
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Quick Surgery Update

I'm alive!  Just a quick update but I wanted to drop in and let you all know that surgery went well, the surgeon told Jeff that it was great which, yay.  More about all of this another day.
Before - not nervous, can you believe it?
After, in recovery one.  Yes there was a two.


  1. Thank you for popping in! I was thinking about you on Monday. Glad to see you're still in one piece :) I hope you're feeling good and your recovery is going well!

  2. Glad you checked in for us to know you are alive and well! Rest up and heal!!!

  3. I'm glad you're ok!! I really hope this has done it and your back gets back to normal! :)

  4. Thank you for the update. I hope your recovery continues to go well.

  5. Perfect to see pictures of you smiling!

  6. I'm sure you weren't nervous because you were relieved to be getting a solution to months of agony! Here's to fast and furious healing.

  7. Yay, thanks for updating us!!! Heal up!!!!

  8. Good deal!! Glad you are on your way to recovering!!

  9. Hope recovery goes well! Thank you for keeping us updated. Sending you prayers and positive thoughts that this helps!!!

  10. Yay for great surgery! And of course you weren't nervous - you save that for running races, right? LOL Glad to hear everything went okay and am looking forward to the next update with gory details!

  11. Wow, you look great for going into surgery. Now let the healing begin.

  12. Glad all went well! Hope you are well on the road to recovery!

  13. Glad your surgery went well! I hope you heal up quickly and recover fast.


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