No Exercise & No Dieting.
I just have a lot going on right now with getting Max ready to leave for UNT next Friday. We started the GREAT SHOP OF '08 Friday at 5:30 pm and continued all weekend...Target, we have cleaned you out!!! (Not to mention Kohls, Old Navy and TJ Maxx). I know that normally I would be purchasing socks, shoes, some clothes and also school supplies, but not to this extent, and also add in all toiletries, not to mention toilet paper, light bulbs, batteries, towels, bedding...we worked off a list but my head is still spinning! I *think* we are just about finished, and now I have to go get his birthday gifts! Well, you can't say that I have not contributed to the economy this August, that's for sure!
So I finally got back on Weefee this morning and did 45 minutes - it had been five days since I had used it and "reminded" me that exercise is best on a daily basis...LOL. The weather has been too funky to ride Ipoholo, and we are supposed to get rain and a tropical storm tomorrow, so poor Ipoholo will probably have to stay in the garage. At least I have Weefee...oh, and a cute new pair of exercise capris in size XL from Old Navy - it's been a long time since I have been able to wear anything from Old Navy, and I love seeing a "normal" size in my closet!
I have eaten out a couple of times this weekend, and while I didn't overindulge, I certainly wasn't dieting. I am pretty sure I won't gain weight, but I know I won't be losing any, either. Oh well, it was fun, and it's good to practice restraining myself (i.e. not eating the bread at Carinos, and giving Jeff most of the garlic toast panini that came with my salad) so that I can maintain my weight when I'm done losing.
This is going to be a crazy month, what with taking Max to Pyro for dinner on Wednesday, a baby shower/dinner on Friday, Max's early birthday dinner on the 15th, and Jeff and my mini-vacation in Ft. Worth that Saturday and Sunday (hello, Saltgrass Steakhouse!) before helping Max move into his dorm room on the 18th. I think that knowing what lies ahead will help me plan so I don't go insane - my strategy will be "As Long As I Don't Gain, I'm Good" for most of August. Exercise and moderation are the keys (repeat as needed).
Be sure you think of basic daily exercise as something to prioritize the same way you always make time to sleep, brush your teeth and eat something. Treat exercise like a basic human/body functional need, even if it's not something long or formal. Like with the other items, the only time you don't likely eat, sleep or brush your teeth is when you're really sick. Exercise should be the same way; always at least do some EVERY day, except if/when you're really ill.