
Wednesday, October 18, 2017


We had a repeat of our 6 mile route on Saturday - hey, if it worked once, why not do it again, right?  The weather was pretty crummy - in the low 70s with heavy fog...seriously, my hair was so wet after the run that I had to squeeze out the water!  We really should have classified that run as more of a swim through the fog.  Except for the trying conditions, the run went well.  Diane and I ran with Cary - this was her first long run after having Logan and she ran 6 miles at 6 weeks postpartum!  I wasn't a runner when I had my babies, but I don't think I would have been there so soon, regardless.  We had a great time chatting about all kinds of things as we powered through the thick, damp air; and honestly, before I knew it, we had made our last turn and were headed toward the clubhouse, so the power of distraction by both talking and playing music worked really well.

Afterward, we sat around for a while, cooling down and watching our latest form of entertainment - baby Logan and all of his adorable facial expressions.  Ah babies...they are so fun!  Eventually we all changed into dry clothes and went to Blue Baker, where for the first time in forever, there wasn't a loaf of ciabatta bread or any other treats waiting for us!  What the heck?!  We laughed at ourselves - they can give us free food 99% of the time, but as soon as they don't, we immediately forget about all the treats and then feign indignation.  No worries, we still love Blue Baker - it's our version of Cheers.  And we'll keep going back, free food or not.


Stranger danger really happened on our run last week.  Jeff, Diane, and I were doing one of our standard weekday runs in our neighborhood, when Diane suddenly looked beyond me and Jeff and yelled out very forcefully "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" and I turned to see a man crouched down running full on across his lawn right toward us!  It was frightening - and then I saw a puff of fur and realized that he was chasing his small dog, who I guess had seen us running by and took off after us.  My heart rate went from about a million beats per minute back down to a more normal rate once I understood that we weren't in imminent danger of being attacked, but that was quite scary in the moment.

I was really impressed with how Diane instantly went into her self-defense mode.  We all took a self-defense class three years ago; I came across my booklet from the class recently and looked through it, and wondered if I'd remember to do what is recommended in situations like that.  Diane did exactly what she should have, which is to confront the attacker.  Luckily, he really wasn't an attacker, but he certainly looked like it in the split-second that we saw him running at us, and while you'd think someone would be crazy to try and attack three people, in this day and age?  You never can be too sure, unfortunately.


This week I took a rest day on Monday, because I ran 6 miles on Saturday and then did a 5K fun run on Sunday and my legs were pretty tired.  Sure, I could have powered through my usual 4 mile walk with Cary, but at that point I don't think I would have gotten any benefit from it (other than the mental benefit that comes with chatting with a friend).  There comes a time when you have to know your body and give it what it needs, and sometimes, it just needs a little break.  I was back to running yesterday and thanks to a beautiful crisp, cool morning, my run felt fantastic.  Ahhh fall weather - please stick around?


  1. So glad the "stranger danger" turned into a false alarm! In these creepy times it's hard not to get a little paranoid.

    And hooray for you for continuing the long runs regardless of weather and turning it into a fun get-together! We had some of that weird hot fog a few weeks ago, which I griped about. But now it's getting cold and I kinda miss it! :)

    1. Paranoid, indeed - you really never know what's going through someone's mind...

  2. Running in the pitch black dark is such a tenuous thing because you have to keep your senses hightened. There have been occasions where I've gone out and can't shake a creepy feeling so I turn around and go home to the treadmill. I do have to say I had a chuckle thinking the guy was probably saying, "I wish they'd shut up so I can catch my dog!" Hahaha! Really glad it was nothing serious.

    1. You know, I've turned around more than once during a run in the daytime, when I felt too alone in a remote area of the park where I used to run. Gut instinct is a real thing!

  3. Glad everything turned out OK for you guys on that run!

  4. Way to go Diane for remembering her training! Those split second decisions can be the difference maker. Luckily it wasn't a bad situation there.

  5. Oh man, my adrenaline was shooting up as you were telling that story!! So glad it turned out to be nothing, but like you said, you can never be too sure nowadays.

  6. Glad you are safe and that it was just a little dog out for his morning get away.

    And Cary is a super mom, 6 weeks and back at 6 mile runs. That's awesome.

    1. "morning get away" - LOL.

      Yep, Cary is doing so well with getting right back into running!

  7. Wow, that was VERY scary with that man!! I don't know if I'd remember and/or have the nerve to forcefully confront anyone!

    Your exercise program is very ambitious right now. Very good that you listened to what you need and took a rest day!

    1. I'm glad Diane remembered, but I still question whether I would, in the moment. Hopefully I won't have to find out!

  8. Oh man! That would have scared me! Good job Diane!

    And good job Cary, on her first run back!

    I am always happy to hear when you get a cool fall day!!!! And I agree that knowing when to rest is so important!

  9. I see weird people and stuff all the time on my runs--I really need a self-defense refresher course! Glad it turned out to be nothing.

  10. I would have FREAKED OUT if I had seen that guy running toward me like that! Good thing you noticed the dog before anyone got tackled :) I've taken self-defense a few times, including a full semester in college, but still have no idea if I would remember those skills if I needed them. It's good that Diane did!

    Since I mostly run by myself, with music, often in the woods (so the trifecta of dangerous running situations), I get spooked pretty easily if I'm in a good running groove. The other day a leaf fell on me and totally startled me.


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