perfect weight: from childhood till I was about 25 and even back than I never wanted to do that.
ReplyDeleteI want to keep some things private and my naked body is one of them.
I posed nude when I was pregnant and got some nice pregnancy shots...I was covering up the good bits though.
ReplyDeleteI would do it again, if it was tasteful and there wasn't any nipples or.....other stuff.
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ReplyDeleteOh, no, no, no. I've had 2 kids who both were born weighing 10lbs.9oz and this was 10 years apart(with my smaller, 8lb.11oz. baby born between them). My stretch-marked, 6inch vertically scarred, c-sectioned belly would need major work to be seen by anyone but me...or hubby...or my girls...or a doctor. But nobody else.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win the book though. And I love THE Stacey London!
I don't know that I'd be comfortable enough with my body to pose nude, even at my goal weight. I have a lot of stretch marks and a lot of extra skin... and I'm not very brave. :)
ReplyDeleteThe book looks like an interesting read! I'll have to pick up a copy when the paperback comes out!
Maybe! How's that for equivocal?
ReplyDeleteWell, they do cover up all the yucky bits with magic photography. It would be depend if there was money involved. If it was simply to pose nude, I doubt I'd do it, if it was to win a hard cover book...maybe!!! You are an inspiration. I can't wait to see myself in a year.
ReplyDeletePublicly nude? No.
ReplyDeletePrivately nude? Perhaps.
i'd only do it for my husband!
ReplyDeleteI would never pose nude. I'm going to be president one day, and it would totally ruin my political career!
ReplyDeleteOK, just kidding. Nothing could make me want that job. I guess I just wouldn't pose nude because I don't think that everyone who looked at my pictures would have respect for my personhood. And I've had quite enough of people not repecting me.
Been spending my illness catching up on all my DVR'd What Not To Wear episodes. Love Stacey and Clinton! Still sick but feeling better today. Thanks so much for calling, you made my day!
If it was Valerie Frankel style - then definitely!
ReplyDeleteThat'd be a tough call. It would depend on how tasteful. I feel that even at my ideal weight I won't be 100% comfortable with stretch marks and stuff. Maybe if it were in black and white with creative posing I'd go for it.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely pose nude if I were at my ideal weight. I remember how good I used to feel about myself, it was great, I miss that!
ReplyDeletePlus I want to see if I would actually have the guts to do it in the first place!
Pffft!! Yeah, right!! lol
ReplyDeleteDue to so many loose skin issues, there is no way in the world I could ever pose nude, even if you covered up my naughty bits. I have no desire to blind the world with that horror of a sight. :)
I saw a blurb on CBS Sunday Morning about the Calendar Girls ten years later. Would I pose nude with a bunch of weight loss bloggers for charity? I'd do it right now, today. I think it would be a very body positive thing to do - if done with fun and verve.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of that book before!
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a shout out on my blog post tonight! :D
No, not even at my ideal weight. Maybe 20+ years ago, I would have, but not now. Over 40, six children, and a 40+ lb. weight loss, do not make for a nude photo op. :)
ReplyDeleteA month ago I went swimming without a shirt for the first time in my life (That I can remember)... I think that was a major step!
ReplyDeleteAs for nude... I wouldn't mind posing in muscle builder shorts when I gain muscle and loose tons of fat... but nude I could not do.
At Foolsfitness everyones nude under their clothes.-Alan
I would love to read this book! And, no, I would never pose nude!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great giveaway!
I am not sure if I would pose nude but maybe if it was done tastefully maybe.
ReplyDeleteI would love however, to read this book!
Just found your blog- congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the good work! And the answer is no.
ReplyDeleteI would, if it was for personal use, but can't imagine, at my age, anyone else would want the pics!!!
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