
Monday, December 18, 2017

Martha's Bloomers, Round Two

One last post about another adventure that Barbara and I had while she was here visiting:  we went to Martha's Bloomers, which is a nursery/cafe/gift shop about 30 minutes south of town.  She and I like to go to nurseries when I'm visiting her in California, and to be honest, there are a lot more of them out there than here in Texas.  But, this one is nice, so after I got my Saturday run in and we spent time at Blue Baker, we came home, I got cleaned up, and off we went.

First things first - we had a late lunch in the tea room:
Tea and mini scones with a lovely view.  Every once in a while I get a reminder of how long I've lived in Texas by what Barbara notices that I don't - for example, while we were eating, she was listening to two women at the table next to us, and eventually Barbara asked "am I hearing  a conversation about protein in horse feed?" - why yes, yes you are.  Welcome to Texas...
This is a common way we shop - we take pictures (with price tag showing) of something we consider but don't purchase, just in case later on we might want to go back and get it.  "You know, those pots were pretty cute, how much were they again?" and then we'd hop in the car and go buy them.  In this case, they were very cute but I'm still thinking about buying them...
Same crate where I dug through to find the mini pots to bring home last June, only a little more creepy and snake-eggy now.
We also had to take a doorway picture...
This was my first attempt.  Set the timer on the camera but forgot to turn it around.  So now you can see the rock it was sitting on, LOL.
Then Barbara took her big camera out to shoot the giant teapot in front of the property.
While I entertained myself taking pictures using the portrait setting on my new phone.
As well as taking sweaty selfies - seriously, it was in the mid-80s that November day!
Have I mentioned that we've been friends for 40 - yes, FORTY - years now?  Obviously we met as tiny children.  OK, high schoolers, but still...hard to believe we have that many years of friendship under our belts!
We wandered around the garden center a little more, attempting to get some decent pictures of the butterflies - this was the best I could do.
This little chameleon held still longer so I got a better shot of him.

We bought a few little things and Barbara treated me to a couple of mini pepper plants - she also planted them for me in the pot with our purple pepper plant, for a gorgeous burst of color:
Over six weeks later, this still looks so pretty!

Once again, it was another fun day spent with my best friend; thanks for letting me share it with you!


  1. One of my dearest friends, from those kayaking pictures, has been my friend for 40 years as well! Isn't it fun how you can just pick up where you left off?

    1. That's exactly what happens, we literally pick up a conversation from ages ago!

  2. I would so love that place, I bet. Glad you two can spend time together. Friendships like that are priceless.

    1. You would definitely enjoy wandering around M. Bloomers. :)

  3. What a fun adventure together! And now you can think of her when you see the mini pepper plants!

  4. So, the nursery has a tea room? That's the first I've ever heard of that. You guys had what my mom calls a "Making a Memory" day. Best friends, best ever.

    1. Oh yes - it's really pretty! When (WHEN) you come out here, we'll have to go.

  5. What a fun place to visit! I don't think I knew you had chameleons running wild in your part of the world. I like those pretty mini pots, but yeah, the price would keep me thinking for a while :)

    1. Honestly, I call anything that changes color a chameleon, regardless of what it might actually be, LOL! Something that can do that deserves a fancy name. ;)

  6. What a beautiful place! I’m so glad y’all ejjoyed your time together!!

  7. I am missing something. I am reading this on my phone (small screen), but enlarged that one picture and still can't see where the huge teapot is. It's like playing Where's Waldo..haha

    1. It's the white object on the far left side of the picture - wish I had the full-on shot, but that is on the memory card of Barbara's camera.

  8. I have a friend also for over 40 years. I am lucky that she lives close by.


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