Two months until our Hawaii trip!
Two months to lose more weight - 10 it possible?
Two months to get rid of my "toddler tummy" - I swear, my stomach is so rounded that I look like a two-year-old in my new swimsuit...well, except for Lucy and Ethel - they are most definitely NOT toddler-sized (apologies to Gigi for borrowing this phrase!)
Two months to get the pets cared for, newspaper stopped, suitcase bought. What else am I forgetting?!?
Two months to scrape up every last nickel and dime we have in order to be able to do a few things while in Hawaii.
Two months to go on the biggest trip in our marriage since our honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta.
Two months to calm my nerves (Really Shelley, you're nervous? Hah! Couldn't tell!)
We finally booked our trip - the one that my parents so generously gave us the money for in June as our 25th wedding anniversary gift. Let me tell you, this was one of the more difficult things I have ever done - there are so many choices and options and deals that my head was spinning trying to figure everything out! You could spend a month going back and forth on all the different websites - we spent close to a week, and it was crazy. Just when I thought we had it set, another option came up...and of course we had to explore it. We ended up booking our trip from Texas to Maui via Portland, Oregon - yes it sounds loco but we are going to fly there and spend a few days visiting my parents, and then fly to Maui. Of course, it will be cool (hopefully not cold) in Oregon in mid-October, so I will look slightly schizo packing jeans and hiking boots along with a swimsuit, sandals and a couple of sundresses! Luckily for me, with all the weight that I've lost I can now borrow a jacket or fleece from my mom so I don't have to pack them - how cool is that?
One thing that I am excited about is that we were able to get the breakfast buffet with our hotel reservation. I am really looking forward to all of the delicious fresh fruits - and what a treat - they will be cut up and prepared and I don't have to do anything except fill my plate - woohoo! I figure we can eat a good breakfast, making sure to get some protein and whole grains in, and hopefully that will hold us so that we can get by with a very light snack for lunch, and then for dinner we can split most of our meals - the restaurant portions are usually so large that we end up doing this now. With our limited budget, we will probably end up losing weight while on vacation!
OK. I am going to do some cardio and some ab crunches now...lots of calories to burn off in the next two months!
I have never been to Hawaii but would love to go someday. So very beautiful...
ReplyDeleteI agree about the fresh fruit. The best fruit is close to where it was grown. The ultimate is fruit I don't have to prepare myself!
I can't figure out why you'd be nervous. Huh?
I get why you're nervous, 'cuz I would be, too. If I fretted so over a printer, I can't imagine fretting over a vacation! You are going tohave so much fun! What a lovely gift from your parents! Woo-hoo!
ReplyDeleteShelley, I was just looking at your bike pictures again. It is just amazing what a difference a year're so cute and sexy in the June picture! You are going to have so much fun and energy in Hawaii!!!
Yay! Congrats!
(and I hear you on the fruit preparation!)
Hawaiian THAT is something to look forward to. As for your 10 pound goal, you can definitely do it!
ReplyDeleteShelley, your Hawaii trip sounds just fantastic - what a terrific way to celebrate your 25th wedding anniversary and a year of commitment to your health!
ReplyDeleteI'm betting that you make your goal of losing another 10 lbs before the trip easily - your great food choices and tons of exercise will definitely do the trick. BTW, what "toddler tummy" . . . I see no such thing in your pics :)
Hawaii - what fun! Make sure you eat lots of pineapple there LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh I love Maui! I lived on Oahu for 3 years, but went to Maui every chance I got. You have to go to Hana and hike across Haleakala for me. That has always been my dream for when I am fit-ter! I am so jealous! You will have a great time. Maui is an excellent choice!
ReplyDeleteSoooooooooo jealous....but sooooooooooooo happy for you! I know you'll have a terrific time...and I'm bet you're just thrilled that you've lost so much weight before you went on a dream vacation like that...totally awesome!! 10 more lbs? Just a walk in the park. :)
ReplyDeleteOh Hawaii! You will have the time of your life - it is SO beautiful there. We went on our honeymoon and have great memories of it. Not only lots of fresh fruit but we loaded up on sushi too.
ReplyDeleteYou only forgot one thing - finding a suitcase big enough to fit me in it. And you will probably burn off 10 pounds just being so excited!
That sounds like a GREAT trip you have planned, especially the breakfast buffet! How exciting :)
ReplyDeleteYou look great in your new bike picture, BTW. Congrats on the amazing new body and lifestyle!
This is going to be a great holiday for you Shelley! It's really something wonderful to look forward to and to workout for!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the pre-holiday fun!
Oh, that is oh-so-exciting!!!
ReplyDeleteWe kept debating back and forth on Hawaii v. a Mediterranean cruise for our anniversary next year (we never went on an actual honeymoon) and I *think* we've picked the cruise...but until we actually book it, we'll keep debating!
So now you have to spill all the details - what island? What hotel? How long? What excursions you're doing?
wait. is something happening in 60 days?
ReplyDeleteI cant shake the sense that there might be...
Relax! Don't be nervous, be excited for this trip!
ReplyDeleteMy son lives in Maikiki near Waikiki on Oahu. You going there?
ReplyDeleteFun! we want more details. I use to live on Maui and it's a beautiful place to be.