Friday, July 13, 2018

FMM - Huh?

When we were in Waco last month, we saw a couple of things that made both Jeff and I go huh?  So of course I have to share them with you.

First up, did you know that Beverly Hills is just outside of Waco?  I did not, but here you go:
I mean, that area just screams Beverly Hills...

The second thing was located next to Magnolia Table, and it brought back a conversation I had with Diane a couple of years ago, when she was telling me how her entire family was converging on Waco to meet up (it's an equal distance from where all of her sons live), and they were going to health camp and I was all, wait, you're going to a health camp?  There's a health camp in Waco?  Why are all of you going there - I though you were just meeting up for lunch?  It became a sort of "who's on first" routine with us as she kept saying no, health camp, they have shakes and things and I was all healthy shakes?  We never got that conversation resolved, and I didn't understand it until I saw this:
OH!  Now I see.  It's ironic.  Did not get that until now.

I was glad to have that mystery finally solved.  Also, see that dark sky?  That's what we drove through, and that's what kept us cool.  Thankfully it stayed west of us for the rest of the trip. 


The rest of these pictures are just too good not to share, even though there's no huh about them.  First, Jeff has officially retired from his job, and his career.  He's taking a week off and then will begin a new job working with a local non-profit agency, doing things that are completely different from what he did in his career.  The job is low stress, and the hours are 9 - 5, which is wild for him.  He is really excited about doing something that makes a difference, and it's wonderful that the job opportunity came up as he was considering retiring last fall.  Everything worked out nicely!
This is the face of a man who is three minutes into his retirement...and of course, his trusty dog, who had to pose for the picture.

Logan and his Gammy:
Are you taking ANOTHER picture of me, lady??  Gee whiz, let a boy eat his pancakes in peace! 


Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats again to Jeff! I guess he can't sit still for long, but at least he found something that is way less stressful and hopefully very rewarding.

  2. I did not know about Beverly Hills and I lived fairly close to Waco! Health Camp—wish I had known about that when we went to the dog shows in Waco. But maybe it wasn’t there 38 years ago. It sounds so weird saying that. Jeff looks so relaxed. But only one week off? He’s ambitious!

    1. Maybe we'll have to take a trip to Health Camp next time you come for a visit!

  3. Haha that is ironic that the burger and shake place is called Health Camp!

    Well there is a Hollywood in Florida so why not have a Beverly Hills in Texas!!

  4. Congratulations to Jeff! May he enjoy his relative retirement, being as how he'll still be working LOL Hope his new position is a good fit!

  5. 3 weeks into retirement, hahahahaha. I hope you document Jeff like a newborn, 1 Month, 2 Months. His retirement didn’t last long, but hope this new new adveture for him is fun and rewarding.

  6. I want to go to Health Camp! Ha!

    Yay! I am so so so glad for Jeff. Look at that smile! I love it!

    Look at that tiny pancake! Come on Logan, you know you want it! :)

    Have a great weekend, too!

    1. We should have a blogger meet up at Health Camp - the ultimate in irony, LOL!

  7. Woo Hoo Congrats to Jeff! How exciting to be on a new path. And damn that sky looked really scary!

    1. We see that sky quite often when it storms, but not usually when we're having to be out driving through it - yikes!

  8. Yay to the official retirement!!!!

    I would have been so with you on the health camp confusion if I hadn’t seen the picture!!!

  9. Too funny but that is tx for ya.


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